2022 年のカメラの選び方 (ベスト バイヤー ガイド)
2022 年に写真を撮る新しい方法を探しているなら、このカメラ購入ガイドは必読です!
ここ Shotkit には、100 年を超える写真撮影の経験があります。
2022 年のすべての予算に推奨されるカメラ
画像 | 製品 | 機能 | |
Canon G7X Mark II ベスト コンパクト 500 ドル未満 |
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Nikon D5600$500 未満のベスト DSLR |
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Sony a6000ベスト ミラーレス 500 ドル未満 |
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富士フイルム X-T30ベスト コンパクト 1000 ドル未満 |
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Canon M50Best ミラーレス 1000 ドル未満 |
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Canon 90DBest DSLR が $1000 未満 |
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Sony RX100 VIIベスト コンパクト 1500 ドル未満 |
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Nikon D750$1500 未満のベスト DSLR |
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富士フイルム X100Vベスト ミラーレス 1500 ドル未満 |
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ライカ Q2Best 全体コンパクト |
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Nikon D850ベスト総合デジタル一眼レフ |
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Sony a7IIIベスト総合ミラーレス |
このガイドでは、今年利用可能なトップ カメラから選択するのに役立つすべての要素を含めるようにしました.
新しいカメラを選ぶ際の 5 つの重要な要素
役立つと思われる中古カメラ機器の売買方法に関するガイドを作成しました。また、カメラは 300 ドル未満で入手できますが、スマートフォンよりも優れた画像を生成できるようにするには、これより少し多めに投資することをお勧めします。
富士フイルムのミラーレス カメラは人気のある選択肢です。
DSLR カメラ
DSLR は「Digital Single Lens Reflex」の略で、基本的に、カメラがフレーミング、フォーカス、写真撮影に同じレンズを使用することを意味します。
ただし、これはカメラを初めて購入するあなたには関係ありません。重要なのは、DSLR カメラが 2022 年になっても、アマチュアとプロの写真家の間で最も人気のあるカメラであるということです。
マイナス面としては、大きくて重く、以下の他のタイプのカメラのように、最高のオート フォーカス (およびその他のさまざまな) テクノロジを提供していません。
DSLR カメラは、APS-C または「フル フレーム センサー」を備えています。詳細については以下をご覧ください。
📸 関連: 最も安いフル フレーム カメラ |最高のデジタル一眼レフカメラミラーレス カメラ
ミラーレス カメラには、デジタル一眼レフ カメラにあるようなミラーがないため、さまざまな利点があります。固定レンズまたは交換レンズを使用できます。
DSLR とミラーレス カメラの比較に関する記事全体を書きましたが、要約すると:
通常、DSLR よりも小さくて軽いため、頻繁に旅行する場合に最適です。
一般的なコンセンサスは、ミラーレス カメラは未来であり、DSLR は死につつある品種です。 …とはいえ、テクノロジーがまだ完璧であるとは言えません。
ミラーレス モデルが提供する利点に対して、バッテリーの寿命が短い (約半分) 同等のデジタル一眼レフの持続時間)、そして少し… まあ… 魂のない 撮影体験!
ただし、「ミニコンピューター」での撮影に躊躇しない場合は、初めてのカメラであろうとアップグレード中であろうと、ミラーレス カメラを使用することをお勧めします。
ミラーレス カメラには、APS-C またはフル フレーム センサーも搭載されています。
📸 関連: 最高のミラーレスカメラマイクロ フォーサーズ カメラ
マイクロ フォー サーズ カメラ (別名マイクロ 4/3、MFT、または M4/3) はミラーレス カメラの一種で、さまざまなスタイルとオプションをカバーしていますが、共通の特徴はセンサー サイズです。
カメラのセンサーのサイズが重要な理由については後述しますが、ここで知っておく必要があるのは、マイクロ フォーサーズ カメラが「ミニ」交換レンズ カメラのようなものであるということだけです。
注意すべき点:カメラ システムが小さいことが必ずしもすべての人にとって良いとは限りません。コントロールが窮屈で、グリップがあまり目立たないため、手が大きい人はしばしば妨げられます。
以下で説明するように、MFT カメラには MFT センサーしかないため、機能が制限されます。
ただし、マイクロ フォーサーズ カメラは、2022 年になっても、初心者からプロの写真家に人気のある選択肢です。
📸 関連: マイクロフォーサーズカメラのご案内コンパクト カメラ (別名オートフォーカス カメラ)
コンパクト カメラは非常に人気がありますが、それには十分な理由があります。カメラ付き携帯電話と同じように、コンパクトなサイズのカメラは持ち運びに便利で、毎日持ち歩くのに便利です。
これらの機能には、ズーム レンズ、優れた低照度撮影機能、高速バースト撮影、RAW キャプチャなどがあります。
一部の人々 (私も含めて!) は、写真を撮るのに携帯電話よりも「本物の」カメラを持っていることを好むだけであり、小さなカメラは通常、ポケットやバッグに入れて持ち歩く可能性が高いことを意味します.
