Adobe Lightroom で露出過度の写真を修正する方法
Adobe Lightroom は革新的な画像変更ソフトウェアであり、写真の種類に関係なく必須です。撮った写真を見るのがとても楽しみで、結果を見てがっかりしたことはありませんか?画像が露出オーバーで、完璧に仕上げるのに苦労していませんか? Lightroom で露出オーバーの写真を修正するにはどうすればよいですか?
Lightroom で露出を下げるには、写真のハイライト、露出、白を調整する必要があります。写真の調整に忙しいときは、必ずヒストグラムを監視してください。さまざまな調整を使用して、結果として生じたコントラストの損失または暗い領域を補います。
Lightroom での画像の修正は複雑である必要はありません。たくさん練習すれば、すぐにマスターできます。この記事に従って、露出オーバーの写真と露出オーバーの顔を Lightroom で修正する方法を学びます。
Lightroom で露出オーバーの写真を修正する方法
Adobe Lightroom はプロ向けの写真変更ソフトウェアであり、多くの新しい写真家はそのコツをつかむのに苦労しています。写真を撮り始めたばかりで、顧客ベースを拡大してビジネスを構築したい場合は、ビジネスを引き付けるための優れたポートフォリオが必要です。
画像の品質を向上させるために習得する必要がある基本的なスキルを見てみましょう。 Adobe Lightroom で露出過度の写真を修正する方法のヒントを次に示します。
<オール>クリッピング インジケーターとヒストグラムを監視する
クリッピング インジケーターは、いつ、どこで画像が露出過多であるか、露出がどの程度間違っているかを明らかにします。クリッピング インジケーターを有効にするには、キーボードの「J」を押します。 This will allow you to see the overexposed areas on the image by overlaying them in red.
You must observe the histogram as well. The histogram is a graph that depicts the number of pixels in a photo and the level of luminosity. You will find this graph at the upper right of the Development module.
Brighter pixels are represented closer to the right of the histogram graph. The higher it is on the right side of the graph, the brighter pixels are in the image, and when the graph is flatter on the right side, it means areas of the image are overexposed.
Make Use Of Luminosity Sliders
- Option 1:Exposure
This slider will adjust the entire exposure of the image, so it is perfect to use if the whole image is overexposed. Move the slider to the left to fix the overexposure.
However, the snag of using the exposure slider is that it will influence the brightness of the entire image. The exposure slider will make dark areas of the image even darker.
- Option 2:Highlights
Use the highlights slider to recoup the overexposed areas of the image. Move the slider to the left, and the brighter areas of the image will reduce in brightness.
Even though the histogram displays the pixels to the far right side of the graph, the highlights slider can retrieve many overexposed parts.
- Option 3:Whites
Another option is using the whites slider, but it will only alter the brightest areas of the image. Lowering the whites decreases the contrast better than the highlights slider.
- Option 4:Shadows
Use the shadows slider to retrieve areas that got too dark. Usually, this happens when you adjust the exposure slider.
- Option 5:Contrast
Sometimes your image will still look monotonous after adjusting the exposure, highlights, whites, and shadows. You might have to enhance the contrast.
This is easy to fix by only moving the contrast slider to the right until the image looks livelier and you are satisfied with the results.
- Option 6:Clarity
The clarity tool adjusts the contrasts in the mid-tones instead of the entire image. You can increase the clarity of the image if you think it will look better. By sliding the clarity slider to the right, the image will become sharper.
Although it is a useful adjustment, make sure that you do not apply too much clarity to the image as this will result in an unnatural appearance in the photos.
Use a combination of these editing sliders to achieve the best results. Sometimes it is not necessary to use all of the options outlined above. Maybe you just need to adjust the whites or the shadows.
Please pay attention to the histogram because it will help you determine the level of luminosity and the number of pixels on an image. The graph will be quite puzzling initially, but you will soon learn how to read it.
<オール>Targeted Adjustment Tool
- Graduated Filter With Luminosity Mask
The luminosity mask allows you to select the brightness values that must be targeted by the adjustments you make. The best way to apply these adjustments to the whole image is by overlaying the image with the graduated filter across the whole image.
Once you have applied the graduated filter, pick ‘Luminance’ from the drop-down list next to ‘Range Mask’. Range masks help you be more precise about where you want to make adjustments and how it appears.
Choose what luminosity values you want to target by using the Range slider. The Range slider uses a scale of 0-100 (0 being the darkest and 100 being the brightest).
When using the graduate filter, you can be more precise if you want to target a certain area of the image, e.g., trees that are overexposed.
There is no need for you to get frustrated. Amazing software like Lightroom can assist you with improving the outcome of your images. Although adjustments and editing can take a lot of time, it is well worth it, especially if you aspire to expand your business.
The most important part is to pay close attention to details so your image can turn out beautiful. Make sure that you use the adjustment tools correctly while also keeping an eye on the histogram.
Another great feature of Adobe Lightroom is that it is non-destructive, which means that Lightroom makes adjustments to the images, but without applying changes to the original file. So, you can easily delete your current adjustments and start all over again without having to worry that your images are ruined or cannot be recovered.
Want to watch the process step-by-step? Check out the video below.