1. カメラ
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家族写真に最適なカメラは? [レビューと購入ガイド]


さらに、さまざまな主要なカメラ メーカーからの 4 つの完全に価値のある選択肢を検討しました。



ベスト オーバーオールSony Alpha A6100 ミラーレス カメラ、16-50mm ズーム レンズ、ブラック (ILCE6100L/B) (更新済み)
  • 世界最速のオートフォーカス
  • 24.2 メガピクセル
  • 高い射撃率 - まばたきを避ける!
  • 人間と動物のアイトラッキング
価格を確認 次点ニコン D750 24-120mm レンズ付き
  • フルフレーム 24.3 メガピクセル
  • フル HD 60/50/30/25/24p ビデオ
  • WiFi内蔵
  • 最大 6.5 fps で撮影
価格を確認 優れた代替Fujifilm X-T30 II XF18-55mm キット - シルバー
  • 驚愕の画質
  • 4K ビデオ
  • マイクとヘッドフォンのポート
  • タイムラプス録画

トップ 3

ソニー a6100 – ほとんどの家族に最適

ニコン D750 – 私たちのトップ DSLR ピック

富士フイルム X-T30 II – ミラーレス マーベル


ソニー A7III – プロのオプション

ソニー サイバーショット DSC-RX100 VII – ベスト コンパクト

家族写真に最適なカメラ – レビュー リスト



これ以上苦労することはありません… これが家族写真用の最高のカメラです。

ソニー a6100


Sony Alpha a6100 は、間違いなく、家族写真に最適です。他のアルファ ラインアップ製品はいくつかの領域でそれを上回っていますが、最も重要な機能はすべてそこにあります.


Sony a6100 は、クラスをリードするオートフォーカス システムのおかげで、顔をピンシャープに保つことに優れています。遊びや不規則な動きが関係している場合でも、専門的に照らされていない状況でも.

好きなだけ細かくすることも、自動モードにして楽しむこともできます。さらに、a6100 ミラーレス カメラは、ビデオも十分に撮影できます。

優れた被写体追跡と驚くほど高速な AF のおかげで、あなたやあなたの愛する人が投げかけたものを簡単に捉えることができます。

旅の相棒としても、YouTube のメイン カメラとしても簡単に使用できます。痛みのないハイショットとローショットのための傾斜した関節式スクリーンもあります。


それでも、Alpha a6100 は、ほとんどの条件で、思い出に残るシャープで鮮やかな家族写真や、プロ並みの写真を完全に撮影できます。



  • 超高速オートフォーカスとトラッキング
  • 電池寿命が長い
  • 機能豊富でありながらコンパクト
  • 使いやすい


  • ビデオ モードでの IBIS (ボディ内手振れ補正) の欠如
  • LCD と EVF は過度に高解像度ではありません
  • かなり悪いローリング シャッター
  • やや不格好なメニュー システム

ニコン D750


驚異的な画質と快適さが家族写真の主な目的である場合は、ニコン D750 フルフレーム デジタル カメラを検討するのが賢明です。

新品で約 1,500 ドルですが、再生品や特別価格で入手できます。 Amazonのような正規販売店から合法的な(グレーマーケットではない)バージョンを入手してください.

性能に関しては、D750 は期待を裏切りません。バッテリーの定格は 1230 ショット (基本的には終日) で、オートフォーカスは暗闇でも魅力的に機能します。

カードに障害が発生した場合の冗長性を確保するためのデュアル カード スロットや、印象的なビデオ機能など、プロ向けの属性もあります。


これにより、Nikon/Nikkor ガラスの広大なエコシステムが開かれ、ビンテージ レンズに伴う節約が可能になります。機能を犠牲にすることなく、オートフォーカスを行い、独自のキャラクターを提供できます。


明らかに、それはデジタル一眼レフであるため、そのボディはかなり大きくてかさばり、ほぼ 30 オンスです。

また、特に D750 が 2014 年に最初にリリースされたことを考えると、値札は一部の人にとってはオフになる可能性があります。



  • デュアル カード スロット
  • 優れたバッテリー寿命
  • ヘッドフォンとマイクの入力
  • 野蛮なバースト速度
  • 暗闇でも優れたオートフォーカス
  • 素晴らしい快適さ、深いグリップ力
  • ビデオ中のスムーズな絞り変更
  • 内蔵フォーカス モーターにより、手動ガラス上での AF が可能
  • 優れた ISO パフォーマンス