コンパクト カメラと小型ミラーレス カメラの境界線はあいまいですが、「オートフォーカス カメラ」の厳密な定義は、レンズが固定されているカメラです (つまり、別のレンズに変更することはできません)。
この制限により、写真撮影プロセスが大幅に簡素化され、複数のレンズ オプションに興味がない人にとっては、より楽しいものになります。
📸 関連: 最高のコンパクトカメラブリッジ カメラ
デジタル一眼レフよりも小さいが、コンパクト カメラよりも大きく、高倍率ズーム レンズ (固定式、交換不可) と手動制御を提供しながら、本格的なデジタル一眼レフのようにかさばることなく、ギャップをうまく埋めます。
通常、コンパクト カメラに似た小型のイメージ センサーを備えており、光学ビュー ファインダー (OVF) はほとんどなく、代わりに電子ビュー ファインダー (EVF) と背面の LCD スクリーンを使用して写真を撮ります。
📸 関連: 最高のブリッジカメラアクション カメラ
これらは通常、小さく、防水性があり、頑丈で、主な焦点はビデオ キャプチャです。
小型の GoPro タイプのアクション カメラの優れた点は、体やヘルメットに取り付けて、ユニークな一人称視点を提供できることです。
頑丈で防水のコンパクト カメラも入手できますが、これらは通常、最新のスマートフォンに匹敵する画質しか提供しません。
📸 関連: 最高の防水カメラ価格(コストパフォーマンス)
予算内であれば、最新のカメラ モデルを選択することをお勧めします。
中古での購入は注意が必要です。 DSLR カメラには、既に撮影された写真の数に基づく「シャッター寿命」があり、交換部品は高価になる可能性があります。
中古のミラーレス カメラには、故障する可能性のある可動部品が少ないですが、保証期間が過ぎている場合、何か問題が発生したときに高額な修理費がかかる可能性があります。
カメラバンドルはどうですか?いくつかの素晴らしいオファーがありますが (たとえば、この Nikon D5600 バンドルをチェックしてください)、ほとんどのバンドルには、おそらく使用することのない多くのカメラ アクセサリが含まれている傾向があります。
私のアドバイスは、最近のカメラ モデルにお金を使うことです。バンドルに興味がある場合は、レンズが 1 つまたは 2 つ含まれているものを購入してください。
一般に、暗い場所で (フラッシュを使用せずに) 高速で大きな写真を撮影できることはメリットです。ビルドの品質も向上します。
あなたがプロの写真家でない場合は、レンズ交換式カメラに 500 ~ 1,000 ドルを費やすことをお勧めします。
レンズに興味がない場合は、固定レンズ付きの高度なコンパクト カメラ、できれば最新モデルにお金を費やしてください。
📸 関連: 500ドル未満の最高のカメラ、最も安いフルフレームカメラ.画質
練習すれば、安価なカメラで撮影した画像を、はるかに高価なカメラで撮影したワンショットのように見せることができます。これを 400 ドルのエントリー レベルのデジタル一眼レフとキット レンズで撮影しました。
このようなサイトのオンライン レビューや、Amazon の購入者レビューを読むことをお勧めします。
考慮すべきもう 1 つの点は、カメラの画質は、カメラに取り付けられているレンズに大きく依存するということです。
ほとんどのエントリーレベルのデジタル一眼レフおよびミラーレス モデルには、「キット レンズ」が付属しています。これは通常、低速の可変絞りを備えた安価なミッドレンジ ズーム レンズです。要するに、それは通常かなりくだらないです!
