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10 インチと 12 インチのサブウーファー (本当の違い)

10 インチと 12 インチのサブウーファーは非常に一般的であり、それらを比較してどちらが優れているかについて多くの議論があります。

では、10 インチと 12 インチのサブウーファーの違いは何でしょうか?サウンドシステムで両方のタイプを使用できますか?どちらがより強力ですか?


10 インチと 12 インチのサブウーファーの違いはほとんどありませんが、12 インチのサブウーファーの方が低音が強くなります。さらに、10 インチのサブウーファーはパンチの効いたサウンド、12 インチのサブウーファーはパンチの効いたサウンドを実現します。

2 つの間のその他の違いは、せいぜいわずかです。たとえば、10 インチのサブウーファーは少し高速ですが、12 インチのサブウーファーほど多くの空気を押し込むことはありません (同じワット数では 12 インチのサブウーファーの方が少し大きいはずです)。


10 インチと 12 インチの潜水艦のその他の違いは次のとおりです。

  • ラウドネス: 表面積が大きいため、2 つの 10 インチ サブウーファーは 1 つの 12 インチ サブウーファーよりもはるかに大きな音になります。ただし、多くの場合、12 インチのサブウーファー 1 台で 10 インチのサブウーファー 2 台よりも大きな音を出すことができますが、より強力なサブウーファーとより大きなアンプが必要になります。
  • 音質: 10 インチのサブウーファーはパンチの効いたサウンド、12 インチのサブウーファーはブーミーなサウンドです。
  • エンクロージャー: ベントのあるエンクロージャーの 10 インチサブウーファーはブーミーに聞こえますが、密閉されたエンクロージャーではタイトに聞こえます。
  • 10 インチのサブウーファーと 12 インチのサブウーファーの比較について詳しく見ていきましょう。

    10 インチと 12 インチのサブウーファーの比較表

    以下は、10 サブウーファーと 12 サブウーファーのホーム シアター サブウーファーを比較した表です:

    10" サブウーファー 12" サブウーファー
    精度 少し正確 やや精度が低い
    低音出力 低音出力の減少 低音出力の向上
    パフォーマンスとラウドネス 音量を下げる もっと大きく
    音質 違いなし 違いなし
    歪み 歪みが少ない 大きな歪み
    調性 タイトでコントロールされたミッド 周波数が低いほど良い
    共振周波数と周波数応答 より狭い回答 ローエンドでのレスポンスが向上
    サイズ、重量、電力需要 小型化、軽量化、省電力化 より大きく、より重く、より多くの電力を使用
    低音効果 「パンチ」 「ブーミー」


    確かに、小さいサブウーファーは大きいサブウーファーよりもわずかに正確です。つまり、通常は「よりタイト」で「よりクリーン」です。 これが、ウーファーがサブウーファーよりも正確である理由です。

    では、10インチの潜水艦は12インチの潜水艦よりもタイトですか?必ずしも。ただし、設計者は通常、これらのサブウーファーで小型モーターに大型コーンを使用して SPL と感度を向上させるため、小型ドライバーは Q が低くなります。

    さらに説明すると、メーカーは、小型の潜水艦で作業するための電力を少なくしています。これにより、12 で使用されているのと同じ素材へのストレスが軽減されます。そのため、より正確な音の再現が得られますが、サブウーファーが小さいほど音量が小さくなります。

    これは、10 インチ潜水艦が 12 インチ潜水艦よりもわずかに正確であると期待できることを意味します。

    繰り返しますが、違いはわずかです。ただし、オーディオマニアは違いに気付くでしょう。あなたがオーディオマニアでないなら、おそらくそうではないでしょう。このため、10 インチの潜水艦は 12 インチの潜水艦よりも「タイト」ではなく、それはすべて神話であると多くの人が言うでしょう.


