多くの自動人力車の所有者は、今日、ラジオとスピーカーで車をアップグレードしています。自動人力車に優れたステレオ システムを搭載すると、顧客を楽しませるだけでなく、旅が楽しくエキサイティングになります。
原則として、ラジオはオートリクシャーのダッシュボードに取り付け、12ボルトバッテリーに直接接続できます。一部の自動人力車にはサイド ドアがないため、スピーカーをトランクまたはフロント シートの下に配置し、ステレオに直接配線することができます。
そのため、ほとんどの自動人力車にはシングル DIN ラジオが取り付けられており、フロント パネルのボタンからリモートまたは直接制御できます。

- 自動人力車のキーでダッシュボードのコンパートメント (通常は空) を開きます。または、人力車に工場でステレオが既に取り付けられている場合は、ダッシュボードから取り外します。
- 新しいステレオをそのコンパートメントに入れ、収まるかどうかを確認してください。
- ラジオがコンパートメントに収まらない場合は、ラジオを別の場所に取り付ける必要があります。このために、ダッシュボードの下側にドリルで穴を開けます。ご覧のとおり、ステレオには上部にボルトがあります。ボルトを穴に通し、上からナットで締めます。
- もう 1 つの方法は、人力車の壁にステレオを取り付けることです。これで、ステレオを壁に置いて、鉛筆で穴に印を付けます。次に、ドリルで穴を開け、穴にネジを締めてラジオを取り付けます。

- では、電気接続を行いましょう。現代の自動人力車では、バッテリーからラジオへの配線がすでに存在しており、配線はダッシュボードの下にあります。
- バッテリーのプラス線をラジオのプラス端子に接続し、バッテリーのアース線をラジオのマイナス端子に接続します。すべての接続がしっかりしていてきれいであることを確認してください。古いモデルでは、ラジオからバッテリーまで配線を通す必要があります。
一度充電されたバッテリーは、11 ~ 13 時間の電力を供給できます。ただし、電動リキシャに重いサウンド システムを取り付けると、バッテリーの消耗が早くなるため、再度充電する必要があります。
電動リキシャを運転する場合は、二次電池を搭載することをお勧めします。二次電池を使用すると、アンプ、サブウーファー、スピーカーに電力を供給し、サウンド システムをアップグレードできます。
ラジオをダッシュボードの外側に取り付ける際に考慮すべきもう 1 つのことは、ラジオを汚れ、水、日光から保護する必要があることです。このため、自動人力車の所有者の中には、ラジオやスピーカーをカバーしたり、海洋グレードのオーディオ アクセサリを購入したりしようとする人もいます。

- まず、人力車の電源を切り、バッテリーのマイナス線を外して、工場出荷時のラジオをバッテリーから外します。
- 純正ラジオをダッシュボードから慎重に取り外し、背面からワイヤーを外します。
- ダッシュボードに新しいラジオの寸法をマーカーまたは鉛筆でマークします。新しいラジオの寸法については、製品マニュアルをご覧ください。
- 寸法を記入したら、のこぎりまたは刃物を使って、ダッシュボードを内側から外側に切り始めます。
- ホールが完成したら、新しいラジオを取り付け、バッテリーに接続し、ステレオをテストします。

- ダッシュボードの下にドリルで穴を開け、必要に応じて丸ヤスリで穴を広げます。
- ステレオのボルトを穴の中に入れ、上からナットで締めます。
- バッテリーと接続して、お気に入りのトラックを楽しみましょう。

人力車は高価な乗り物ではないため、多くの所有者は手頃な価格のヘッド ユニットとスピーカーを選択します。
Boss、Jensen、JBL、Alpine などの優れたブランドのシングル DIN ラジオは、コンパクトでダッシュボードに簡単に取り付けられるため、自動人力車に最適です。
フィリップス オーディオ CE223
Philips Audio のシングル Din ステレオは、ドライバーと同乗者がお気に入りのトラックを鮮やかな空間効果で楽しむことができる革新的な技術を備えており、以下のすべての中で最も高価です。
自動人力車で最高の音の焦点を得るために、ユーザーはオーディオリスニングゾーンを乗客から運転手に、またはその逆に切り替えることができます .