キットレンズは新しいカメラに慣れるための良い方法ですが、予算が許す限り、手頃な価格の単焦点レンズと高品質のズームに投資することをお勧めします. (参照:プライム レンズとズーム レンズ。)
(プロの写真家がカメラに多額の費用を投じる主な理由の 1 つは、通常、より高価なモデルの方が、暗い場所でも高品質の画像を撮影する能力がはるかに優れているためです。)
要約すると、このガイドで推奨されている最高のデジタル カメラを使用すれば、画質について心配する必要はありません :-)
📸 関連: 最高の予算のカメラサイズと人間工学
個人的には、私の大きな手に合う少し大きめのコンパクトカメラが好きです。また、グリップがはっきりしているミラーレス モデルを好むため、通常は少し大きくなります。
A camera’s ergonomics relates to not only how it feels in your hand, but also button placement.
Some small cameras may feel OK to hold, but their buttons are too close together, rendering them awkward to use.
If you’re unable to get to a camera store in person, I recommend reading reviews and judging the size of a camera by its dimensions compared to your smartphone.
📸 Related: Best Point and Shoot Cameras | How to Buy a Rangefinder CameraSensor Size
A full-frame sensor can produce incredible image quality… but so can an APS-C.
Digital cameras use a sensor to ‘record’ images. There are various types of sensor available for each type of camera, making it a rather confusing topic.
For everyone else, here’s what you need to know – the larger the sensor, the better the image quality, especially in low light.
Also, the larger the sensor, the greater your ability to ‘blur the background’ (blur can also be added in Lightroom), but this is also highly dependent on the lens you attach to your camera.
Here are the 3 main lenses you’re likely to come across while shopping for a digital camera:
- 1 Inch (or smaller) – commonly found in budget compact cameras
- APS-C – found in advanced compacts, mirrorless and DSLRs
- Full Frame – found in advanced compacts, mirrorless and DSLRs
Professional photographers commonly use full frame or advanced APS-C sensor cameras.
If you have the budget, a full frame camera is a wonderful investment, but remember that full frame lenses are more expensive too.
The size of the sensor on an interchangeable lens camera will also dictate something called the ‘crop factor’.
Without wanting to get too technical, APS-C sensors ‘multiply’ the focal length of your lenses. A lens that says ’35mm’ may give you an actual focal length of 50mm.
This is great for shooting subjects that are far away, since you’re essentially getting more ‘reach’ on every lens you own.
On the flip side, if you want to get the widest possible lens, you’re a bit more limited with an APS-C sensor.
There’s also a difference in the ‘creaminess’ of out of focus areas (aka ‘bokeh’), and a difference in available dynamic range when choosing APS-C vs a full frame… but this is getting in to nerd-territory, so don’t worry about it for now!
📸 Related: Best full frame camerasTypes of Lens
Different lenses allow you to expand the capabilities of your camera.
Since this article is to help you find the best digital camera, I won’t go too deep into all the various lens options.
Interchangeable lenses are a whole world of fun and creative opportunity, but the myriad of options can sometimes be unnecessary to photographers.
The main decision you need to make at this point is whether you’re happy to have a ‘fixed’ lens on the end of your camera, or if you want the flexibility of interchangeable lenses.
- Fixed Lens Cameras
These feature either a zoom or a fixed focal length lens (aka a ‘prime’), but either way, you’re stuck with that one lens.
Many point-and-shoot cameras have fixed lenses, as do bridge cameras.
I own a fixed length compact (Fujifilm X100V), and love the simplicity and efficiency of a single lens. Check the review here.
- Interchangeable Lens Cameras
When shopping for your first camera, it’s important to check both the availability and the pricing of lenses.
There are own-brand or ‘native’ lenses that are usually the most expensive, and arguably the best quality options, and there are often several third-party options too.
Canon and Nikon offer the largest selection of lenses for their DSLRs, but the smallest selection for their mirrorless cameras here in 2022.
Sony and Fujifilm offer a much larger selection of lenses for the mirrorless system.
📸 Related: Lens ReviewsSpeed and Performance
DSLRs offer excellent operational speed, but only the more expensive models offer high FPS.