  • 使用するレンズによっては、ライブビューで AF が遅くなる
  • 最高シャッター速度は 1/4000 秒でピーク
  • デフォルトの画像設定は少し厳しい
  • アンチエイリアシング フィルタが弱いため、モアレが発生する可能性があります
  • デジタル一眼レフなので、ややかさばって重いです

富士フイルム X-T30 II



確かに、この X-T30 の 2 番目と最新のイテレーションの感触と美学は主観的なものです。それでも、クリーンな工業デザインは過去への明らかなうなずきであり、多くの人 (私自身を含む) はその外観と触覚が非常に魅力的であると感じています.

外見は別として、Fuji X-T30 II 内の 26 メガピクセル CMOS センサーからの画像は息を呑むほどです。

富士フイルムは、アルバムに値するカメラから直接 JPEG を作成することで有名ですが、選択色などの新しいフィルターが追加されました。

ポートレートを含む家族写真の場合、カメラは顔検出フォーカシング、超高速電子シャッター速度、USB 経由の充電、および新しい関節式スクリーンを提供します。

適度にコンパクトなフォームファクターを維持しながら、X-T4 の DNA の多くを継承しています。

カメラはあなたの延長のように感じられるべきです。 X-T30 II はまさにそれを行い、その過程で素晴らしい家族写真を撮影します。

ただし、完璧なカメラはなく、X-T 30 II も例外ではありません。まず第一に、バッテリーの寿命はあまり良くなく、約 380 ショットしかありません。


オリジナルの X-T30 をすでにお持ちの場合、バージョン II にアップグレードする価値はほとんどありません。



その場合は、元の予備のバッテリーをいくつか用意することを忘れないでください。 OEM セルと模造品セルの違いは、時間の経過とともに明らかになります。

最後に、Fuji のレンズ ラインナップは完全ではないことに注意してください。 CanonやNikonと同じくらい包括的です。

それにもかかわらず、範囲全体をカバーするのに十分なガラスがあります。また、X-T30 II にオプションで同梱される標準キット レンズは、他のメーカーの同様の製品の多くよりも優れた性能を発揮します。


  • JPEG でも驚異的な画質
  • 4K ビデオ
  • マイクとヘッドフォンのポート
  • 内蔵 EVF
  • タイムラプス録画
  • 顔検出フォーカス
  • ゴージャスな美学
  • 軽量で快適


  • 手ぶれ補正なし
  • 電池寿命が短い
  • X-T30 からアップグレードする価値はまったくない

ソニー A7III



In fact, the A7III has taken it up a notch from its predecessor, making it a capable camera for weddings and sports.

Like the Nikon D750 on this list, the Sony Alpha a7III features dual card slots, one of the hallmarks of a genuinely professional-oriented body. And despite being mirrorless, it has approximately double the battery life of the Fuji.

There is also an impressive 10 frames per second burst rate that allows capturing anything from erratic kids to pets on the move.

To sum it up, the a7III is a capable, high-specced camera that excels at family photography—and easily doubles as a reliable wedding or sports shooter.

But with those impressive features and specifications comes an equally remarkable price tag of nearly 2,000 US dollars (body only). All things considered, the cost is justifiable but might be prohibitive to some buyers.

Also, in all honesty, it’s not the most intuitive camera in the world to operate, although the performance and auto-mode redeem it to a large extent.

If you appreciate good video quality, the A7III delivers in spades. The oversampled 4K footage is exceptionally detailed, and the colors are natural yet vibrant.

You get to decide between cropped 4K slow-motion vs. full-sensor readout. The latter is free from line skipping or pixel binning. In short, it’s a viable choice for the working pro – with or without a family.

What we love about it

  • Sharp portraits in a breeze, thanks to top-notch AF
  • Impressive battery life
  • Relatively compact and unobtrusive
  • Excellent full-auto mode lets anyone take great photos
  • Dual card slots for practically zero risk of corrupted files
  • Fantastic color reproduction, including skin tones
  • USB 充電
  • WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity
  • 10 fps burst mode 
  • Detailed, oversampled 4K video
  • Decent rolling shutter

What could be better

  • Tilting screen not fully articulating
  • Compatible FE lenses are pricey and/or bulky
  • Slightly laggy wake/sleep and controls
  • Out of camera JPEGs come out tinted
  • Lack of solid weather sealing
  • Somewhat expensive at nearly $2000  

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 VII

Check Price

The last, by far the smallest, but by no means the worst camera you should strongly consider for your family photography, would be the RX100 VII.

