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Amazon Fire TV Stick の使用方法

Fire TV Stick の使い方を学ぶのは簡単ではありません。メニューが少し面倒に感じたり、機能が少し隠されているように感じたりするからです。真新しいFireスティックを使用してライブTVをストリーミングしたり、A League of Their OwnやThe Boysなどの素晴らしい番組を一気に見たりする方法を賢くしたら.

さらに、Fire TV Stick には多数の Alexa 統合機能が組み込まれており、適切なリモコンを使用すると、ボタンを押すだけでアシスタントを呼び出すことができます。新しい Fire TV デバイスをセットアップするために必要なものがすべて揃っているので (準備は面倒かもしれません)、今日からマスターできます。 Fire TV で気に入らない点の 1 つは、ホーム画面の多くが制御できないことです。以下のヒントの 1 つは、ホーム画面のアプリの行を再配置する方法を示しています。

Fire TV Stick (Fire TV Stick 4K Max は最高のストリーミング デバイスの 1 つです) を使いこなせば、番組や映画のストリーミングからスマート ホームの制御まで、あらゆる用途に使用できるようになります。チャンネルをオンにせずに天気を取得することもできます.

Fire StickとAmazonの他のデバイスの比較

• Fire TV Cube vs. Fire TV Stick vs. Fire TV Stick 4K
• Fire TV Stick Lite と Fire TV Stick の比較

この話は、Fire TV Stick、Fire TV Stick Lite、および Fire TV Stick 4K 同胞の両方に当てはまります。これらのストリーミング デバイスは大部分が似ており、ストリーミングの品質とリモコン ボタンが主な差別化機能です。

Fire TV Stick 4K Max (最高のストリーミング デバイス リストで Amazon が選んだもの) と Fire TV Cube は、同じ OS を使用しているため、同様の方法で動作します。ただし、キューブは物理的に異なりますが、4K Max は通常の 4K Fire Stick のミラー イメージです。

また、新しい内部 HDMI ポートと解像度のアップスケーリングを介して新しいトリックを追加する、新しい Amazon Fire TV Cube 第 3 世代モデルも登場する予定です。

そこで、同社で最も人気があり手頃な価格のストリーミング デバイスの 1 つである Fire TV Stick の使用方法のガイドを次に示します。

現在、Fire TV スティック (opens in new tab) が最大 15 ドル (Max を含む)、Fire TV Cube (opens in new tab) が 50 ドル割引になることがわかりました。こちらで確認してください:

Fire TV Stick の更新方法

2020 年後半から 2021 年初頭にかけて、Amazon は Fire TV スティックとキューブの新しいインターフェイスの展開を開始しました。デバイスがまだ更新されていない場合は、以下に示す 5 つの簡単な手順で簡単に更新できます。新しいインターフェースは少し洗練されていますが、まだプライム メンバーシップを最大限に活用する方法がたくさんあります。

  • ホーム画面の上部にある [設定] を開きます。
  • 右にスクロールして [デバイス] を選択します。
  • 概要を選択します。
  • [システム アップデートの確認] を選択します。
  • プロンプトに従います Fire TV Stick を更新します。
  • Fire TV Stick のキャッシュをクリアして高速化する方法

    正しく動作しない Fire TV Stick アプリをお持ちですか?キャッシュと(その後)データを消去することで、デジタルのクモの巣を一掃することができます。

    2 つの手順のうち、キャッシュのクリアの方が安全です 、データを消去するには再ログインが必要になるためです。

  • 設定の歯車をクリックします ホーム画面で。
  • アプリケーションを選択 .
  • [インストール済みアプリケーションの管理] を選択します .
  • アプリケーションを選択 それは動きが遅すぎる。
  • Select Clear Cache and/or Clear Data .
  • How to set up the Fire TV Stick

    Yes, that USB Micro cord and power adapter that came with the Fire TV Stick might not be necessary for getting the Fire Stick up and running, but you'll want it to ensure faster performance.

    Here's everything you need to get the Fire TV Stick up and running and streaming all of your favorite content.

    <強い>1. Plug the USB Micro cable into the power adapter.

    <強い>2. Plug the other end into into the Fire TV Stick.

    <強い>3. Plug the Fire TV Stick into an HDMI port in your TV.

    <強い>4. Press Home on your remote.

    If you have trouble with this step, try using the remote control closer to the Fire TV Stick, holding Home for 10 seconds and changing out to fresh batteries.

    If those steps don't work (they didn't for us), just unplug the power supply from the Fire TV Stick, wait a minute and plug that back in.

    5. Press Play/Pause on your remote.

    6. Select Your Language.

    7. Select your Wi-Fi network.

    8. Enter your password and select Connect.

    9. Select Sign In or Create an Account. Let's assume that you have an Amazon account, and the below steps follow selecting Sign In.

    10. On a phone, tablet or computer, open amazon.com/code, sign in and enter the unique activation code you get in step 2.

