写真家への最高の贈り物 – 16 のユニークなアイデア
これは、2022 年の写真家への最高のギフトのガイドです。ここで推奨されるすべての製品は、ユニークで便利で、あらゆる基準の写真家に最適です。
何でも持っている写真家に何を贈ろうか悩んでいる方のために、クリスマス プレゼントのアイデアもご紹介します!
写真愛好家のための 16 のギフト
1. Peak Design の携帯電話アクセサリー
写真家であろうとなかろうと、スマートフォンの所有者なら誰でも、スマートフォン カメラ アクセサリの 1 つを喜んで受け取ります。
iPhone および Android スマートフォン用のさまざまなマウントで構成される Mobile by Peak Design は、フォトグラファーに最適な独創的な保護用スマートフォン ケースを中心に展開しています。
SlimLink マグネットを使用すると、携帯電話をマウントにすばやく簡単に取り付けたり取り外したりすることができ、すべて片手で行うことができます。より安全なアタッチメント (バイク マウントなど) が必要な場合は、ハードロック機能が役立ちます。スマートフォンを取り外すには、マウントの両側にあるボタンを押すだけです。
現在、自転車、車、デスク、ウォール マウントが利用可能で、スマートフォンを必要な場所に固定する方法があります。モバイル フォトグラファー用三脚、ワイヤレス充電スタンド、クリエーター フォトグラファー キット、キックスタンド ウォレット、その他のさまざまなアクセサリも電話ケースと連動します。
写真家の友人や自分自身へのギフトとして、さまざまなモバイル製品を購入することになります。詳細については、Peak Design モバイルの完全なレビューをご覧ください。
2. PhotoStick 写真バックアップ フラッシュ ドライブ
編集者の選択写真家へのオリジナルギフトを購入するのが難しい理由は、通常、カメラ、レンズ、アクセサリーをすでに購入しているからです。ただし、PhotoStick バックアップ フラッシュ ドライブをまだ入手していない可能性があると言っても過言ではありません。
すべてのフォトグラファーは写真をバックアップする簡単な方法を必要としていますが、これほど簡単なものはありません。PhotoStick を USB ポートに接続し、アプリケーションをロードするだけで、コンピューターのハード ドライブ (または外付けハード ドライブ) をスキャンします。すべての写真を見つけてバックアップします。
保存する画像の形式を選択したり、ムービー ファイルを選択したりすることもできます。シンプルなインターフェイスで簡単にセットアップできるため、これらの小さなガジェットは古い世代やテクノロジーに詳しくない人へのギフトに最適です。
また、iCloud や Lightroom を使用してオンラインで写真をバックアップするために月額料金を支払うことにうんざりしているフォトグラファーへの素晴らしい贈り物にもなります。
Photostick のレビューでは、簡単に使用できることがわかりました。この価格では、本当にお買い得です。
3. GoDonut デバイス スタンド
編集者の選択「必要な唯一のデバイス スタンド」として販売されているこの製品は、すべてを持っている写真家への完璧な贈り物です。
とても簡単です。携帯電話を GoDonut スタンドに置くだけで、快適な視聴位置を楽しむことができます。デバイスの角度を調整するには、電話を 2 つの溝の 1 つの内側に再配置します。
写真家の友人は、GoDonut がポケットに収まり、軽量であることを気に入るはずです。旅行に最適です。最新の Netflix 番組を一気に見たり、料理をしながらレシピを追ったり、FaceTime を使ったり、携帯電話のカメラの三脚としても使用できます。
ほとんどの写真家はすでにカメラを持っていますが、実際にはすべての写真家がスマートフォンを使用して写真を撮っています。 GoDonut を使って自撮りやグループ ショットを撮るのに携帯電話を立てるのは便利で楽しいものです。
4. Peak Design スリングバッグ
編集者の選択Peak Design Sling は、2022 年の私たちのお気に入りのカメラ スリング バッグであり、メインのカメラ バッグをすでに持っている写真家への完璧なギフトです。
サイズは 3L、6L および 10L の 3 つです。カメラ、レンズ 2 本、およびその他の日常的に持ち運ぶ小さなガジェットに最適なサイズとして、小さいバージョンをお勧めします。
魅力的な 3 色が用意されており、ほとんどの写真家は、ブランディングがゼロ (目に見える) の非常にクールなオールブラック オプションを気に入っています。
これまでカメラ スリング バッグを使用したことがない写真家の友人がいる場合は、上のボタンをクリックして最新の価格を確認してください。
5. Luminar 画像エディター
編集者の選択ギフトは必ずしも物理的な製品である必要はありません。Luminar は、受賞歴のある Skylum ソフトウェアの写真編集ソフトウェアです。
写真オーガナイザー、AI を活用したフィルター、多数の優れたプリセット (「Looks」と呼ばれる) がすべて、習得しやすい直感的なインターフェイスに組み込まれています。
プロ、アマチュア、さらには初心者にも適した Luminar には、ワンクリック編集ソリューション (AI 搭載) から、曲線から微細構造まですべてを調整できる詳細指向のフィルターまで、すべてが揃っています。
Adobe Lightroom に対するこの写真編集ソフトウェアの主な利点は、購入するとソフトウェアを完全に所有することです。サブスクリプションはありません。また、すでに Adobe エコシステムを使用しているフォトグラファー向けに、Photoshop と Lightroom の両方でプラグインとしても機能します。
6. Peak Design トラベル三脚
編集者の選択すべての写真家は優れた三脚を必要としています。これは、これまでに作られた最高のコンパクトな旅行用三脚の 1 つです。写真家向けのこのギフト リストにはかなりの投資が必要ですが、適切な人にとっては、それだけの価値があることは間違いありません!
他の旅行用三脚で、全体的なプロファイルがこれほど低いものはありませんが、強く、頑丈で、背が高いです。 It literally packs down to the diameter of a water bottle!
