まずは息を吸ってリラックス。 AC の水漏れにはさまざまな原因が考えられますが、その多くは修理が難しくなく、費用もかかりません。
AC ユニットから水が漏れていることに気付いた場合、最初に行うことは蒸発器コイルを調べることです。これは、(名前が示すように) フィン付きのコイル状のチューブのように見える、屋内のエア ハンドリング ユニットの一部です。
それを見つけた?氷で覆われていますか?その場合は、すぐに電源を切ってください。その氷はそこにあるべきではなく、システムを故障の危険にさらします.床の水たまりは、おそらくその溶けた氷から来ています。これは、エアコンの水漏れが深刻な問題になる可能性がある 1 つのケースです。
次のステップは、有資格の HVAC 専門家に電話して、コイルの凍結の原因をできるだけ早く診断することです。凍結した AC コイルは、自分で取り組みたい問題ではありません。
重要 :鋭利なもので氷を削ろうとしないでください。デリケートなコイル フィンを損傷する可能性があります。
運が良ければ、エバポレーター コイルがフリーズする原因となったエア フィルターの詰まりのような単純な修正であることが判明する場合もあります。または、空気の流れを妨げている他のシステムの問題があり、コイルが凍結し、最終的に AC が水漏れする可能性があります。
関連記事: 凍結した AC コイルの上位 5 つの原因
Even if your coil is not frozen, it’s a good idea to turn off the unit to prevent water damage in your space. That’s especially true if your unit is on the roof or an attic or crawl space:you want to avoid damage to walls and ceilings from dripping water.
Check out 4 more common causes of an AC leaking water
1. Dirty coils
When AC maintenance has been neglected for a while, it’s common to find a coating of dust and grime on the AC coils. When condensation collects on the outside of the evaporator coil (which is normal), it can’t flow down the coil and into the drain pan as it should, because all that dirt impedes the flow. Moisture can become trapped and then drip onto the floor.
If this turns out to the cause of your AC leaking water, consider yourself lucky. All your need to do in this case is have your coils thoroughly cleaned.
Related topic: AC Coil Cleaning:How to Tell When You Need It
If you hadn’t discovered the dirty coils due to your AC leaking water, the problem could have gotten much worse. The grime on the coils can accumulate to the point where the coils actually become corroded. Then you could be facing refrigerant leaks and possibly having to replace the entire coil.
2. Damaged insulation
Insulation on your coils is supposed to keep the accumulated condensation flowing down the coil. However, when that insulation gets damaged with cracks or holes, water can drip from the coil instead of flowing as it should. The result:your AC unit leaking water, and possibly damage to your space if you don’t notice the problem right away.
In this case, you’ll need a professional to repair or replace the damaged insulation.
3. Disconnected drain line
This is a problem that can occur because of poor installation practices. If your AC’s drain line that drains away condensation wasn’t attached correctly, it can become disconnected and lead to an AC water leak. It might have caused a big mess, but the fix isn’t a big issue.
However, to prevent your AC leaking water in the future, be sure you’ve got an experienced HVAC professional making the repair.
4. Clogged drain line or trap
Here’s another problem that crops up when your unit is dirty from lack of maintenance.
The condensation collected by your air conditioner carries the dust and debris into your drain line and your drip pan. Eventually, the drain line can clog, causing water to back up and eventually leak. The same thing can happen in the drain pan:dust can clog the drain, causing the pan to overflow.
Once again, your system just needs a good cleaning (after you clean up the water from the leak). One danger here is the damage that can happen to your walls and ceilings from the air conditioner water leak.
However, you should also know that debris coating your system’s parts also causes it to lose efficiency. As a result, your unit has to run longer and work harder to cool your space, which causes increased wear on the parts and can lead to more repair issues. That’s an important reason why AC preventative maintenance is so important.
Learn more about AC maintenance and how to get the right plan for your needs from this helpful guide to HVAC Preventive Maintenance Contracts:How to Find The Right One For Your HVAC Infrastructure.
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