Phillips CE223 は頑丈な作りで、一部の安価なステレオのように軽量ではありません。音質は良好で、私にとって唯一の欠点は Bluetooth がないことです . AUX または USB 接続だけで問題ないかどうか検討する価値があります。
- 50 ワット x 4 チャンネルのアンプが内蔵されており、優れた音質を実現します。
- ハイ コントラスト LCD には取り外し可能なフロント パネルが付属しているため、一部の自動人力車にはドアがないため、ステレオを盗難から保護します。
- デバイスを充電するための 1 アンペアの電流を供給する USB 充電ポート。
BOSS オーディオ システム 616UAB
Boss 616UAB ラジオには、ファンシーな外観のステレオをお探しの場合、踊る LED ライトと照明ボタンを備えた小さな LCD があります。私にとっては、マイクは完璧ではありませんが、電話をかけたり受けたりするには十分です .
616UAB には次の機能が装備されています:
- Bluetooth ペアリングにより、ハンズフリーで電話をかけたり応答したりできます。マイクが内蔵されているため、他の人が通話中にあなたの声を聞くことができます。
- mp3 および WMA ファイルをサポートしています。 Spotify や Pandora などの音楽ストリーミング アプリで音楽を再生することもできます。
- iPod、スマートフォン、または mp3 プレーヤーとの 3.5 mm AUX 経由の接続をサポートし、ペンド ドライブ用の USB ポートを備えています。
- AM/FM ラジオのチューニングにより、最新のニュース、スポーツの最新情報、音楽などを聞くことができます。
- 4 つのチャンネルが 50 ワットのピーク出力のスピーカーに接続され、内蔵のイコライザーでサウンド出力を設定することもできます。
- ワイヤレスリモコン。
ジェンセン MPR210
機能性に関して言えば、JENSEN MPR210 は最高のステレオです。このオーディオ レシーバーには、高解像度の 7 文字のディスプレイがあります。
ハンズフリーと Bluetooth を使用するためにストック ラジオを交換する場合は、このラジオが最適です。 Bluetooth はうまく機能し、EQ と音量を制御するためにダウンロードできるリモート アプリが気に入っています .
- Google または Siri の音声アシスタント機能があり、ボタンを押すだけでステレオをコントロールできます。
- Bluetooth と AUX を介した接続をサポートしているため、通話の方法を選択できます。
- ペン ドライブ経由で音楽を再生するための USB ポート。4 つのプリセット イコライザー オプションから選択できます。
人力車に Bluetooth オーディオを搭載できますか?
Bluetooth を使用すると、スマートフォンをステレオにワイヤレスで接続して、音楽、ポッドキャスト、通話を楽しむことができます。
自動人力車のドライバーのほとんどは、AUX や USB で接続するよりも、Bluetooth 経由でデバイスをペアリングすることを好みます。
カー ステレオと同様に、自動人力車ステレオは、スマートフォン、mp3 プレーヤー、または iPod との Bluetooth ペアリングをサポートしているため、Pandora、Spotify などのアプリから音楽をストリーミングできます。
次の手順に従って、人力車の Bluetooth ステレオをデバイスとペアリングします。
- (設定) に移動して、ステレオの Bluetooth を有効にします。 メニューと検索 (Bluetooth 接続 ).
- 選択 (ペアリング )、これで自動人力車ステレオが Bluetooth ペアリング モードになります。
- スマートフォンの設定で Bluetooth をオンにすると、デバイスがスキャンを開始します。デバイスでステレオの名前を見つけたら、それをタップしてペアリングします。
- ステレオの種類によっては、通常は 0000 または 1234 の PIN を入力するよう求められる場合があります。正しい PIN を入力すると、デバイスは自動人力車ラジオとペアリングされます。
- ステレオの機能によっては、ペアリングが成功するとハンズフリー通話機能が有効になります。
Installing new speakers is the most inexpensive way to upgrade your sound system, and aftermarket speakers are not only cost-effective but also easy to install.