Built for life on the road, the Peak Design Travel Tripod isn’t just made for travellers. Its size, quick set up, and built-in smartphone mounting compatibility make it a great everyday tripod that you can slip into just about any bag.
If the carbon fiber version is out of your budget, the aluminium version works well too and is nearly half the price. Either way, this is definitely our favourite ultra-portable travel tripod of 2022 – we gave it full marks in our review.
If you’ve got the budget for the favorite photographer in your life, there aren’t many other gifts that will bring a bigger smile to their face than this one! (Especially if you splash out on the carbon fiber version – what a gift!)
7. Peak Design Slide Strap
編集者の選択All photographers need a good camera strap, and this one if one of our top gifts for the year.
The Peak Design Slide Cross Body Camera Strap is one of the most versatile straps on the market and is something any photographer can put to immediate use if received as a gift.
Not only can it be worn as a sling, shoulder or neck strap, but it’s also super quick to adjust even while wearing it.
Hugely popular among both professional and amateur photographers, the Slide also comes with Peak Design’s popular Anchor Link system which allows for quick attachment and release.
For tripod users, the connection plate works with all ARCA-type tripod heads, saving the hassle of having to unscrew it.
Comfort-wise, the Slide gives you two options:grippy on one side and smooth on the other. The smooth, seamless side is especially nice on the skin compared to other camera straps.
The Slide comes in grey with brown accents or black with red accents – either would make an ideal gift for photographers who need a new way to carry their camera.
8. Fujifilm Instant Photo Printer
編集者の選択I bet your photographer buddy takes photos with a digital camera and edits with photo editing software… just like all the rest of us.
Maybe he or she would like to print out hard copies of photos instantly, like the old days of Polaroids? Portable printers make ideal gifts for all photographers.
The Instax SP-3 is a portable photo printer that can be used anywhere. All you need is a smartphone or tablet. If you’re a Fujifilm camera user, you can print directly from your camera too!
The printing is ultra-fast (just 13 seconds for the average photo) and high definition.
The Instax SP-3 also allows you to print directly from your Instagram, Flickr, Facebook, Google Photos, and Dropbox accounts right on the spot.
Size-wise at just 6″x6″, the Instax SP-3 is also nicely portable. Just stick it in your bag or purse and you’re good to go.
Perfect for events, travel, or parties, it’s so nice to have a physical reminder of a moment, rather than a photo stuck on a phone, which is normally the case here in 2022.\
Portable printers really make ideal gifts for any photographers.