This relates to autofocus speed, frames per second (FPS), and the startup time and general operational speed of the camera.
Most modern cameras around the $500 mark and upward have good enough auto-focus speed for casual use.
DSLRs and mirrorless cameras typically offer better performance than compacts and bridge cameras, although it depends on the model.
In general, you need to spend a lot more on a compact camera for it to rival the speed of a larger model.
FPS refers to the number of photos you can take in a row by holding down the shutter button during continuous (aka ‘burst’) mode.
DSLRs that offer high FPS are generally over $1,000, but this isn’t the case with mirrorless – the Sony a6000, for example, costs under $500 and features an impressive 10FPS.
Being able to fire off hundreds of frames isn’t always a good thing – you’ll have lots more photos to examine while editing, and there’s also the question of how fast your buffer can ‘clear’ (i.e. how long the camera will be ‘locked up’ while writing all the images to the memory card).
The overall speed of the camera’s operation is another important factor to consider. Typically, DSLRs ‘wake up’ faster than mirrorless and point-and-shoot cameras.
📸 Related: Sony a6000 ReviewVideo Performance
Most photographers are likely to shoot video on their smartphone for convenience.
All digital cameras shoot video these days, with some offering high-end features such as 4K Ultra HD resolution, multiple frame rates, super slow-motion, high speed recording and time-lapse.
If you choose a model with interchangeable lenses, it’s not hard to get video quality that can rival the very best YouTubers and short-film makers.
The main features to consider if you’re serious about capturing high quality video on your digital camera are:
- Frame rates – 24fps and 30fps are standard. 60fps and higher is great for slow-motion footage.
- Image Stabilization – whether in-body, or in-lens (OIS), image stabilization is essential if you plan to shoot video without a tripod or gimbal.
- 4k video – more resolution =better image quality and the ability to crop more heavily. If this is a feature, just make sure that it can record 4k at 24fps and 30fps.
- External mic input – to get the best audio, you need to be able to plug in an external mic.
- Recording duration – many DSLRs have a limit to how much they can record at one time.
- Rotating LCD – to film yourself, or just to save your neck from craning over all the time while shooting.
- Clean HDMI out – to record to external capture devices.
When choosing a camera for video, try and be honest with yourself…
Are you likely to use a bulky DSLR or mirrorless to capture the occasional footage of your kids playing around?… Or is it more realistic to assume your smartphone will be your first choice?
Personally speaking, I seldom press the record button on any of my cameras. The iPhone can already record high-quality 4k video, so I really don’t see the need.
In addition, editing video can be a painfully slow experience, especially if you don’t own a powerful computer.
📸 Related: Camera StabilizersCamera Brands
The brand of your camera won’t affect the image quality of the photo.
Although there isn’t really any noticeable difference in the image quality you can expect from the various brands, there are still small nuances to be aware of when choosing your first camera.
Each brand offers its own selection of native lenses which can influence the look of your photos, and in some niche cases, it can determine what exactly you’re able to shoot.
In addition, some brands only produce APS-C sensor cameras, with others only producing mirrorless models.
Let’s take a look at the four main camera brands and their characteristics, starting with the main 2 names in the industry:Canon &Nikon:
The biggest photography brand in the world, catering to all kinds of photographer, from absolute beginners to the best professionals in the world.
Canon is known for having the widest selection of lenses, including EF, EF-S, EF-M, and R lenses, with the holy grail being any lens with the iconic ‘red ring’, also known as L-series lenses.
For beginners, there’s a wide selection of affordable lenses, including some excellent options that start from only $100.
Canon produce a diverse selection of cameras (1), with their core sales coming from compacts and DSLRs. You can pick up a great entry-level Canon DSLR for around $500.
One area that Canon is playing catch-up is mirrorless – their first full frame mirrorless model was released relatively recently (in 2018), and their lens selection is still small and expensive.
I’d recommend Canon for compacts and DSLRs. If you’re a professional or have deeper pockets, their mirrorless R-series cameras are a good option too.
📸 Related: Best Canon LensesNikon
Another hugely popular photography brand, albeit much smaller than Canon.
Nikon caters to all photographers, offering some of the best entry-level DSLRs for beginners, all the way up to incredible flagship bodies for professionals (2).
