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恐れることはありません:CHOICE は、洗濯の事実をフィクションから切り離し、洗濯ゲームを向上させるのに役立ちます。

誤解 1:柔軟剤を使う必要がある

この神話を信じるのはとても簡単です – 結局のところ、それは柔軟剤と呼ばれているので、生地を柔らかくする必要があります.









選択評決: 神話崩壊!柔軟剤は高価で不要です。

誤解 2:衣類乾燥機でテニスボールを使うとタオルが早く乾く

このアイデアがどこから来たのかは完全にはわかりませんが、ソーシャル メディアで定期的に出てくる都市伝説の 1 つであると思われます。

テニスボールはかなり安くてどこにでもあるので、どこかでマーケティングの天才が同じことをする製品に人々にお金を払わせる方法を考え出しました.そしてそれはうまくいきました。 (マーケティングのアイデア、つまり、ドライヤー ボールではありません。)

ドライヤー ボールをテストしたところ、乾燥時間を短縮する効果はまったくないことがわかりました。

乾燥を早めるためのもう 1 つのオプション


これについて、CHOICE ランドリーの専門家である Ashley Iredale 氏に尋ねました。


「1 つの注意点は、衣類が適切に乾燥するために十分なタンブリングと空気の循環が必要だということです。タオルを押し込むことですべてがきつく詰め込まれることを意味する場合、逆の効果があります。」

選択評決: 神話崩壊!衣類乾燥機にテニスボール、ドライヤーボール、またはその他のスポーツ用品を追加しないでください。乾いたタオルでも構いません。

神話 3:常に熱湯で洗うべき


「最近の比較では、ぬるま湯での洗濯と冷水での洗濯では、汚れの除去に 3% の差が見られました。これは、洗濯水の加熱にかかる余分なコストを正当化するには十分ではありません」と Ashley 氏は言います。


選択評決: 神話崩壊! You can still get a great wash in cold water.

Most manufacturers' dosing scoops are way too big. Try using just a quarter of the full volume.

Myth 4:More detergent is better

Remember scrud, our disgustingly named friend from earlier? Well, it's not just caused by fabric softener:laundry detergent can cause it too.

Even though it might seem like extra detergent will get your clothes extra clean, it's actually not the case – and adding too much detergent can actually leave your clothes less clean, as they'll end up with detergent residue on them. It can also contribute to scrud, causing your machine to lock up or sustain other damage.

"Counterintuitively, using too little detergent can contribute to scrud buildup, but nowhere near as much as using too much," says Ashley.

"And those handy little scoops detergent manufacturers put in to help you dose? Well, spoiler alert:that's way too much. We've found you can get a great wash with as little as a quarter of a scoop."

CHOICE verdict: Myth busted! More detergent does not equal cleaner clothes – in fact, quite the opposite.

Myth 5:You must hand wash clothes labelled 'hand wash only'

Washing machines aren't always great for delicate items – the way they clean clothes depends on agitation and friction, which isn't good news for fragile fabrics, hooks and eyes, and other embellishments. But who really has time for hand washing?

For most 'hand wash only' items, a laundry bag and delicates wash will be fine. Delicate/gentle cycles use more water, less agitation and much lower spin speeds, so your fancy knickers and silk shirts won't be pulled out of shape as much. (Although you could shorten their life ever so slightly compared to hand washing.)

Of course, if you're washing something that's extra special to you, it's best to take the time to hand wash – just to be safe. But otherwise, choosing a gentle wash and hanging things out to dry (or laying them flat to dry) straight after the cycle finishes will be fine.

CHOICE verdict: Myth (partially) busted! Don't throw your silk ball gown in the washing machine, but for some items a gentle wash is fine.

Myth 6:You don't need to clean your washing machine

We expect our appliances to keep on keeping on without complaint, but even cleaners need cleaning sometimes, too. Here's where our delightful friend scrud comes back into the picture.

"Scrud can build up in your washing machine over time, causing all sorts of problems for your washer and your clothes, especially if you use fabric softener (have you not been paying attention?)," says Ashley.

"Many washers have a dedicated cleaning cycle, but if they don't, and you wash in cold you should run the occasional hot or very hot cycle to kill off any mould and bacteria, and help flush out the scrud."

It's a good idea to wipe over the washing machine seals too, to prevent mould, and keep the washing machine door or lid open to let the washer air out. A smelly, musty washing machine isn't going to give you clean clothes!

CHOICE verdict: Myth busted! Cleaning your washing machine will extend its life and give you cleaner clothes.