    一般に、Qts の高いドライバーは、十分に減衰されたドライバーよりも「タイト」ではないため、これも良い点です。

    ただし、リンギングを防ぐために、より大きなボックスまたはエンクロージャーとより少ない内部圧力が必要です。サブ Qts と Fs がシステム Qtc と Fc になるポイントがあることを覚えておいてください。したがって、これらの考慮事項はオーディオファイルの音質にとって重要です。


    10 インチと 12 インチのサブウーファーの主な違いは、12 インチの方がより低音が出るということです。 より大きなドライバーは、コーンの表面積が大きいため、総出力が少し多くなります.


    一般に、12 インチのドライバーは 10 インチのドライバーよりも多くの空気を移動させ、理論的にはより低い周波数を正確に生成することができ、より多くの低音を生成することができます。ただし、サブウーファー システムの他の部分もこれらすべてに影響することを認識することが重要です。

    これは、利用可能な空域、利用可能な電力量、サウンド システムのタイプ (SQ、SPL、SQL) など、いくつかの要因にすべて依存することを意味します。

    十分なスペースと十分なパワーを備えた 2 つの同様のシステムを比較すると、事実、12 インチの方がより多くの低音を提供することは間違いありません。これは特に中低音に当てはまります。大きい中低音は、同じ音量でも小さい中低音よりも大きく感じさせます。


    言い換えれば、より大きな12インチのサブはより大きな表面積を持ち、より多くの面積はより多くの空気の量に等しく、より多くの低音を意味します.簡単に言えば、12 インチは物理的に 10 インチのサブウーファーよりも多くの空気を動かすことができます。つまり、同じワット数の場合、より大きな音を出すことができます。

    低音出力についてこれらのサブウーファーを比較する場合に留意すべきことの 1 つは、この効果に気付くにはこれらのサブウーファーを強く押す必要があるということです。

    3. パフォーマンスと ラウドネス

    12 インチのサブウーファーが 10 インチのサブウーファーよりも大きな低音を出すのと同じ理由で、12 インチのサブウーファーの方が音量が大きくなります。 前述のように、これはドライバーの表面積が大きくなるため、必要なパワーが大きくなり、音量が大きくなるためです。サブウーファーのラウドネスは、空気の移動によって生み出されることを忘れないでください。


    JL Audio 10 を見てみましょう W7 および JL オーディオ 12W7 . JL Audio 10W7 は 500w を使用してピーク パフォーマンスを達成し、JL Audio 12W7 は 750w を使用してピーク パフォーマンスを達成します。

    これらは類似したドライバーであることを忘れないでください。 Both these drivers are built similarly and use the same material for the different components including the cone, basket, magnet, voice coil, and all other parts.

    One point to note is that the increase in bass from the 12″ sub is not proportional to the decrease in response accuracy. As far as we are concerned, it’s a fair trade.

    Power Handling

    Now we have said that 12″ subs will typically be louder than 10″ subs. However, power handling considerations are very important.

    Here’s a question, which of these subwoofers will be louder? Between a 10″ and a 12″, both rated at 1000W RMS, each placed in their own optimized box and each driven by the same 1k amp?

    Normally, you could just say the 12″ but that won’t always be the case because of power handling.

    Not all subwoofers handle power the same way. This is especially true if the subs are different brands. In this case, there could be a significant enough difference in air displacement based on how well power is handled.


    Sensitivity is also an important but overlooked factor when it comes to loudness. as an example, a 94db sensitivity speaker will be almost twice as loud as a 91db sensitivity sub for the same applied signal power.


    Is there any difference between 10″ and 12″ subs in terms of sound quality?

    Only at the highest sonic levels.

    If you are comparing the same family of drivers and the only difference is cone size, you won’t be able to tell a sonic difference between the two.

    The only instance in which you will be able to tell is when you have reached the limits of the 10″ at which point you’ll begin to notice distortion.

    Sound quality is a complex metric and the size of a driver is just one factor that helps to determine the quality of sound that a driver can deliver. Other factors include magnet size, spider stiffness, cone material, etc.

    As we have said, the 12″ sub will certainly have greater output in terms of bass, but that doesn’t mean greater sound quality. Once your subwoofers are decent, it will be very hard to nearly impossible to hear a sonic difference from just a size difference.