9. iPhone Photo Academy Course
編集者の選択If you’re looking for a gift for photographers who love taking photos with their iPhone, sign them up for the iPhone Photo Academy is one of the best gifts you could give.
The iPhone Photo Academy provides over 10 hours of instruction on everything from how to get the best out of your iPhone, to how to see the world through the eyes of a great photographer.
When it’s on sale, this high quality and enjoyable video course is definitely the best bang for the buck out of all the other mobile photography courses out there… and it makes a great gift for someone who wants to improve their iPhone photo skills.
Photographers can get it at a steep 80% discount right here. It also comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, a lively Facebook group, and copious online support.
Whether they’re an avid smartphone photographer or a pro who only uses their iPhone camera occasionally for photography, the iPhone Photo Academy is a great gift for any aspiring iPhone photographer.
Need something a little more advanced? Read our review of iPhone Landcape Mastery, the latest course from the same guys.
10. DJI Mavic Mini
編集者の選択Got a bit more budget for buying gifts this year? Trust me – all photographers secretly want a drone! What an incredible gift to receive!
The DJI Mavic Mini is ultra-portable, easy to fly, and comes with a high-quality camera lens, perfect for aerial photography.
The flight time is 30 minutes, which is more than enough to get some great footage, especially in Sports Mode, which allows it to fly up to 13m/s! Memory cards slot into the back, and everything can be charged with a micro-USD cable.
We love just how tiny it is – 5.51 x 3.22 x 2.24 inches (140 × 82 × 57 mm). You can even fit it into a jacket pocket!
Sure, there are newer models of DJI drone available here in 2022, but they’re also more expensive, and pack in plenty of features that aren’t necessary for the average photographer.
Best of all, it’s affordable (for a photography drone) too! It’d make an amazing gift for the photographer in your life.
11. Peak Design Capture Clip
編集者の選択Know any nature or wildlife photographers? Consider getting them the Peak Design Capture Clip as a unique gift.
The Capture Clip attaches to the various straps found on camera bags, or even just your belt, and holds your camera securely until you need it.x
From there it’s just a one-handed quick release to get your camera up and shooting!
The Capture Clip can be used with any camera that has a tripod mount, as well as with lenses and binoculars. It fits perfectly on most backpacks and stays out of your way until needed.
Unlike camera straps, it keeps your camera rigidly stable so it’s not flopping around. It holds over 200 lbs, which means it can hold even the heaviest of camera + lens combinations, for any kind of photography.
12. Sandisk Extreme Portable SSD
編集者の選択Most photographers have huge amounts of data to store and sometimes they need that data to be portable.
That’s what makes the Sandisk Extreme SSD a thoughtful gift, and something we’d love to find at the bottom of our Christmas stocking!
It’s palm-sized, light, and fits in your pocket. At the same time, it holds up to 2TB! That’s a lot of files on such a tiny drive.
The Sandisk Extreme SSD is also blazing fast, with read/write speeds up to 550MB/s. You can even edit 4K footage straight off the drive with no lag at all, which is simply amazing.
So if you know any photographers who need portable, lightning-quick performance in a solid-state hard drive no bigger than a business card , you can’t really go wrong with this.
Compatible with PC, &Mac.
13. Manfrotto PIXI Mini Tripod
編集者の選択A lot of photography equipment is bulky and ugly, but not the Manfrotto PIXI Mini. For a table-top tripod, photographers can’t beat it for elegance or simplicity.
Designed for use with compact camera systems (phones, point-and-shoots and lightweight mirrorless cameras), the Manfrotto PIXI Mini sets up quickly, is intuitive to use, and holds your camera or phone securely.
It’s actually a joy to handle, thanks to its smooth contours that fit the shape of your hand perfectly – we know plenty of photographers who choose this mini tripod over a Gorillapod, simply because it feels better to handhold while collapsed.
The ball-head adjusts through the use of a red push-button that lets you position it in one simple movement, and then holds the camera steady as a rock once you take your finger off.
Best of all, it’s less than $20! It’s a fantastic deal and a thoughtful photography-related gift for a photographer friend who uses a small camera.