Some of the auto rickshaws come with doors, especially this model of TATA Magic Iris, in which you can install four speakers in the doors.
However, installing four speakers is costly, so auto rickshaw drivers usually go for cost-effective solutions.
While installing speakers in a box in the open auto rickshaw, remember that the speakers are vulnerable to dirt, sunlight, and water, so they should be covered with waterproof material.
Where to Install Speakers in a Rickshaw?
Speakers are essential components of a good sound system.

Since the auto rickshaw’s engine is loud, make sure while selecting speakers that they will be loud enough to overloud the engine’s noise and give a good sound output.
There are several places where you can install speakers in an auto rickshaw. Factory speakers are installed in the dashboard of the auto rickshaw, but most people prefer to install speakers into the speaker box and put them under the front seat or in the trunk of an auto rickshaw.
Others make a custom frame like shown in the picture below and place them in the trunk of the rickshaw.

Upgrading in Dash Speakers
The factory-installed dash speakers are of poor quality, so I am sure you will upgrade them.
Factory speakers are coaxial, so you can select powerful aftermarket speakers and replace them without a problem.
Since the dashboard of an auto rickshaw is small and it has limited space, I recommend that you select the speakers of the exact dimensions that are already installed in your rickshaw dashboard.
Factory-installed speakers are usually 6.5 inches, and I have found an excellent and affordable replacement.
JVC CS-J620 is 300 watt, 6.5 inches 2-way coaxial speakers that are the best option to upgrade factory speakers in an auto rickshaw.
To upgrade factory installed dash speakers of auto rickshaw, follow the steps below:
- First of all, collect all needed tools like a screwdriver, speaker adapters and harnesses, and of course the speakers.
- Once you have gathered all the tools, remove the negative terminal from the battery to avoid any short circuit, blown fuses, or other electrical problems.
- Take a screwdriver and remove the screw of factory speakers. After removing all screws, carefully take out one speaker and unplug it from the factory harness.
- Take the new speaker and plug it into the factory harness and make sure the polarity matches. If the connector of your new speaker does not fit with the factory harness, then it’s better to cut off the connectors and crimp the extension from the original speaker wires.
- After cutting the connectors, remove the insulation from both sides and connect the stereo’s positive wire with the speakers’ positive wire and the negative wire with the negative.
- Now you can test the speaker by joining the negative terminal of the battery. If the speaker is working well, then install the aftermarket speaker by tightening the screws.
- Repeat the same process with the speaker on the other side.
If the new aftermarket speakers you have selected are larger than factory installed speakers, you have to cut the dashboard of the auto rickshaw.
Below are the steps to cut the dashboard of the auto rickshaw to upgrade factory speakers:
- Remove the factory speakers by unscrewing the screws with a screwdriver.
- Place the new speaker template on the dashboard and mark the dimensions of new speakers and holes with a pencil or marker.
- The dashboard of an auto rickshaw is not as thick as that of a car, so you don’t need a fancy tool like a jigsaw to cut holes. You can cut the holes using a simple blade knife or handsaw.
- Before installing the speakers, you need to use a thin drill and make the mounting holes for the speakers’ screws.
Installing Speakers in Speaker Box
If your auto rickshaw does not have factory installed speakers, this is an excellent way to add the speakers.
Many auto rickshaw drivers prefer installing a single speaker into the speaker box and then place the box below the front seat or under the dashboard.

Installing speakers in the box is a relatively easy task, but to do it right, follow the steps below:
- Select the speaker you want to install in your rickshaw, and then buy the speaker box so that the selected aftermarket speaker fits into it. I recommend Audiopipe APMB-8SB-C because its RMS output is 125W and is powerful enough to overcome the noise of auto rickshaw engines and the traffic.