Being the most recent member of the hugely popular RX100 series, it gets the most things right. Most crucially, the autofocus is reliable and sticky, allowing for effortless, sharp family photos, whether for the diary or the archive.

Is your little one learning to walk or ride the bike? Are you taking a family portrait? Or perhaps documenting mom’s birthday? No matter what, the RX100 VII got you covered.

Furthermore, since it literally fits in any pocket or purse, there is no excuse to not bring it everywhere you go.

For that reason, the camera doubles as the perfect candid street tool. Also, it lets you always be ready for anything when surrounded by your loved ones.

The tilted screen lets you click away unnoticed, whether it be in the alleys or in your living room, trying to crystalize that fleeting moment without distracting your subject.

There is also a mobile app that works great along with the camera’s wireless connectivity.

And, most shockingly, Sony somehow managed to squeeze a microphone input in there (what?!) Yes, you read that right. There is a standard-sized mic jack.

If only the dollar price of the RX100 II was as minuscule as its physical dimensions. Then, it would’ve easily been at the very top of this list as the best camera for family photography.

However, with an asking price of well above 1,000 bucks, it’s by no means a cheap camera. And if you happen to have large hands and full fingers, you’ll probably find it too fiddly to operate.

The dense, somewhat unintuitive menu system doesn’t help the case (please, Sony, overhaul and simplify your menus…). Thankfully, there is a robust, fully automatic mode. Not to forget the button customization options to help you easier harness and apply the camera’s potential.

To end it off on a positive note, this latest RX100 is, truthfully, quite a beast. There is even a totally decent 4K video mode, built-in image stabilization, and a respectable Zeiss zoom lens.

The relatively large sensor, combined with a maximum aperture of f/2.8 (widest setting), ensures plenty of light in dimly lit scenes. For such a tiny, punchy package, it’s hard to complain about the performance vs. price at all.

Our biggest gripes would be the lack of a built-in ND filter, hot/cold shoe mount, and the slippery body. Although, the slipperiness can be improved through third-party accessories.

The mere thought of letting an RX100 VII slip out of hand and onto the pavement – or worse – the bottom of the ocean, evokes shallow breathing. But with a 10 dollar wrist-strap and perhaps a rubbery grip, I wouldn’t worry too much. Especially not with the all-metal chassis, withstanding most daily abuse you might throw its way.

What we love about it

  • Industry-leading autofocus
  • Microphone input (!)
  • Tiny, pocketable form factor
  • 4K with near-zero rolling shutter
  • Impressive JPEGs straight out of the camera
  • Built-in intervalometer 
  • Reassuring build quality
  • Flexible, built-in zoom lens

What could be better

  • Needlessly complicated UI
  • No built-in ND filter as on some earlier versions
  • No shoe mount for a microphone
  • Questionable out-of-the-box settings
  • Steep asking price, despite savage specs

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions 


What Are The Most Crucial Features In a Camera for Family Photography?

You should check for these features:autofocus, versatility, ease of use, image quality, and video capabilities.

It could matter less how many Megapixels, fancy stabilization features, and card slots a given camera has.

If it can’t focus on a human face quickly and reliably, then it’s hardly qualified for family photography. It doesn’t matter how many esoteric features it might else have.

Therefore, we deem good autofocus the prime aspect to consider in your new camera.

Although favorite people, pets, our own faces, and food are the most photographed objects in our lives, many of us enjoy other types of photography, too.

Whether travel, landscape, or street, solid crossover abilities are always a big plus to weigh in before dialing in your credit card number.

Suppose you also have a profound interest in landscapes or professional portraits? Then, you might turn your family camera into a money-earning asset as a side-gig.

Let’s be honest; even the most sophisticated camera in the world is not much fun to use again and again unless it’s inviting and intuitive.

A simple user interface, tactile controls, and a robust auto mode are essential attributes to be mindful of. If you’ve ever asked a stranger to take a photo while on vacation, you know precisely why.

