エネルギー効率の高い家を建てるために知っておくべき 11 のヒント

時間の経過とともに、エネルギー コストは上昇しており、今後も増加し続けるため、エネルギーを節約することが不可欠です。エネルギー効率の高い家の改修または設計は、エネルギーの節約に役立つだけでなく、環境に優しいオプションに頼ることで二酸化炭素排出量を減らすのにも役立ちます.
統合された計画と予算の考慮により、エネルギー コストを削減するための複数のオプションがあります。エネルギー情報局 (EIA) は、米国の住宅は過去 10 年間でエネルギー効率が向上したと述べています。通常、燃料と電気は、家庭内で使用できる熱、光、その他の形に変換されます。スマート ホームは、これらのリソースをより有効に活用し、見た目にも美しい美的要素を保持できます。複数のリソースにより、自動化された住宅のエネルギー効率を大幅に改善できます。
- 場所について
- 景観と日陰
- 換気システム
- エネルギー効率の高い HVAC システム
- 省エネ機器
- 建物の封筒
- 節水のための設計
- 屋根材
- 照明器具
- ソーラーに行く
- 給湯システム

エネルギー効率の高い家を構築しながら 、場所、形状、および構成材料は、暖房と冷房の要件に大きな影響を与える主要な考慮事項です。冬には受動的な太陽エネルギーを最大限に活用し、夏には熱の増加を抑えることが理想的なシナリオです。これは、家の位置、向き、造園を最適化することによって達成されます。
さまざまな太陽の角度を利用するように家を設計します。真昼の太陽は、冬は角度が低く、夏は角度が高くなります。これに基づいて、暖房と冷房の費用を削減するために家を配置します。 北に面した通りの南側に位置する住宅は、家の裏側から多くの日差しが入ります。北側の家は、夏の午後、裏庭で日陰になります。同様に、寒い気候に住んでいる場合は、最大限の日光を吸収できるように窓の位置を選択する必要があります.南向きの家は、冬は太陽光を取り込み、夏は遮ります。
日陰の要素を使用した造園は、家が余分な熱を吸収するのを防ぐのに役立ちます。実際、それらは温度を最大6度下げるのに役立ちます. Yellow Buckeye や London Planettree などのキャノピーのある木を利用して、家に日陰を作ることができます。夏の暑さを遮り、冬の日差しを取り入れるには落葉樹を選びましょう。春と夏に咲き、冬に葉を失うので、両方の季節に最適です。継続的な日陰を提供し、強風から身を守るには、密集した木や低木を選びます。
植える場所も重要です。東、南、西側に木を植えると、猛暑の時期でも家を涼しく保つことができます。イースト ツリーは、朝日に家に影を落とします。サウス ツリーズは、午前中と午後に家に影を落とします。西側に植えられた樹木は、気温が極端に高いときに影を落として午後の日差しを遮り、光熱費の削減に最も効果的です。

4.エネルギー効率の高い HVAC システム

米国エネルギー省は、米国の平均的な家庭でのエネルギー使用量の 48% を暖房と冷房が占めると推定しています。この調査は、HVAC システムが最大のエネルギー消費者の 1 つであることを示しています。効率的な HVAC システムを設置すると、エネルギーが節約され、電気料金が削減されます。
省エネはユーザーの関心事の 1 つです。エネルギー省は、ヒート ポンプを使用すると、加熱炉やベースボード ヒーターなどに比べて暖房に使用する電力を 50% 削減できることを示しています。家。 Verify energy efficiency ratios and look out for SEER ratings and smart functionalities that can help increase your savings.
5. Energy Saving Devices

With the progress and advancement in technology, the selection of relevant smart devices can help you in saving and optimizing your home energy. Such devices use minimum energy to function as compared to regular appliances, thus further reducing your electricity bills. An energy-efficient home needs to be smart to give a good return on investment and save money in the longer run.
You can utilize smart AC controllers, smart thermostats, smart bulbs, smart blinds, kitchen appliances, etc., to equip your smart home. Taking the example of smart AC controllers, they function by regulating your air conditioner usage according to your usage habits throughout the day helping you save 25% on your cooling and heating bills. They can also be coupled with other smart home climate control appliances connected with Alexa or Google Home for further benefits.
6. Lighting Fixtures