14. WANDRD Veer Packable Backpack
編集者の選択This is by far our favourite packable backpack for photographers of 2022. Camera bags this unique don’t come around often…
The WANDRD Veer is the first camera bag with an inflatable back panel, which provides protection and additional back padding when you most need it.
Coupled with the inflatable camera cube (sold separately and highly recommended), you can carry a full-size DSLR with 70-200mm attached, with more padded protection than most dedicated camera bags!
The WANDRD Veer also features numerous attachment loops on both the front and the shoulder straps, weather-resistant zippers, an expandable water-bottle pocket, air mesh shoulder straps, breathable air mesh back panel, theft deterrent buckle… and can all be packed away into a pouch the size of a paperback book!
It’s a great looking backpack in its own right, and you’ll be tempted to use it for more than just ’emergencies’ – fortunately, it’s comfortable and durable enough to do so.
Available in blue, rust and black, the Veer is also affordably priced – photographers will want one in each colour to have stashed inside larger luggage items, ready for fast deployment.
It’s the ideal day bag for travellers and a unique gift for photographers.
15. Mason Frame by Aura
編集者の選択Photographers should display their photographs, and nothing makes this easier than a digital picture frame.
Aura has produced a wonderfully minimal, tactile and well-designed frame called the Mason, and we’re in love with it. (So too is Oprah Winfrey, who named it one her favourite gifts of the year!)
The Mason looks and feels like a real picture frame, except that it has the added ability to store and display an unlimited number of your favourite photographs.
Everything is controlled by the simple-to-use Aura smartphone app, and if you choose to gift the frame to a photographer friend, you can even set it up to display a selection of pre-loaded images as soon as they plug it in.
(Speaking of the plug, even that is beautifully designed – a braided cord and silver-plated cube. It’s the details that make this product so special.)
Photographers will love how crisp images look on the screen in 1600 x 1200 HD resolution, with its brightness automatically when the ambient light in your room changes.
We named the Aura the best digital photo frame of the year, and we’re confident that whether you choose to buy one for yourself or to give a couple as gifts, you won’t be disappointed.
It’s a particularly good gift for a grandparent, or someone who doesn’t know a memory card from a birthday card, and who’s unlikely to ever print out a photo book or any 4×6 prints of their favourite photographs!
16. Vallerret Markhof Pro Photography Gloves
編集者の選択If you looking for gifts for photographers who live in colder climates, these high-quality gloves by Vallerret are a great option.
With a 100% merino wool inner and an additional layer of Thinsulate insulation, your photographer friends will love how warm their hands are kept while shooting this winter.
The ‘fliptech’ finger caps are ideal for photography in cold weather, allowing you to flip open the thumb and forefinger glove tips to expose your fingers to take a photo – the tips are kept open via magnets, keeping them out of the way until you’re ready to cover them up again.
There’s a non-slip grip, DWR suede and twill for durability and water-resistance, lens-cleaner and even a zippered memory card slot.
All in all, there’s no better glove for cold-weather photography. Highly recommended!
Buying Gifts for Photographers – FAQ
- What should I buy a photographer who loves street photography?
A ‘FRAMES’ magazine subscription is an original choice. Photographers love magazines, and this is one of the best – get it here. - What should I buy photographers who want to choose photography gear themselves?
Memory cards or a camera cleaning kit are great gift ideas since all photographers need them. A novelty lens cap can be fun too! - What are some good cheap gift ideas for the photographer who has everything?
A new camera strap is one option since every photographer needs more than one. Camera neck straps make great gifts and can be found affordably. A microfiber cleaning cloth is cheap too, and an essential tool to keep a camera lens clean, particularly if you don’t use a lens cap. it can also be used with a phone camera.
Gift Ideas for Photographers – Final Words
I hope you enjoyed these 16 unique gift ideas for photographers.
There are SO many amazing products for photographers on the market here in 2022, but stick to this selection to avoid decision-making overload!
Whether you’re buying for a beginner photographer, hobbyist photographer, or even a professional photographer, there’s something here for everyone… and if you still can’t decide, check out our selection of funny t-shirts for photographers.
Leave us a comment if you have any specific questions about any of the photo gifts listed above.