- Place the speaker in the hole of the speaker box and then mark the holes with a marker. Remove the speaker and use a drill to make holes at the markings.
- Now take two wires long enough to reach outside of the speaker box and solder them with speaker terminals as shown below.

- After soldering wires at speaker terminals, pass these wires through a small hole at the back of the box. Now place the speaker on the box and adjust it to the drilled holes. As the last step, tighten the screws with a screwdriver.
- Connect the speaker to the stereo, and you are ready to rock your auto rickshaw with your favorite tracks.
The short video below explains in detail the installation process.
Install Speakers in Trunk of Auto Rickshaw
If you will install subwoofers, speakers, etc. in an auto rickshaw, the safest way is to install them on a wooden frame and place them into the trunk.
If you do not have any DIY experience, it will be challenging to do at home, so you should seek professional help as it involves cutting the wooden frame and fixing it at the back.
How to Power Speakers in the Rickshaw?
The speakers are powered from the stereo or amplifier of an auto rickshaw, so while selecting them, make sure they can provide sufficient power to all speakers connected to it.
The wiring of speakers to stereo in the case of an auto rickshaw is simple, and to make sure you have it right, I highlighted a few simple steps of how to proceed:
- Like in any other vehicle type, speakers for rickshaws have two terminals – positive and negative.
- You will see the wires coming from the back of the stereo. First, find the speaker outputs and connect the positive wire with the speaker’s positive terminal and the negative wire with the negative terminal of the speaker.
- Repeat the same with all the speakers.
- When connecting the wires, you may need to either solder the wires or crimp using the wire connectors .
- Another thing you can use is a plug-and-play speaker harness cable.
If you have installed an amplifier between the speakers and stereo, then connect the positive terminal of the amp with the speaker’s positive terminal and, in the same way, connect the negative terminals.
Can I Add Wireless Speakers to the Rickshaw?
Wireless speakers are a great way to play your favored music and receive hands-free calls. Since many auto rickshaw drivers spend most of their time in the vehicles, adding Bluetooth speakers will make this time more enjoyable.
You can add wireless speakers to your auto rickshaw and pair them on Bluetooth with your rickshaw’s stereo or with your smartphone.
The best wireless speaker for auto rickshaws is the Jabra speaker , which can be paired with two devices at the same time. It also has a unique voice guidance feature that provides Bluetooth connection status, pairing instructions, and battery status.
All you need is to connect your smartphone with speakers and make calls with voice assistance. Below are few other features of wireless speakers:
- They also have noise cancellation, which is also helpful in hands-free calling.
- The size of Bluetooth speakers is compact, and they are portable, so you can take them anywhere you want.
- Good audio quality, and some of the models come with shock-proof shells, for example, Dprofy V3-M .
How to Install Wireless Speakers in an Auto Rickshaw?
The installation of wireless speakers is easy, and you don’t need any professional help with that. Here are the step by step instructions to place wireless speakers in the auto rickshaw:
Step 1 – Choose a Location to Mount and Connect the Charging Cable
You can easily mount the Bluetooth speakers on the roof or under the dashboard or nearby stereo.
I recommend mounting them close to the stereo’s charging port or any other charging point under the dashboard. You can also carry a power bank to charge speakers.
Step 2 – Pair the Speakers With Your Smartphone or Rickshaw Stereo
To connect Bluetooth wireless speakers with your mobile device, first make sure that both devices are in pairing mode.
To turn on Bluetooth in wireless speakers, you have to long-press a button until you hear a sound from the speaker like “Bluetooth mode activated.”
Now go to the Bluetooth setting in your phone and turn on the Bluetooth. It will start scanning the new devices. You will find your speaker’s name in the list. Tap on it, and your speaker will notify you that “Bluetooth pairing is done.”
