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ニーズに合った適切な HVAC 会社を選択する方法

自宅のエアコンと暖房システムのメンテナンスに関しては、適切なパートナーがいることが違いを生みます。一般に、HVAC 企業は、市場で目立つようにするためのさまざまな方法を持っています。多くの宣伝を行い、大量販売に焦点を当てることで成功する人もいます.また、質の高いパーソナライズされたサービスを優先できるように、永続的で有意義な関係を優先する人もいます。どちらのタイプの会社もエアコンとヒーターの設置、修理、保守を行うことができますが、どのようなトレードオフがあり、どちらのタイプの会社を選択する必要がありますか?


コンシェルジュ タイプのサービスを探している場合は、小規模な家族経営の会社が適しているかもしれません。彼らがあなたのニーズと欲求が何であるかを本当に聞いてくれるのを見てください.営業担当者と話すことはないでしょう。機器の設置と修理を行い、ビジネスを運営している所有者と話します。お金を節約する方法、効率の高い機器を選択する方法、投資する技術と避けるべき技術、修理するか新しい機器を購入するかを決定する方法について、彼らの個人的な注意と専門家の意見を聞くことができます。彼らは、保証オプションをナビゲートし、メーカーの機器保証とオプションの延長労働保証も提出するのに役立ちます.もっと時間がかかるかもしれませんが、このタイプのカスタマイズされたサービスは、オプションを提示し、必要な情報を提供することでニーズを満たすことを目的としているため、何をしたいかについて情報に基づいた決定を下すことができます.あなたが会社と話しているときに、彼らが強引に見えるか、常に交換を勧めている場合、彼らはあなたの財布よりも販売ノルマに注目しているかもしれません.


手数料で運営されているか、大量販売に依存している HVAC 企業は、ほとんどの場合、交換を勧めています。 They do this because it’s the easiest solution between point A and B. It’s not always the best solution for the customer, it’s almost never the cheapest, and it can be less environmentally friendly and wasteful, too. On the other hand, smaller firms like to take the time to find out what your needs are first. Do you need new equipment or can it be repaired? Is your air conditioning equipment sized correctly? Are you having any persistent comfort problems in certain areas of your house now? How long will you be staying in your house? Do you rent or own? Answers to these questions can lead HVAC firms to offer different solutions.

If new equipment is the decision, we like to give a thorough, interactive estimate with multiple options including photos and model number of the equipment, energy efficiency ratings, warranty information, and hyperlinks to the manufacturer’s specifications page. This way customers have the time to consider the options, look at more information online, ask the questions that come up, and not feel pressured. The best time to do this is in the off-season when the weather is cooler.

Beware of generic bids from other firms that don’t specify the details and scrutinize bids other firms may give you over the phone. Over the years, we have heard stories from customers about “bait-and-switch” tactics. Customers told us they thought they were getting medium- or premium-level equipment but instead they received entry-level equipment. A thorough quote can help make that entire process transparent but it normally cannot be done over the phone. We like to visit the home and with the homeowner and see the equipment to make sure the HVAC system we specify is right for the job. In the end, it makes for more seamless transaction.

Partnerships That Last

Smaller firms thrive on long-term relationships. This is why it pays for them to educate customers, listen for what they need, educate them on the choices and then let them decide about what HVAC equipment options will work best for their situation and budget. The company you choose should be able to tell you if they operate on commission or if they offer flat-rate pricing. Those that operate on commission are going to be incentivized to prioritize sales. Knowing that in advance can be helpful. Flat-rate pricing on the other hand refers to pricing based on national book-rates. It makes pricing an installation or repair easier and it incentivizes efficiencies. Terry’s A/C and Heating, which is a smaller, family-owned company, wants to keep its customers for life which is why we are dedicated to ensuring the longevity of your HVAC system whether we are installing, servicing, or providing maintenance.

Call Us for a Quote or Advice

If you  live on the West side of Houston, Sugar Land, Katy or Richmond and are looking for an HVAC partner for the long-term, call Rob Terry of Terry’s A/C and Heating at 281-495-7830 . A Carrier Factory-Authorized Dealer and family-owned business, we have been serving multi-generations of families in the Houston area to keep them comfortable all year long. Find out how we are different from other firms and what our customers say about our service. We welcome your referrals and would be honored to earn your business.