Nikon also offers a huge selection of DSLR lenses, although smaller than that of Canon. For beginners, there are many affordable lenses on offer, starting from around $100.
Nikon produces ‘DX’ and ‘FX’ format lenses, which refer their compatibility with APS-C and full frame sensor formats, respectively.
Nikon’s foray into the world of full frame mirrorless was also relatively recent (2018), and their body and lens selection is limited and expensive.
(Similar to Canon, you have the option of ‘adapting’ the existing selection of DSLR lenses to be used on the latest mirrorless camera bodies.)
I’d recommend Nikon for their excellent D-series DSLRs. If you’re a professional or have deeper pockets, their mirrorless Z-series cameras are also impressive.
📸 Related: Best Nikon LensesSony
Sony is the key player when it comes to mirrorless and premium point-and-shoot cameras.
Their Cyber-shot line of compact cameras is still hugely popular, with new models being released several times a year (3).
Sony full frame mirrorless cameras also offer the best battery life out of any other brand in the industry.
Sony offer a broad selection of lenses, but it pales in comparison to that of Nikon and Canon. Lenses are typically more expensive too, with less options for beginners.
However, you can still choose from a range of affordable entry-level APS-C mirrorless cameras, and some truly class-leading Sony Alpha full frame cameras, if your budget allows.
📸 Related: Best Sony Cameras, Best Sony LensesFujifilm
Another key player in the world of mirrorless, Fujifilm is perhaps best known for its instant cameras and film stock.
A key distinction of Fujifilm mirrorless cameras is their APS-C sensor size.
They also produce medium format sensor cameras (larger than full frame), but they don’t produce anything with a full frame sensor.
Fujifilm offer some excellent lenses, although the selection is not as broad as that of Sony.
In addition, due to the ‘crop-factor’ of their APS-C sensor cameras, you’ll need to take into account a focal length multiplication factor of 1.5x when selecting lenses.
While Fujifilm offer a fine selection of cameras (4) with new models appearing several times a year, their entry-level offerings start at a slightly higher price than those released by Sony.
The aesthetics of Fuji cameras is a big reason to invest in this brand – their cameras look and feel great, and have earned legions of devoted fans.
📸 Related: Best Fujifilm Cameras, Best Fujifilm LensesResolution (Number of Megapixels)
More megapixels allow you to crop your images more heavily while editing.
The resolution of digital cameras is measured in megapixels – one megapixel =one million pixels.
When it comes to digital cameras, a high number of megapixels matters most when ‘cropping into’ a photo, or if you plan to print large pictures.
Photos with more megapixels have more detail, but are consequently larger in file size, meaning they can take longer to edit, send, store, and handle in general.
Most cameras have the option to choose lower resolutions if desired, which can be handy when transferring to smart devices to share online.
Your fancy smartphone with 50 megapixels will never compete with a great DSLR with ‘only’ 24 megapixels, since the DSLR sensor is much bigger.
Don’t make the number of megapixels be a determining factor when shopping for a camera.
Unless you plan to print large, highly detailed prints, there’s little need to invest in a camera with more than 20-odd megapixels.
Other Features
Wifi image transfer and in-camera film simulations can be fun, but their absence aren’t deal-breakers.
These are the features that will help you make your final decision when choosing a new camera.
None of them are essential, and only you will know whether they’re truly important when making your final decision.
- Long Battery Life – mirrorless and point-and-shoot cameras typically have much shorter battery life than DSLRs.
- Manual Shooting Modes – if you’re interested in learning about photography, a camera with a Manual shooting mode is essential.
- Auto Modes – how much you can leave to the camera’s ‘brain’.
- High Frame Rate – being able to shoot multiple consecutive photos can be useful for capturing fast-moving action
- High ISO Performance – helps you capture images in low light without using a flash.
- Rotating/Tilting LCD Screen – useful for selfies and getting experimental with your compositions.
- Dual Memory Card Slots – instant backup, but only really relevant if you’re a professional.
- Mic Input/Output – required if you’re serious about video recording.
- Film Simulations – unique to Fujifilm cameras, but other brands offer creative effects and filters.
- Touch Screen – being able to use smartphone gestures on your camera can be fun.
