
米国エネルギー情報局 (EIA) の出版物によると、エアコンは家庭の電力消費の約 17% を占めています。省エネ住宅を採用する方法はいくつかありますが、エアコンのコストを下げることもその 1 つです。 1つ目はエアコンの購入費用ですが、これがすべてではありません。エアコン全体のコストを考えながら、設置やメンテナンスなどの他のコストも考慮する必要があります。

空調設備に関連する複数の支出があります。それらすべてが一度に発生するわけではありませんが、エアコン システムを購入する際には考慮に入れる必要があります。
ダクトエアコンとも呼ばれるセントラルエアコンは、一般的にすべてのタイプの中で最も高価です。これらのシステムに関連する機器は、ダクトレス システムなどよりも集中的です。価格は 3,000 ドルから 7,000 ドルで、ハイエンド モデルは 15,000 ドルにも達します。一方、ミニスプリット システムはそれよりも安く、平均で約 3,500 ドルです。
SEERおよびEERとして知られる効率の高いエアコンも、価格チャートで高くなります。高効率には、より優れた材料、優れた技術、および厳格な品質管理の使用が必要です。最近のほとんどすべてのエアコンも Energy Star 認定を受けています。これにより、AC ユニットの初期費用が増加する可能性がありますが、効率が向上すると、長期的な節約につながります。
一方、ダクトレス壁掛けミニスプリットは、長い設置手順を必要としません。ほんの数時間しかかからず、必要な唯一の主要な変更は、壁に 4 インチの穴を開けて、そこから屋内ユニットを屋外ユニットに接続できるようにすることだけです。
ポータブルおよびウィンドウエアコンはさらに簡単です。窓用ヒートポンプやエアコンは、窓をスライドさせるだけで設置できます。ただし、漏れや隙間風を防ぐために側面をかしめる必要がありますが、それは 10 分間の DIY 作業です。
AC フィルターの交換またはクリーニング、冷媒の補充、または単に AC チューンアップの兆候を探すことはすべて、賢明な住宅所有者の特徴です。
コンプレッサーの修理、冷媒の漏れ、エバポレーター/コンデンサー コイルの損傷は、修理に非常に費用がかかる場合があります。
ダクトシステムにはダクトと通気口があり、メンテナンスを行うときにも確認する必要があります。ダクト内の漏れ、げっ歯類の蔓延、カビの繁殖、ダクトの機能不全はすべてあまりにも一般的であり、HVAC システムにあると不快な場合があります。
すべての機器と同様に、エアコンには使用期限があります。数年経つと交換時期が来ます。これは、Energy Star 認定を受けていない古いモデルを使用している場合に特に当てはまります。 For your old air conditioner, consult with your local environmental agency, and learn more on proper ways in which you can dispose off your air conditioner.
Even though you would have to splash the cash on a new air conditioner, it will run you many more years than your previous one, thanks to advancements in technology and reliability.
Tax Rebates and Concessions
If you still believe that the purchasing cost of an air conditioner is too high, we’ve got good news for you. Many power utilities and service companies provide tax rebates or concessions when you buy a specific type of air conditioner.
More commonly, ductless air conditioners are eligible for these rebates. This is because of the reduced energy consumption which these systems provide.
Moreover, if you buy a smart AC controller or a thermostat with your HVAC appliance, further rebates can be provided. With smart AC controls, the energy consumption is further reduced, benefiting both the power utilities and yourself!
Another way you can avail a rebate or concession is by getting a high SEER appliance. The higher the efficiency of your system, the more the rebate.
How Much Does it Cost to Run an Air Conditioner?

With the types of costs listed down, let us see at individual air conditioner types and how they fare against each other.
Cost to Run Central AC
Probably the most expensive type of air conditioner to run, central air conditioner costs can be between $3,000 and $7,000. This figure can go further up to even $15,000 if extensive work is needed on the ductwork. The running cost varies, though, depending on the electricity rate, your systems’ efficiency, and your air conditioner usage.
The air conditioner cost can be kept down compared to older ducted systems due to the latest central air conditioning systems coming in with higher efficiencies. But it is still much more than a ductless system. This is because a ducted system cools or heats the whole house at once, rather than only running for one specific room. To run even a single room, you must keep the whole system active, consuming more energy. Monthly operational costs can run up to $250 for a mid-sized room.
Cost to Run a Mini-Split AC
A ductless mini-split, in comparison, is much cheaper to buy, install, and operate. On average, a ductless mini-split can cost somewhere around $2,000 to buy and install. It can go up to $5,000 for a high-end model or drop to $1,500 for basic ones.
The installation is also a much shorter process, taking a couple of hours at maximum, as compared to a day or two for ducted systems. This saves on contractor costs.
The running cost is also much lower. A mini-split costs around $30 to run per month, but this is for a single room. Another advantage of a mini-splits is that you can use it to cool a single room as and when required, rather than run the air conditioning for the whole house.
All in all, a split system is around 25 to 60 percent more energy efficient to run than a comparable central air conditioner.
Cost to Run a Window AC
Window units are an enticing option for those with single-room apartments or smaller homes. Their costs range in the hundreds rather than a thousand dollars, and they pack a pretty punch.
Due to their smaller size, window units consume much less electricity. Moreover, the air leakage is also kept to a minimum in the absence of any ductwork, considering you have proper insulation.
With a window unit, you are saving a lot of energy, but a larger indoor space won’t be cooled as effectively due to the reduced cooling capacity. So while it is an ideal choice for those who live in apartments, a bigger home would require multiple units.
Keeping the Costs Low

Minimizing air conditioner costs and expenditures is high on the priority list for many people, and it can be achieved by getting the best type of air conditioner according to your needs and reducing the AC costs. Now you have your in-depth answer to ‘how much does it cost to run an air conditioner’.
Arm yourself with this knowledge about what to keep a lookout for, and make the best choice! Pair your AC with a smart thermostat to save even more!