
ご存知かもしれませんが、この地域の暑さは不快感の原因の 1 つにすぎません。もう一つは湿気です。除湿機を適切に設置してセットアップすれば、余分な湿気を取り除き、室内を快適に保つことができます。
家の湿度が高い場合 (特に南部では一般的な問題)、除湿機を設置して室内の相対湿度 (RH) を希望のしきい値まで下げることができます。多くの家庭では、RH は春から秋にかけて 65% から 80% の範囲です。除湿器を使用すると、RH をより快適な 50% から 55% に下げることができます。
- 除湿器内のファンがユニットに空気を送り込みます
- 除湿機の内部では、空気中の水分が内部コイルの外側で結露に変換され、内部に冷媒が含まれています。これは、エアコンの仕組みとよく似ています。
- 空気が除湿器に入ったときよりも少ない水分で除湿器から出ます
- 家の中の湿った空気は、除湿機から出る乾燥した空気に徐々に置き換わります
- 除湿機の内部で形成された凝縮液は、コンテナに排出されます。または、家全体のユニットがある場合は、家の外に排出する排水ラインまたはパイプに排出されます
はいといいえ。エアコンは、温度と湿度を下げるという 2 つのことを行うように設計されています。一年で最も暑い日には、通常、家の空気を乾燥して快適に保つのに非常に役立ちます.エアコンが長く稼働すればするほど、より多くの湿気が取り除かれます。
しかし、エアコンはサーモスタットに設定されています .したがって、典型的な AC は温度の変化にしか反応しません。水分も除去するという事実は単なる偶然です.
これが例です。 AC を 73 度に設定すると、室内温度が 73 度に下がるまで家から熱と湿気が取り除かれます。必要な RH パーセンテージを AC に伝えることができないため、湿度が快適なレベル…かどうか。
On the hottest days of the year, the AC in this example will run for long cycles. It might lower your humidity to 55% RH, which is great. But on warm-but-not-scorching days, it won't run as frequently. It will always get your temperature down to 73 degrees, but it might only get your RH down to 70%. That's still a pretty high level!
Basically, your AC will only remove humidity to the extent you keep it running. During the fall when it's 75 degrees outside and with 80% humidity, there's a good chance you'll be uncomfortable indoors.
Well, unless you've got a dehumidifier.
What kind of dehumidifier should I get?
For most homeowners, the choice will be between two different types of dehumidifiers:
- Standalone portable dehumidifiers
- Whole-house dehumidifiers
Standalone portable dehumidifiers
Standalone units are great for certain situations. If you just need to manage humidity in one room, they're a good buy. You'll see them in offices, waiting rooms, and so forth.
However, these small dehumidifiers also have drawbacks. In addition to having a limited coverage area, most will only dehumidify until the onboard tank is full of water. If you're not around to manually empty the tank and reinstall it, the humidity will quickly creep back up to an uncomfortable level.
Do some standalone dehumidifiers have a drainage option?はい。 But you'd have to run a drain line out from your living room or wherever you put the unit. Most people don't want a PVC pipe or drainage hose running through their living space. What's more, standalone units typically only have 1-year warranties and really aren't designed to be serviced.
Whole-house dehumidifiers
Whole-house units don't have the problems described above. They connect to your central HVAC system's existing ductwork and drain all of the condensate into a pipe. Aside from changing the air filter periodically (usually twice per year) and having them serviced annually, they're basically a set-it-and-forget it device!
A whole-house dehumidifier also has a much better parts warranty, a great labor warranty if it's installed by a conscientious HVAC company, and — this part's great — you never have to see it! Unlike a standalone unit that lives inside your house, makes noise, and generates a lot of heat inside your home, a whole-house unit is quiet, out of sight, and distributes the heat it produces across your ductwork so it's not directly heating your living space.
The downsides of whole-house dehumidifiers? Well, they cost more than portable units, which is to be expected. But you also have to be sure that you receive a proper whole-house dehumidifier installation. In some cases, people will have an HVAC company install their dehumidifier only to be disappointed in its performance. More often than not, this isn't because of the unit itself. It's because of how it was installed.
At PV, we follow very specific installation procedures for dehumidifiers. Because of how we install them, you can feel confident that they'll keep your humidity at a comfortable level all year round!
Now that you know how a dehumidifier works, let's keep your home's humidity in check!
If you're ready to improve humidity management in your Atlanta area home, PV can help! Our experienced team will analyze your home, identify opportunities to improve humidity management, and help you decide whether a whole-house dehumidifier makes the most sense.
Just give us a call at (404) 798-9672 or schedule a consultation online!