    However, here is one instance in which you may notice a difference.

    Let’s start by saying that bigger drivers have a better response down low and smaller drivers up high

    Now, if you drive these subs within their optimal operating frequencies, they will certainly sound different! However, if you drive both the same way using the same range of frequencies, you probably won’t notice much of a difference.

    Also, remember larger subs can handle greater power, so you will notice a difference if you are stressing the small driver. So, sonically the drivers should sound the same when driven at volumes where the smaller driver is not stressed.

    5. Bass Control

    As we have mentioned, you won’t find that there is any great tradeoff in sound quality when choosing between 10″ and 12″.

    However, as far as bass control is concerned, smaller subwoofers tend to be a little more controlled on fast tight bass notes over bigger subs.

    6. Distortion

    If we talk about sound quality, we need to also talk about distortion. Remember, all subs will physically warp and distort to varying degrees during operation.

    When we compare matching 10 inch and 12-inch subs, you will find that the 12-inch sub will distort slightly more during operation due to the larger surface area and increased power or load.

    7. Tonality

    If tonality is important to you (SQ or SQL), there are certain things to consider. Firstly, go with a sealed enclosure regardless of which driver you use.

    By comparison, 12″ subs will play lower frequencies than the 10″ subs. On the other hand, the 10″ subs may have a tighter, more controlled sound in the lower midbass region.

    Here are the conditions under which you should choose each driver to get the best output in terms of tonality:

    10″ Subs: If your setup will include a subwoofer, midrange and high frequency (tweeter or horn-loaded compression drivers). Do the same if you are using a woofer instead of a subwoofer.

    12″ Subs: If your system includes a pair of dedicated midbass drivers in the 60-250 Hz range. Remember, 12″ can play lower bass.

    8. Resonant Frequency and Frequency Response

    Here is the quick summary – bigger drivers have a better response down low and smaller drivers have a better response up high. This means 12″ will respond better at lower frequencies and 10″ will respond better at higher frequencies.

    However, here’s the question – do you want a sub that hits hard for 1/5 of your music or one you can enjoy for all of your music?

    Let’s explain

    In general, surface area it is a tradeoff that favors low frequencies more.何故ですか? Well because you have to use less movement to hit an SPL.

    However, keep in mind that you will also increase moving mass, and thus the gains on higher frequencies are not proportionally equal to those at lower frequencies.

    As such, as far as bass frequency response is concerned, the 12″ sub is the better choice. If you should compare a 10″ sub and a 12″ sub in proper boxes, the 12″ sub will outperform the 10″ in terms of bass frequency response.

    Resonant Frequency

    An additional consideration is the resonant frequency of 10″ vs 12″ subs. 12″ subs have a lower resonant frequency. Remember, below the resonant frequency, you will get reduced output and increased distortion.

    This means that it will take longer for the 12″ sub to distort as you play lower and lower frequencies.

    However, if you are more interested in balance, a 10″ is probably a better choice. However, if you are using a bigger box, the 12″ will still outperform the 10″ in terms of balance.

    9. Size, Weight and Power Demands

    For many people, the only reason they choose a smaller bass driver is spae considerations, weight, and potential power considerations.

    In such cases, it is understandable except that there is only a 2-inch difference between 10″ and 12″ sub.

    However, that does not mean that you should put a 12″ sub in a box that is too small and not ideal for ist maximum bass effect. In general, if space permits it, always go with the larger speaker.

    What’s The Difference Between a 10” And 12” Sub?

    The main difference is that a 12” subwoofer produces slightly better bass than a 10” sub. Larger subwoofers move more air than smaller ones, and this difference in size is responsible for the variation in the bass quality.

    10-inch subwoofers are easier to install due to their favorable weight.

    Are 10 Or 12 Inch Subwoofers Better?

    A 12-inch subwoofer is able to carry out practically all that a 10-inch version can, however, the same cannot be said of the 10 inch sub. Where many people find that the 12-inch subwoofers have significantly increased power levels, are considerably louder, and can produce a better bass effect, they argue that 12 inch subs sound much better.

