AC コイルが凍結する 5 つの原因
他の HVAC の誤動作とは異なり、凍結した AC コイルは、システムのほぼすべての部分の障害によって引き起こされる可能性があります。室内ユニットに霜や氷の層が見られる場合、それは明らかに問題です... しかし、その理由を診断するのはそれほど簡単ではありません.
この記事では、エアコン コイルの凍結の考えられる原因と、凍結が発生した場合の対処法について説明します。
凍結した AC コイルの症状
- HVAC の問題で最初に気付く症状は熱です。 AC が正常に動作していないように感じた場合は、問題に関する詳細情報を得るために調べられることがいくつかあります。
- 供給レジスターを流れる空気を確認してください。 気温が高い場合や空気が完全に停止している場合は、コイルが凍結している可能性があります。
- 凍結した AC コイルは、湿気の蓄積につながる可能性があります 、建物内で結露や水漏れを引き起こす可能性があります。
AC コイルがフリーズする原因となる上位 5 つの問題については、以下をお読みください。
システムの AC コイルがフリーズするのはなぜですか?
1.エアフィルターが汚れていると、AC コイルが凍結する可能性があります
AC が適切に機能するためには、全体にきれいな空気の流れが必要です。汚れたフィルターは、空気の出入りを妨げます。
ファンのモーターが壊れていたり、ブレードが汚れていたりすると、空気の流れが不足し、AC コイルが凍結する可能性があります。
3.凍結した AC コイルは、ブロックされた復水ラインによって引き起こされます
凝縮ラインは、HVAC システムの一部であり、湿気から余分な水分を排出します。 This moisture, condensed into water, travels through pipes to a floor drain.
If the water is stuck in one place because of a clogged pipe, it can freeze. This is especially true if the obstruction happens near the evaporator coil, the coldest part of the AC. A blocked condensate line can cause the water, and subsequently the coils to freeze.
4. Malfunctioning thermostats lead to frozen air conditioner coils
Your thermostat works with your AC by regularly checking the temperature and controlling how hard the AC has to work to keep the building a consistent temperature.
If a broken thermostat senses the wrong temperature, or controls the AC improperly, it could cause the unit to run too long and wear out the system. You might suspect this if you have trouble keeping your building at a steady temperature, or if it frequently runs too cold.
Left unchecked, an overworked AC unit could develop frozen AC coils.
5. Refrigerant leaks are a common cause of frozen coils
Refrigerant is the chemical that runs through your AC coil, changing pressure and temperature in order to absorb heat. If it leaks, the lack of pressure will make it absorb more heat than it should. This makes the refrigerant lines, and then the coils, freeze over.
Not only is leaking refrigerant bad for the environment, in some places it is illegal to leave refrigerant lines leaking. That’s why a professional should fix the leak or replace the coil rather than just filling it up with more refrigerant.
What to do if you have frozen AC coils
Ok, so you’ve determined that your air conditioning coil is frozen. You might even be able to tell which of the five causes resulted in your problem. So what should you do next?
First of all, SHUT THE UNIT OFF. This is vitally important to prevent compressor failure.
関連トピック: 8 Ways to Avoid AC Compressor Failure
Because of the potential for system damage, it’s in your best interest to call a professional. They will also be able to get to the bottom of the cause and get your unit back up and running fast.
There are a few things you can do yourself while waiting for further help.
- Find and clean up any water damage. If your frozen AC coils caused water leaks from melting ice, it’s a good idea to clean them up and prevent damage to your building.
- Try to melt the ice. You should turn your system off and wait for the ice to melt, or possibly use a hair dryer to melt it. Never try to cut or chip the ice off, because you risk damaging the coils.
How a preventative maintenance plan will keep frozen AC coils from happening to you
Does all this sound like more than you want to worry about? You may not have to. The easiest way to avoid AC problems is to get a preventative maintenance plan.
Preventative maintenance plans include an inspection and upkeep for your AC from an HVAC specialist. These system checks are most useful before you begin use of your AC in the summer and after you turn it off for the season in fall. The specialist will take care of maintenance tasks such as changing filters, cleaning the coils, and inspecting the lines for leaks.
Frozen AC coils are usually the result of a smaller problem that’s been left unchecked for too long. A preventative maintenance plan would ensure that you notice a problem right away, and have it taken care of before it causes your air conditioning to fail or creates a more costly problem.
関連トピック: 8 Ways AC Preventative Maintenance Keeps the Repairman Away
Taking care of your HVAC unit over time with a preventative maintenance plan is more cost effective than dropping more money on big repairs. It also makes sure you never lose a day’s worth of business or have work halted by an AC failure. That means you can relax and get on to more important things.
Learn more about how to get the right HVAC maintenance plan for your needs with this helpful guide to HVAC Preventive Maintenance Contracts:How to Find The Right One For Your HVAC Infrastructure.