すべてのオーディオファンが知っておくべき Hi-Fi トリック
私は 2009 年以来、あらゆる時代のハイファイ オーディオ機器を収集してきたオーディオマニアであると自負しています。しかし、私は時々新しいことを学び続けています。
たとえば、レコード ウェイトを使用することで、ビニール レコードの音質を改善できることを最近知りました。 .こうすることで、重さによってレコード盤の反りが平らになり、音質が向上します。誰が考えたでしょうか?
これは多くの人にとって非常にシンプルで理解しやすいものに違いないと思いますが、何らかの理由で、かなり時間がかかりました.これは、Hi-Fi 機器の世界では、基本に立ち返る必要があるとしても、学ぶべき新しいことが常にあることを示しています。
より良い音質を得るための秘訣は、適切なハイファイ機器に投資することだけではありません。私が学んだことから、それは リスニング についてでもあります オーディオマニアのように。これは、Hi-Fi 機器を最大限に活用し、あらゆる細部に批判的になることを意味します。
この記事では、私が何年にもわたって学んだ、すべてのオーディオファンが今すぐ知っておくべき、最も役立つ 10 のハイファイ トリックについて説明します。 !

すべてのオーディオマニアが知っておくべき Hi-Fi トリック
オーディオマニアであることの最も良い点の 1 つは、新しいことを学び、発見することを決して止めないことだと思います。それは終わりのない旅であり、それがとてもエキサイティングな理由です。経験を真に向上させ、私と同じ過ちを犯さないようにするためのヒントをいくつか紹介します!
1.音楽を聴く - 聞くだけではいけません
私がオーディオマニアとして学んだ最も重要なことの 1 つは、聞くことです。 聞くだけでなく、音楽に。これを区別するのはばかげているように聞こえるかもしれませんが、これは非常に重要です。
2.クリティカル リスニングは夜間にのみ行うべきです
これは、最初から従うべきだったアドバイスの 1 つです。私がオーディオマニアとして始めた頃は、iPhone に付属していた安価なイヤフォンを使用していました。
しかし、これは間違いであることがすぐにわかりました。安価なイヤフォンは、カジュアルなリスニングには問題ないかもしれませんが、重要なリスニングや、ハイファイ スピーカー システムやヘッドフォンに慣れている人には適していません.

4. Heat &Humidity DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE
Living in Florida, I always found that the climate was very hot and humid. I always thought that this had no effect on the sound of my hi-fi equipment. However, moving to a colder state allowed me to understand that heat and humidity can actually have a significant impact on the sound quality of your music.
Hot weather and high humidity can cause the sound to become muffled or even distorted as the air particles become more radical and move around more haphazardly. In extreme cases, it can even cause the sound to crackle or pop.
There are a few things you can do to help mitigate the effects of heat and humidity on your sound quality.
- Make sure that your speakers are properly ventilated. If they’re not, the heat can build up inside the speaker and cause the sound to become distorted.
- Try to keep your speakers away from direct sunlight. The sun’s rays can increase the temperature inside the speaker, which can again lead to sound distortion.
- Keep your speakers in a cool, dry environment. This will help to keep the temperature down and reduce the risk of sound distortion.
- Avoid using your equipment in direct sunlight.
5. Room Acoustics Are Important
I used to think that as long as my hi-fi equipment sounded good and was loud enough, the acoustics of my room didn’t matter. However, I have since learned that this is not the case. Room acoustics are actually very important, and they can have a big impact on the sound quality of your music.
There are many different factors that contribute to good room acoustics, such as the size of the room, the shape of the room, and the material of the walls. If you want to get the most out of your hi-fi equipment, it is important to take these factors into account.
Make sure you go through my guide about room acoustics and furniture placement for better sound quality and experience!
6. There’s Always a Correct Volume &Correct Listening Distance
For many, there is no such thing as too loud or too close. They may as well put speakers right up to their ears if given their way! Audiophiles, however, know better. They know that there is a correct volume for each recording, as well as a correct listening distance.
Too loud, and the music will start to sound distorted. Too quiet, and you will not be able to hear all the subtle details in the music. The same goes for listening distance. If you are too close to the speakers, you will not be able to hear the full soundscape of the music. If you are too far away, the music will sound distant and flat.
It is important to find the perfect balance between volume and distance in order to get the most out of your music.
7. Create a Test CD &Test Out Different Frequencies
When I first started out as an audiophile, I used to just listen to music on my iPod. However, I soon realized that this was not the best way to enjoy my music. If you want to get the most out of your music, you need to create a test CD and test out different frequencies.
A test CD is a CD that contains a variety of different tracks, all at different frequencies. By testing out different frequencies, you will be able to find the perfect balance for your hi-fi equipment.

To test your system out:
- Attach a piece of tape or rope to the back wall through your shoulders.
- Play different frequencies, starting from 300 Hz to 2,000 Hz, all the way to 10,000 Hz.
- Stay seated but move the top of your body forward and backward.
- Once you reach the pique point of every frequency, mark it on the rope or tape.
- If the distance between these points is too much, move your speakers closer or your listening chair.
- Repeat the same until you can find the point where the frequencies are at their peak and the peak points are close to each other.
8. Precision is Key – So Remove As Many Vibrations As Possible
When it comes to hi-fi equipment, precision is key. Any vibrations or movements can cause the sound to become distorted. That is why it is important to remove as much vibration as possible.
There are many different ways to do this, such as using speaker isolation pads or decoupling your equipment from the floor. By taking these measures, you can be sure that your music will sound its best.
Try putting marble under your hi-fi speakers along with the exercise I mentioned above. I know this sounds strange (and perhaps not that different from concrete or hardwood), but you’d be surprised at the difference in results you’ll get! This is because marble is a natural sound dampener, and it will help to reduce vibrations.
Final Thoughts
These are just a few hi-fi tricks that every audiophile needs to know. By following these tips, you can be sure that you are getting the most out of your music.
Of course, there is a lot more to learn and a lot more to teach, so I’ll be sure to follow up with another post soon. Thanks for reading!