掃除をしてくれる 9 つの家庭用ガジェット
きれいな家を維持することは、一人の仕事であってはなりません。誰もが助けに値します。ありがたいことに、市場には新しいクリーニング ガジェットがあり、それぞれが生活を少し楽にするように設計されています。お気に入りのトップ 9 を見てみましょう。
窓を掃除するのが好きな人はいません。それは時間のかかるプロセスであり、どういうわけか、ウィンドウは常に筋状の仕上がりになります.窓掃除ロボットを使えば、ボタンを押すだけできれいな窓を手に入れることができます。ロボットは小型で、さまざまなウィンドウ サイズに適応できます。洗えるマイクロファイバーパッドが付いているので、窓を傷から守ります。
アレルギーは楽しいものではありません。特に自宅で仕事をしている場合は、花粉、ほこり、フケが 1 日を台無しにしてしまいます。 Alen BreatheSmartは、アレルギーの季節だけでなく、一年中きれいな空気のために必要です. HEPA フィルターは空気中の粒子を 99% 捕らえ、呼吸を楽にします。このアプライアンスは、30 分ごとに大きな部屋を静かに掃除します。あなたの副鼻腔はあなたに感謝します。
S6 は Roborock の最新モデルで、驚くほど機能して家を真っ白に保ちます。この特定のモデルは次の場合に最適です:
Having a Roborock vacuum is like having your very own housekeeper for your floors. The Roborock S6 has powerful suction and whisper-quiet technology. The bristles are gentle enough for delicate tiles and powerful enough to remove stubborn dirt. A long battery life ensures a beautiful clean each time. Vacuuming and mopping the floors take so much time to complete; the Roborock S6 handles the toughest chores on its own and gives you time to relax.
6. Toilet Bowl Cleaner
The Fluidmaster Toilet Cleaning System relieves you from one of the most unpleasant household chores in your bathroom. The Fluidmaster has several benefits:
<オール>The Fluidmaster attaches inside the tank and sends chlorinated water directly into the toilet bowl. Your toilet stays clean and your only job is to replace the cleaning cartridge every three months. That’s a bathroom chore we can all get behind.
7. A Microwave Cleaner
Add some fun to your cleaning routine with the Topist Angry Mama Microwave Cleaner. This little mother channels her anger in the most productive way:by using steam to soften the hard stains in your microwave. This gadget is wonderful because there are no harsh chemicals involved. The Topist Cleaner simply requires water, vinegar, and a squeeze of lemon juice. Fill the body to the full line, twist the head back on, and set her in the microwave for 5-8 minutes. The steam makes the microwave easy to wipe down and the vinegar eliminates odors. The Angry Mama is dishwasher safe, and like all moms, she is a good listener as well.
8. A Compost Appliance
This device will benefit you and your plants. The Food Cycler turns your food scraps into premium compost for your garden. It breaks down your leftovers naturally and without extra additives. The Food Cycler has a carbon filter that eliminates odors and keeps your kitchen smelling fresh.
9. A Robot Cleaner for your Barbeque
The Grillbot is the perfect partner for barbeque chefs. It has three incredibly strong brass brushes that are up for any grilling challenge. The brushes themselves are easy to clean and are dishwasher safe.
The Grillbot operates on its own and is set by a timer. Place the Grillbot inside, close the lid, and an alarm will sound when the machine is done. The Grillbot scrubs your grill clean while you enjoy your meal. It makes for an exciting gift for Dad or can be a special treat for yourself.
10. Save Time Cleaning
All of these gadgets will make you feel relaxed, productive, and a little entertained. If you work from home, it’s nice to take a break by watching a robot clean the windows or mop the floors. If you have a busy schedule away from home, these appliances will welcome you back with a gorgeous house. With these tools at your disposal, you don’t have to do all the chores by yourself. Get the help you deserve with these gadgets today.