    11. Select Continue , because selecting Change account would imply you just signed in with the wrong ID.

    12. Select Yes or No to opt in or out of storing connected network passwords with Amazon. I personally opt for No.

    13. Opt in or out of parental controls.

    14. If you selected yes, enter your parental control PIN number, and make a note of it somewhere your kid won't find.

    15. Select OK after noting where Parental Controls are managed.

    16. If your Fire TV Stick's remote is TV controls compatible, you'll now hit Next to make sure it works right

    17. Adjust volume and then click Yes to confirm.

    18. Click OK.

    19. Sign up for Amazon Kids+ (it may show you a message for Prime if you don't have Prime) or opt-out. Wondering why you'd want Prime? Check out our guide to the best Prime Video movies and shows to learn more.

    20. Select Get Started to walk through Amazon's app downloads on-boarding, or click No Thanks to skip past. It's always very weird to see what apps get suggested and which don't.

    21. Select the popular services you want, and click right to TV channels. The selected apps below are the ones I'd actually use.

    22. Select the TV channel apps you want, and click right to sports apps.

    23. Select the sports apps you want, and click right to the featured apps. If you can't watch the apps you want in your country, you may want to check out our Do you need a VPN on Fire Stick? explainer.

    24. Select the featured services you want, and click Play to proceed.

    25. Click Finish to download apps.

    26. Click Got It to proceed.

    27. Enter Parental Controls PIN (obviously, skip this step if you didn't set up a Parental Controls PIN).

    28. Select a user profile (check out our guide for how to add Fire TV profiles if you need this feature).

    You've set up your Fire TV Stick!

    And if you're curious about how the other big streaming device platform is, check out our Roku vs. Amazon Fire TV Stick face-off.

    How to set up the Fire TV Stick's apps on home screen

    Here's an annoying part of the Fire TV:it's home screen is primarily out of your control. You get a little sliver, and it defaults to a bunch of Amazon apps of varying value (sure, IMDb TV, right).

    Fortunately, we've got a guide to how to customize the Fire TV's home screen app row. This way, you can immediately rearrange the applications that appear in those six blocks at the top of your home screen. In short, click that grey button with the square and the + symbol, and then tinker on the next screen.

    How to set up the Fire TV Stick's text banner feature

    Those with vision impairments will be happy to hear that Amazon's rolling out a new feature called Text Banner. Once enabled, the Fire TV interface will make it much easier to tell what section of your screen is highlighted or selected.

    To enable it, open Settings and Accessibility and select Text Banner. It may not be on your device yet, so look out for upcoming system updates.

    How to use the Fire TV Stick with Alexa

    The Fire TV Stick comes with an Alexa Remote that allows you to perform voice-commands. Not only does it let you pause, rewind and fast-forward content with just your voice, but it also provides bonus features, including the Jeopardy game and help with Weather forecasts.

    Below is a master list of the Alexa commands that work with the Fire TV Stick, which we'll be updating as more skills become available.

    Watching content

    "Alexa, watch The Handmaid's Tale."

    "Alexa, open Netflix."

    "Alexa, open PlayStation Vue."

    "Alexa, Pause."

    "Alexa, play."

    "Alexa, stop."

    “Alexa, fast-forward”


    “Alexa, forward 5 minutes”

    “Alexa, skip 30 seconds”

    “Alexa, play next”

    "Alexa, next episode"

    Finding content

    "Alexa, show me nearby restaurants"

    “Alexa, show me [show or movie title]”

    “Alexa, show me [insert genre]”

    “Alexa, show me Bruce Willis movies”

    “Alexa, search for Westworld”

    "Alexa, add this to my watchlist"

    "Alexa, show my watchlist"

    "Alexa, search for the NPR app"

    "Alexa, watch HGTV [or any show] on PlayStation Vue [or Hulu]"

    "Alexa, watch [insert Prime Video Channel name]"

    The News

    "Alexa, play my flash briefing" [if enabled in Alexa app] or "Alexa, what's the news?"

    The Weather

    "Alexa, what's the weather?"

    "Alexa, what's the forecast?"

    "Alexa, what's the weather in [insert city]?"

    "Alexa, what's the weather like on [insert day]?"


    "Alexa, play Jeopardy" [enable in the Alexa app]


    "Alexa, play Beyoncé"

    "Alexa, play All Star by Smash Mouth"

    "Alexa, play [insert genre] music"

    How to Install Apps on Fire TV Stick

    Installing apps on the Fire TV Stick is pretty easy, thanks to Alexa. Sure, you could spend your time clicking around the interface, selecting the magnifying glass and typing in an app's name, but you don't have to.

    Instead of clicking around the on-screen keyboard (found by selecting the magnifying glass at the far left end of the menu), you can just talk to Alexa, by holding down the Alexa/microphone button, and saying the name of an app.

    Alternatively, you can do this the old fashioned way:

    <強い>1. Select Find on the Fire TV home screen.

    <強い>2. Select search (yes, skip the AppStore button, it's cluttered and doesn't have a search option.

    <強い>3. Here you could use Alexa, by pressing and holding the mic button and talking for voice search , or you could type out an app's name and select the connected results.

    <強い>4. Select that app from the results screen.

    5. Select Get.

    6. Select Open.

    You've downloaded and opened an app!

    For more guides check out how to fix an Apple TV that's not working, how to use Netflix secret codes and how to cancel Starz on Amazon.