    Do 10s Sound Better Than 12s?

    Subwoofer size generally determines the loudness when it comes to designing or upgrading a vehicle audio system and for that reason, two 12s will sound louder than two 10s.

    If your song doesn’t require a deep bass or a fast attack however, the smaller subs are trusted to provide better uniformity in sound due to the fact that that larger cone sizes are more likely to cause slight distortions in sound quality because of their larger surface areas.

    10-inch subs only sound better than 12-inch subs when you require a deeper bass or fast attack. It can deliver bass consistency, but you need bookshelves or compact satellite speakers.

    If you want louder sound, 12-inch can give you the best listening experience. These subs are ideal if you have a huge center channel and big floor-standing speakers.

    Does a 10-Inch Sub Hit Lower Than a 12?

    No, in most cases, 12-inch subs hit lower than 10-inch subs. The difference in the sizes of these subwoofers is responsible for this disparity in bass output.

    Are 10-Inch Subs Loud?

    A 10-inch sub is the smallest, “true subwoofer.” The 8-inch subs offer great quality sound too.でも。 10-inch subwoofers handle more power and play louder. Moreover, they never sound like a compromise.

    If your 10-inch subwoofer isn’t loud enough, you can install the right subwoofer box.

    If the subwoofer rattles your truck after this, you can turn the bass down.

    Is a 10-Inch Subwoofer Good?

    Yes, most audiophiles say a 10-inch subwoofer is good. You’ll get crisp, tight, and punchy bass if your subwoofer is in a sealed box.

    Are 10-Inch Subs Worth It?

    If properly and optimally positioned and powered, a 10-inch subwoofer can comparably do as well as a larger subwoofer in terms of performance, bass output and sound quality.

    Do 10 or 12 Subs Hit Harder?

    Given enough power, two 10-inch subwoofers can sound a little cleaner and hit harder than a single 12-inch sub. The combined cone surface of these two subwoofers yields much more pressure. However, the 12-inch subwoofer will sound a little deeper.

    If you are comparing two-single subwoofers, the 12-inch subwoofer will play louder and ensure more people receive quality sound. Nevertheless, you must provide enough power to get this result. Note that these subwoofers handle much more power than their 10-inch counterparts.

    What Makes a Subwoofer Hit Harder?

    To make your subwoofer hit harder, ensure it receives the right amount of power. In other words, choose the correct amp for the sub. In most cases, once you’ve matched the power requirements of your sub to the amp, the sub will begin to hit harder.

    Your subwoofer enclosure (box) can also determine whether your sub will hit harder. You can fix the problem by installing the subwoofer in a bandpass box.

    If you’ve already installed it, adjust the settings on your stereo unit and amplifier to accommodate the sub.

    What Size of Subwoofer is Best for Your Home Theatre?

    We’ve said that the larger the subwoofer’s surface area, the deeper it will play. However, big is not always the right choice.

    10 vs. 12 subwoofer home theater? If your home theater system consists of bookshelves or compact satellites, you need an 8” or 10“subwoofer. On the other hand, if you have a huge center channel and big floor-standing speakers, a 12-inch subwoofer is ideal.

    You should consider a larger sub if you have a big open living room. However, if you want to use the sub in a cozy den or bedroom, a smaller size may be the most suitable.


    At the end of the day, you can accomplish anything with any sub if you manipulate enough variables. Subwoofer output is not just based on size, it also comes down to brand,s power handling, enclosure, and so on.

    However, as far as 10″ subs and 12″ subs are concerned, while you probably won’t notice much difference between the two in terms of sound quality, the 12″ will have better bass output, and the 12″ sub will have better frequency response at the low end.

    For us, bass output is the most important consideration, so if you can fit a 12-inch sub, do it, because of the greater bass output. Remember, larger subs are louder and boomier while smaller subs may be slightly more accurate, punchy and of course more compact. Just get a good brand subwoofer like a Rockford Fosgate and you should be just fine.