The same is the case when you try to connect with a stereo. Go to the Bluetooth settings of the stereo and tap on “scan new devices.” Your stereo will start scanning the wireless speakers and select the name in the list.
Right after pairing, you are ready to play your music on wireless speakers.
Which Speakers Are Best for the Rickshaw?
Many speaker brands are available in the market, and sometimes it can be overwhelming to select which speakers are good.
You don’t need special speakers for the auto rickshaw. Speakers that are good for cars can also be installed in rickshaws.
Below I have listed the most suitable and affordable speakers for auto rickshaws:
Pioneer TS-F1634R
Pioneer TS-F1634R are two-way 6.5-inch speakers with a 200W max power output. They have standard 4 ohms impedance and have been designed with shallow baskets for easier installation in narrow places.
Something important to note is these are NOT high-end speakers, and they will not blow you away with sound quality, but for replacement of factory speakers or as additional ones in the auto rickshaw, they are perfect.
By looking at the price tag, you may think they are nothing special, but the reality is, they are mindblowing at this price level.
BOSS CH6520 Speakers
BOSS CH6520 are two-way speakers with a peak power output of 250 watts.
They are made from polyurethane which makes them resilient to harsh weather and durable. In addition, they have piezo-electric tweeters which are resilient to overloads, and they do not have built-in crossovers.
The sensitivity of these speakers is 90 dB which guarantees that the performance of these speakers is excellent. They are louder and crispier than earlier mentioned Pioneers but produce less bass and offer less dynamic.
Still, this is a definitely better option for a loud and open auto rickshaw than the factory alternative.
JBL Stage 810
JBL Stage 810 is an 8-inch subwoofer. The power handling capacity of this speaker is 200 Watt RMS with 88dB sensitivity and 4-ohm impedance.
The cone is made from polyurethane supported by nitrile rubber, making the speaker resistant to abuses of harsh environments.
The power level of the Stage810 means that an external amplifier is a must, but if you want to make your rickshaw outstanding, it is worth spending extra money on this woofer.
Jabra wireless speakers are the best wireless speakers that you can install in your auto rickshaw.
You can make or take the calls hands-free via Bluetooth, and these speaker phones even announce the incoming caller’s name.
You can connect two Bluetooth devices at the same time. It has 14 hours of playtime and 960 hours of standby time, meaning that if you spend in the rickshaw all day, you do not need to recharge the speaker.
Do I Need an Amplifier in the Rickshaw?
If you decide to install a recommended subwoofer JBL Stage 810, or any other, then the amplifier is a must. You simply have to have it.
An amplifier amplifies the low voltage signal from stereo to high voltage signal and supplies it to speakers. Unfortunately, there is no existing stereo that will provide enough power to run a subwoofer.
Also, when it comes to the speakers, you should install an amplifier in a rickshaw because it will increase the quality of sound coming out of the speakers. An amplifier helps produce louder volume with less distortion, thus overcoming road noise.
The choice of an amplifier depends on the type of sound system you will install in your auto rickshaw. Usually, auto rickshaws have two speakers, so a four-channel class A/B amplifier like BOSS R2504 is an excellent choice.
It has a 94W RMS per channel and remote control to steer the bass level. This little amp puts out considerable power compared to just using the head units speaker outputs. The amplifier is also very small and easy to hide in the auto rickshaw.
How to Install an Amplifier in the Rickshaw?
The best place to install an amplifier in an auto rickshaw is close to the speakers, and it should be properly grounded to avoid interference.
If you use dash factory speakers, install an amplifier under the dashboard or under the seat. Many auto rickshaws use speaker boxes, so in these cases, mount the amplifier nearby the speaker box or even attached it to the speaker box.
The amplifier, however has to be insulated from any contact with the metal walls of the auto rickshaw for grounding purposes.
Before installing an amplifier in an auto rickshaw, make sure you follow the steps below:
- Follow the manufacturer instructions listed on the instruction manual.
- To avoid noise-related issues, an amplifier should be at least 3 feet away from the stereo.
