エアコンが臭う 6 つの理由と最適な解決策

長くて蒸し暑い一日を終えて帰宅したと想像してみてください。ブーツを脱ぎ、ネクタイを緩め、AC をオンにします (Cielo Breez Plus を持っていれば、最後のステップを実行する必要はありません) が、何か変なにおいがします。
住宅所有者が対処しなければならない最も深刻なことの 1 つは、エアコンの悪臭です。しかし、問題は、臭いがあなたのユニットから来ているかどうか、どのタイプの臭いがどのような問題を示しているか、またはフロンの臭いがどのようなものかがわからないことです.そして、この問題に対処するには、まずそれについて学ぶ必要があります!

このような AC からのにおいは、おそらく冷媒ラインに漏れがあることを意味します。冷媒はエアコン内部の冷却剤であり、漏れは空調ユニットの性能に影響を与える可能性があります。さらに、化学物質を空気中に放出するため、環境に有害な場合があります。
ACが化学薬品のような臭いを発している場合は、専門家にすぐにチェックしてもらう必要があります.フロン漏れは危険な場合があり、認定された HVAC スペシャリストがすぐに修理します。
2. AC は何かが燃えているようなにおいがしますか?

AC から火薬やプラスチックが燃えているようなにおいがする場合は、おそらくこれらのコンポーネントのいずれか、または複数が実際に燃えていることを意味します。この場合、すぐにエアコンの電源を切り、地元の専門家に解決策を相談してください。
この種の問題で DIY をしようとしないでください。危険です。
においが残っている場合、AC が故障し始めたり、においが非常に刺激的である場合は、ユニットの電源を切り、すぐに地域の HVAC の専門家に連絡する必要があります。
3. AC から腐った卵のにおいがしますか?

悪臭または腐ったエアコンの臭いは、通常、AC に詰まったげっ歯類または動物の死骸の結果です。これは、他と見間違うことのない、特徴的で独特の匂いです。
4. Do You Smell Gas and Feel Like There’s a Skunk in the House?

This air conditioner smell is the most alarming one on our list. More often than not, this indicates leakage of gas within the system, specifically, Methyl Mercaptan.
Natural gas on its own has no smell, but utilities and gas distributors put in Methyl Mercaptan to provide a distinctive odor to it. This ensures immediate detection to prevent any serious harm that can occur from gas leakage.
If your AC smells a lot like skunk spray, you won’t be mistaken. This means that gas is leaking and getting into your ductwork. At the first sign of such a smell, immediately turn off your gas supply. As a second step, contact your utility, who will detect the source and repair the problem.
5. Getting a Moldy or Musty AC Smell?

A stale and dingy smell is by far the most common and foul smell experienced from ACs. If your AC smells musty, the general cause is the accumulation of water in the drain pan or drip lines (or ducts in case of ducted systems), which can cause fungus or mildew to grow.
In case of a leakage, you might even get visible signs in your indoor ductless unit, such as water dripping down your wall.
Another reason for such a smell can be dirty filters. If you live in a hot and humid climate and turn your AC on after a long period of time, moisture can accumulate in your filters.
You will need to contact a professional and get your AC’s lines and ducts thoroughly cleaned. This will only remove the unpleasant smell. In case of a leakage, the source will also need to be fixed to prevent further problems.
6. Air Conditioner Smells Like Cigarette Smoke?
If you smoke at home, then there are chances that your AC will eventually end up smelling like stale cigarette smoke. This unpleasant smell can cause allergic reactions and headaches.
Your evaporator coil and filter absorb the odor from cigarette smoke. As a result, when you turn on the air conditioner, the embedded tobacco particles are knocked loose and sent back into your home through the AC’s vents, creating an unpleasant atmosphere.
Like all other problems, this problem has a simple solution. To eliminate the old tobacco smoke smell from your AC vents, change your air filter once every 30 to 60 days and clean your AC regularly. You can also start smoking outdoors.
Be Sure to Take Precautions Before Doing a DIY
There are a couple of things to keep in mind while we are at it.
Never try to do AC repairs by yourself. Always call a professional to do the job for you. Electrical components and water do not mix well, and there is a high chance of electric shock. You would be making a wise choice not to experiment at such a time.
If you do feel qualified enough to do a DIY, be sure you have thoroughly gone over your air conditioner’s maintenance and operating manuals. Then collect the right set of tools for the job. Finally, turn off the main power supply to your AC and have proper personal protective equipment (PPE) at hand.
Moreover, do not try to mask the bad smell using an air purifier or freshener. It will only make things worse. Delaying proper repair work will only damage your AC more than it already is and perhaps lead to you buying a whole new unit altogether.
Why my air conditioner smells bad? Hopefully, now you have the answer to the question!
Be it ducted or ductless air conditioning, all the factors above make for an unpleasant experience. So, the next time you come home and experience an unpleasant odor, you know exactly what it could be and what you need to do to fix the problem.