1. カメラ
  2. カーオーディオ&エレクトロニクス
  3. ホームオーディオ
  4. パーソナルオーディオ
  5. テレビ
  6. スマートホーム
  >> 電子技術オンライン >  >> スマートホーム >> ロボット掃除機

2019 年の祖父母への最高のクリスマス テック プレゼント


1. Roborock S5 Max

このギフトは、便利さと手軽さの完璧な組み合わせです。年をとるにつれて、掃除機をかけるのが難しくなり、床を拭くのは実に疲れます. Roborock S5 Max は、強力な掃除機と内蔵のモップにより、時間とエネルギーの両方を節約します。吸引力は、最も厚いカーペットで最も頑固な汚れを拾うのに十分強力です。タンクは水を均等に分配し、堅木張りの床を光の中で輝かせます。掃除機を毎日掃除するようにプログラムすることも、必要に応じて家の 1 つのエリアを掃除するように設定することもできます。長持ちするバッテリーは、中断や遅延のないきらめく床を約束します。あなたの大切な人は、24 時間年中無休で床をきれいに保つことができます。

2. スマート ホーム スピーカー

このギフトは、Roborock 掃除機との相性が抜群です。祖父母は、スマート ホーム スピーカーを使用して、掃除機に掃除の開始または停止を指示できます。音声コマンド テクノロジーは簡単で、紛らわしいボタンを押すよりもはるかに簡単です。また、スマート ホーム スピーカーを使用して、今後の天気を確認したり、家の温度を制御したりすることもできます。 With a smart home speaker, they can call their friends, look up new recipes online, or check the status of an important sporting event.

3. Fitbit

Whether they are on a treadmill or taking a walk with friends, a Fitbit is a wonderful device for your grandparents’ health goals. Fitbits are phenomenal for tracking their steps, energy levels, and can offer personalized breathing sessions based on their heart rate. Your loved ones can see over time how their fitness is shaping up and can stay on top of their exercise routines. They can also wear their Fitbits at night and see what their sleep patterns are like. This fabulous gadget helps them stay healthy for years to come.

4. Pix-Star Digital Photo Frame

This sentimental gift is an engaging way to display photos, memories, and shared moments. The Pix-Star Photo Frame connects through Wi-Fi and stores up to 30,000 pictures! The best part is you can send new photos directly to the frame through email. Grandkids can share fun moments with grandma or grandpa by sending photos on their smartphones. Your loved ones won’t miss a single event and will love watching, organizing, and playing family slideshows.

5. Tile Mate

Searching for something? With Tile Mate, your grandparents’ days of playing hide-and-seek with their keys can finally come to an end. You can purchase as many tiles as you need and connect one to their keychain, slide another inside in their wallet, or attach a tile to the remote control. An easy app on your grandparent’s phone will help them find whatever is missing. What if they can’t find their phone? All they have to do is press a button on any of their tiles and the phone will ring, even if it’s been placed on ‘silent mode.’ Tile Mate immediately finds their items and relieves you of always having to ask, “well, where did you last see it?” It’s a win-win situation.

Simple Yet Effective

All of these devices are a cinch to use and will help your loved ones throughout the day. They give your grandparents extra independence and let them enjoy their lives. Whether it be a smart home speaker or a Roborock vacuum, these gadgets will welcome your grandparents to the digital world with no frustrations or worries. Happy Holidays!

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