- Do not mount the amplifier directly with the metal body as it may lead to noise problems like buzz or hum. Instead, use rubber gourmets around the screws, or you can first mount the amplifier on a wooden board and then mount it with the body of an auto rickshaw.
- Make sure you leave enough space for connecting wiring and adjust gains, bass boost, crossover, etc.
The following steps will show you how to wire your amplifier in the auto rickshaw:
- Remove the insulation from the wires so that you can attach connector pins to them.
- Connect the ground wire of the amp to the bare metal or any other grounding point. Make sure you clean the rust or remove paint from the grounding point.
- Next, plug the speaker wires, RCA, and remote wires from the stereo. If your stereo does not have a remote turn-on wire, you can use an external 12 volts switch to not drain the battery when the radio is turned off.
- Run the power wire from the battery to the amplifier. Connect the positive terminal of the battery with the positive terminal of the amp. For protection purposes, you can connect a fuse between the battery and amplifier power wire.
- Secure all the wiring with the cable ties and test your amplifier.
How to Hide Audio Wires in the Rickshaw?
For any audio installation, the proper wiring is critical.
Correct wiring helps avoid accidents as you don’t want your power wires to short circuit and cause damage or fire, and with clean wiring, the vehicle’s interior looks clean and organized.
If you use a dash speaker stereo system, then wiring can be hidden in the dashboard. When your stereo and speakers are far from each other, then I recommend using either cable sleeve or spiral cable wrap to hide the wires.
Many auto rickshaw drivers prefer to install the speaker box in the trunk or under the front seat.
The wiring in this case, is naked and prone to wear and tear. Follow these steps to hide the wires in your rickshaw properly:
- Plan the route. If you have the speaker placed under the seat, then wiring can be laid on the floor, and for the audio equipment in the trunk, the wiring route will be through the roof cover.
- Choose Wire Cover. As I mentioned earlier, you can choose a cable sleeve or spiral cable wrap to cover the visible wiring.
- Cut the cover to the length from the speakers to the stereo, and cover toe wires before connecting them with the terminals.
- Now you have hidden all wires in the black cover, and the next thing is to securely hang them using cable ties. You can use self-adhesive cable tie mounts to place the cables on the wall, roof and then tie them with a cable tie.
Well-planned wiring routes in your auto rickshaw also safeguard your signal wires from the noise produced by power wires.
Can a Factory Battery Handle Audio in the Rickshaw?
The battery’s primary purpose in auto rickshaws is to turn on the engine and give power to accessories like headlights, fan, horn, stereo, etc.
In the case of petrol, diesel, and CNG auto rickshaws, the factory battery can handle basic stereo-speaker arrangements.
If you drive an e-rickshaw, you should install a secondary battery for the sound system because they run on battery. If you place a powerful audio system, it will drain your primary battery faster.
The audio rickshaw draws its power from the battery for its operation, and if your battery does not fulfill the power requirements, you will face issues like frequent turning off of headlights, unable to increase volume after a certain level, etc.
You can install any 12-volt car battery dedicated for your rickshaw stereo, and you can place it under the dashboard on the rickshaw’s floor or under the front seat.
What Other Audio Equipment Do I Need for the Rickshaw?
Auto rickshaw driving is the source of income for most people in developing countries. This is because they spend most of their waking hours driving auto and taking passengers around the city.
For a good audio experience, a basic stereo speaker arrangement is good. Apart from this, you can install amps, subwoofers, and tweeters into your rickshaw sound system if you want to make it unique.
Auto rickshaws are not as expensive as cars, ATVs, or golf carts. Therefore there is no point in spending thousands of dollars on an audio system alone.
Installing a radio in an auto rickshaw is a simple task.
The main problem is that in auto rickshaws or e-rickshaws, there is not enough space to fit heavy stereo systems.
Another thing is that the audio components are not protected from weather, dust, or thieves, so while buying, always look for affordable audio solutions.