Image Quality
On the contrary, the end result should be pleasing to the eye. We want to appreciate it in years and decades to come.

Of course, a photo is better than no photo—but stunning image quality means you can print the pictures for the family album or as gifts. Also, some cameras capture more natural colors and skin tones than others.

Sony’s color science tends to win in blind tests, although Fuji offers quite satisfying results, including convincing film emulations and creative in-camera filters.

Video Capabilities
Video hasn’t yet killed the photography start—and probably won’t soon. Nevertheless, a crisp 4K video mode adds two extra dimensions:time and sound.

It also enables you to participate in the creator economy, as everybody and their grandmother have a podcast or a YouTube channel those days.

Some highly successful channels are, in fact, based around one given family. In other words, the only thing keeping you from becoming a video maker is just going ahead and pressing that record button.

Is Mirrorless or DSLR Best for Family Photography?

The difference between DSLR and mirrorless fundamentally comes down to marketing.

Technically, there is a slight difference in the construction and thus size. But there is no real difference to speak of as far as performance. Instead, make a shortlist of the most critical features, and don’t let the mirrorless vs. DSLR debate impact your buying decision.

Aside from usually somewhat lower battery life and a slight lag on sleep/wake, mirrorless bodies tend to perform every bit as well as DSLRs in recent times.

What Is The Best Lens for Family Photography?

Truthfully, it depends. If taking a group photo of the entire family, you want to go short. Anything between 12mm and 35mm should do the trick.

If instead, you’re trying to create a portrait with good subject separation, then 50mm or higher is a better fit.

Aside from focal range, consider features like stabilization (x stops of extra light) and zoom vs. prime. Then, the number of aperture blades, the feel of the focus ring, and of course optical quality, all impact lens choices.

Check if the lens has quick autofocus or if it’s weather-sealed (depending on your needs).

How to Take Better Family Portraits On My Smartphone?

Mobile phones have come a long way, now featuring multiple cameras, intelligent background blur, sticky autofocus, and much more.

If you’d like to take your mobile photos to a whole other level, then there are several things you could do.

Raw Photo Apps
Get an app that captures raw files. Spectre, Halide, and Lightroom are just some of the choices. Check your Google Play or App Store for ‘raw photo’ and scan the reviews for the best option for you.
By the way, the iPhone can now capture in Apple’s proprietary HEIC format (better quality, less compatibility).

Practice, Learn, and Practice Some More
File formats aside, it mostly boils down to skill. Lighting, timing, and composition are where it’s at.

Make sure to use natural light well, and don’t let trees or signposts stick out of peoples’ heads, and you’re well on your way.

Also, be mindful of flattering angles and capturing just enough of the scene to tell the story—without including too much unessential fluff.
Time It
Did you know that all camera apps include a timer feature, including the built-in, stock ones?

In a nutshell, you choose how long the timer counts, release the shutter, and once it reaches 0, the phone takes a picture.

Push The Button
Bonus tip: There is usually a hardware button associated with the mobile phone shutter release. On an iPhone, this would be the Volume rocker.

This makes things a helluva lot easier, particularly in Landscape mode, while keeping the screen free to compose the shot.
Know Your Camera App Well
Your stock camera app can probably do more than you would think. For example, you can tap to focus, swipe to adjust exposure, or long hold to lock it.

Knowing those little hacks will surely improve the quality of your family pics, especially if the auto mode gets it wrong for once.

What Accessories Can Make My Family Photos Even Better?

Once you nail the basics of lighting and composition, it might make sense to use accessories like a compact LED or circle light to enhance the image quality.

Getting an inexpensive shutter release remote can enable group photos with yourself included in the frame.

Many mobile apps nowadays allow remote control of the current cameras—including but not limited to changing settings and taking pictures.

Lastly, a Speedlight, aka Speedlite, can help illuminate a subject and soften shadows on a bright day. Bounce it off a white ceiling for a softer, more natural look.


To sum it up, the Sony Alpha a6100 is, in our opinion, the best camera for family photography. You also have our top four highly competent alternatives, depending on your budget, needs, and other photographic interests.

Lastly, you’ve now learned the most impactful ways to improve your family photos – including free tricks + handy, inexpensive accessories.