Every building/home uses an interior and exterior lighting system, which might consume a lot of energy depending on the type of lighting fixtures or bulbs used. According to research by the U.S Energy Information Administration, light accounts for 14% of the electrical budget for an average home in the United States. Thus, it is advised to use fluorescent bulbs and LEDs because they generate less heat and more light, ultimately helping you save energy. LEDs provide good returns on investment and can fit in most of the light fittings.
Apart from LEDs and bulbs, the building’s windows can be designed so that natural light can reduce the need for artificial light during the day. Moreover, aluminum-clad wood can be used for window frames since these windows provide better insulation making your home energy efficient.
7. Building Envelope

You protect your smartphone from scratches by using a glass protector or an external cover, right? Similarly, a building envelope serves as a protector or covering for a house. The outer structure of the building is called the building envelope, and it is one of the necessary energy systems. It works as a shield between the inside and outside environment, protecting the house from the air, moisture, and generally harsh weather conditions.
Considering the type of insulation used, the building envelope maintains the interior temperature at any level that you desire. It can keep your home warm during winters and cool during summers. It is essential to consider an energy-efficient home design.
Body envelope includes insulation which can be very beneficial for energy saving. It lowers the load on the house’s heating and cooling system and makes your home more energy-efficient. It maintains the desired temperature at home and absorbs moisture, and saves your walls from being damaged.
8. Design for Water Conservation
An increasing number of energy-efficient houses are incorporating water-saving systems. For instance, homeowners are going for greywater recycling systems. Greywater is the waste water from showers, sinks, laundry tubs, and washing machines. You can have a diversion system installed that carries the greywater from your washing machine to your bathroom or your garden.
This system can decrease your water usage by about 50%, helping reduce your water bills.
Moreover, you can also save water during the shower and washing dishes by incorporating new technology in your house. New low-flow water fixtures in the kitchen and showers reduce the amount of water coming out of them but distribute it more evenly.
9. Roofing Materials

The roofing material is another important consideration when building an energy-efficient home. The material used for the roof of your house can absorb less heat by deflecting the sunlight, thus maintaining a constant temperature of your home. The choice of roofing materials makes a difference in overall energy efficiency. The materials used to build the roof help you with energy conservation, decrease air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and keep your home cool without air conditioning.
Initially, the selection of a roof could be expensive, but in the long run, it pays back and reduces your bill by regulating the temperature of your home during summers.
10. Go Solar

According to the latest U.S. residential solar market report, the residential solar market in the U.S reached a record high in the third quarter of 2019 with 712 megawatts of solar panels installed. Solar Panels can help build energy-efficient homes. If your area is exposed to the sun throughout the year, then solar panels will surely reduce your electricity bills. These panels don’t require extensive maintenance, so it’s a one-time investment that saves you from a lot of hassle and makes you self-sufficient.
Solar panels are an environmentally friendly option since solar energy is converted into electrical energy, reducing harmful greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. Once you have installed solar panels, you can use the energy for a host of different uses, such as a solar heater for heating water, bulbs, and practically any home appliance.
11. Water Heating Systems

The home water heating system consumes a huge amount of electricity. There are multiple ways the water heating system can be improved, and the user can save energy. One of the methods is to insulate the tank of the water heater to retain heat. It lets your water heater remain idle without the water losing much heat. Another option is to use solar water heaters, an eco-friendly option and help with energy-saving.
Choosing a water heating system could be a tough decision, though. Learn more about the types of solar water heaters and how to choose the water heating system when building an energy-efficient home.
Along with these tricks, the user should take care of the electricity being overused. Make sure your lights, HVAC system, or home appliances are turned off while you are away. Moreover, energy-efficient home plans have proven to be effective and help the user to save energy. It does not only let the user conserve energy but also helps to decrease the carbon footprint.
Energy-efficient house plans might be expensive at the start but can prove to be incredibly beneficial in the longer term, thus letting you save money as well as energy.