- Eye/Face Tracking Autofocus System – advanced autofocus technology that’s limited to mirrorless cameras.
- Electronic Viewfinder – an ‘EVF’ can display more information than an ‘OVF’, and offers a WYSIWYG view.
- Image Stabilization – essential for smoother video recording and handheld shooting.
- Weatherproofing / Dustproofing – useful if you travel a lot or shoot in all weather.
- RAW Image Format – RAW files offer more flexibility when editing. See RAW vs JPEG.
- Wifi, Bluetooth, NFC – transfer images wirelessly to your devices, and/or control your camera remotely.
Camera brands try to compete by introducing fancy new features, but my advice is to make your decision based on the core elements mentioned in this article.
Essential Camera Accessories
Taking the photo is only half the battle – you need to learn to edit too.
While it’s important not to go too crazy with accessories when purchasing your first camera, there are a few things that I consider essential:
- Software – you need to learn how to edit photos if you want them to stand out. I recommend Adobe Lightroom, but there are also many good alternatives.
- Memory Card – get the fastest one you can afford, and a fast memory card reader. See memory card guide.
- Spare Batteries – especially for mirrorless cameras.
- Screen Protector – cheap way to prolong the life of your camera’s rear LCD screen.
- Camera strap – see our guide to the best camera straps
- Camera bag – not necessary for point-and-shoot cameras. See our guide to camera bags.
… and that’s it :-)
A common mistake made by beginners is buying everything in the bargain bin at the local camera store, but in reality, very few accessories are actually required at first.
When you start developing your style and realise what kind of photography interests you, that’s where some of the following accessories will become useful.
📸 Related: Lightroom ReviewOptional Camera Accessories
A tripod can be a worthwhile investment if you require a steady shot.
I’ve tried to list these in order of importance to the average beginner photographer who’s looking to expand his/her repertoire:
- Tripod – for long exposure photography or simply getting a sharper shot. See best travel tripods.
- Filters – attach to the front of your lens for various purposes, including UV, ND, Polarizing, etc.
- Cleaning accessories – consider a lens pen, rocket blower and microfiber cloth.
- Battery grip – to extend the battery duration and/or to give large hands more to hold onto.
- External flash – the tiny one on top of your camera gives unflattering results.
- Remote Control – to trigger your camera from a distance. Good for selfies and group shots.
Remember – the more accessories you have, the heavier your camera bag… and the less likely you are to take your camera with you!
Photographers have a name for buying camera gear just for the sake of it – ‘Gear Acquisition Syndrome’, or G.A.S. for short!
Make sure you don’t develop a bad case of GAS…
📸 Related: Best DSLR TripodsWhere to Buy your first Camera
Purchasing cameras online is simple and convenient.
Following a recent poll in the Shotkit Facebook Group, I learned that people buy cameras from a wide variety of local high street shops and online retailers.
My preference is to buy from Amazon, B&H Photo and Moment.
Pro tip: Moment actually have a ‘Clearance’ section with massive discounts, which is somewhat hidden away on their website – you can see the latest deals here.
Obviously, you can’t touch and feel products if you purchase online, but at least all the online retailers mentioned above have free returns, allowing you to try out the camera and exchange it for another if necessary.
If you’ve read this far, you should be MUCH better informed to go camera shopping!
Don’t worry too much about the various camera types on offer here in 2022 – at the end of the day, you can get a great image on a compact, mirrorless or DSLR.
It’s easy to get caught up in camera sensors, zoom lenses, image stabilization, shutter speed, camera body type, exposure settings, optical zoom, viewfinder features, video quality, kit lenses, video mode, sensor sizes, zoom range, and every other variable under the sun.
Just remember this – every camera is different, but your skill as a photographer is far more important than the camera body.
Buy a camera, learn how to use it, and experiment until you reach its limitations. Then, and only then, think about upgrading.
Leave me a comment below if you have any questions, and happy snapping!
References: (1) https://www.usa.canon.com/internet/portal/us/home/products/groups/cameras
(2) https://www.nikonusa.com/en/nikon-products/cameras.page (3) https://www.sony.com/electronics/interchangeable-lens-camera-products/t/interchangeable-lens-cameras (4) https://www.fujifilm.com/products/digital_cameras/