モノブロック アンプとは何ですか?また、モノブロック アンプを使用する理由は?
モノブロック アンプとステレオ アンプは、サウンド システムを最大限に活用したいカー オーディオ愛好家の間で人気のある選択肢です。
モノブロック アンプは 1 チャンネル アンプ (モノは 1 を意味します) であり、優れたパワー増幅を提供し、1 つまたは複数のサブウーファーに電力を供給するために使用できます。モノブロックアンプは、カーステレオシステムで人気があります。
このタイプのアンプには 1 チャンネルのスピーカーがあるため、サウンド システムはすべてのパワーをシングル チャンネルに割り当てます。それらを複数のチャンネル ステレオ アンプと組み合わせて、洗練されたバランスの取れたトーンと全体的な高品質のサウンドを得ることができます。
おそらく、ステレオ アンプについて知っているでしょうし、ステレオ アンプをスピーカーやサブウーファーに接続する方法についても知っているでしょう。たとえば、パッシブ サブウーファーを 2 チャンネル (ステレオ) アンプに接続できます。
ただし、サブウーファーは低レベルの周波数または低音を生成します。これらの低周波数は、通常 80 Hz の範囲を下回っています。一方、ステレオアンプは左右のチャンネル信号の両方で動作し、完全なステレオ出力を生成します。
実際、工場出荷時のカー ステレオも、高 RMS サブウーファーに電力を供給するようには設計されていません。これらは、ダッシュ ツイーターやドア スピーカーなどの低電力負荷を駆動するように単純に設計されています。
パワフルな低音が必要な場合は、サブウーファーが必要です。そのサブウーファーには、カー ステレオが提供できる以上のパワーが必要です。これがアンプが必要な理由です。
サブウーファーに電力を供給するのに最適なアンプは、モノブロック アンプです。特に、あなたが低音効果を打ち破ろうとしている低域担当者の場合はなおさらです。
モノブロック アンプのしくみ
モノラル アンプは単一チャネルのオーディオ信号しか送信しないため、ステレオ音楽には使用しないでください。
これらは通常のアンプと同じように機能しますが、周波数を低音に制限するためのローパス フィルタやサブソニック フィルタなどの個別のコントロールを備えている点が異なります。
ダッシュ ツイーターと純正ドア スピーカーは、80Hz 未満の周波数を再生できません。さらに言えば、リベースされた音楽を 6.5 インチの同軸コンポーネント スピーカーで再生しようとすると、不快な濁った歪んだサウンドが得られます。
工場出荷時のカーステレオは、ハイエンドのサブウーファーに電力を供給できないことに注意してください。しかし、それらはストックオーディオシステムに効率的に電力を供給します。 言い換えれば、あなたの車に永続的な印象を残す質の高い低音を得たい場合は、サブを使用する必要があり、モノブロックアンプも使用する必要があります.
ベースが 1 つのチャンネルで再生されるのはなぜですか?
モノブロック アンプの種類
モノブロックアンプには2種類あります。これらは、クラス AB およびクラス D の「デジタル」モノブロックであり、それぞれが独自に機能します。
クラス AB モノブロック
クラス AB モノブロック アンプの設計は、トリガーとして機能するライン レベル入力を備えた多くの高品質アンプに見られます。
Class AB monoblocks always allow some power to keep flowing to the switch. When a signal is detected, the power supply increases.
As the name suggests, this type of amp consists of Class A and Class B amplifiers. The former is power-hungry but produces a cleaner sound. The latter is class is incredibly energy-efficient but less accurate.
Despite the differences in these features, a monoblock amp still has a single input, a single amp circuit, and a single power supplier, which guarantees higher quality and refined sound.
Class D Monoblock Amps
Even though class D monoblocks have single channels like its other counterparts, the amplifier operates entirely in a different way from Class AB amps.
Unlike AB amplifiers, which have an always-on power supply, the Class D monoblocks simulate the input signal’s waveform.
In other words, these amplifiers often switch power on and off after every short period, which makes them more efficient. You need to be careful with this however because it can lead to subwoofer popping issues.
Due to the increased efficiency, class D monoblocks use less energy than the traditional AB amp designs. The digital version is also much smaller but gives quality sound.
Benefits of Monoblock Amps
Below, we discuss the main benefits if using monoblock amplifiers:
1. Reduced Load On Your Stock System
Remember, monoblock amplifiers are specially designed to produce low frequencies and so they do this quite efficiently.
Once your monoblock amplifier is properly tuned, it will power your subwoofer efficiently and lighten the load on your factory amplifier substantially. To learn more, check out our article on how to turn a monoblock amplifier.
This is because the factory component speakers will not reproduce frequencies that they were not designed to play. Doing this will result in improved sound quality and a greater life for your factory system.
2. Stable to High Electrical Current
Monoblock amplifiers are stable to 2 ohms, which shows that they can resist a high amount of current.
This quality shows that these amps can deliver enough watts to power two speakers rated as high as 4 ohms each without requiring an additional sub.
At the same time, if you wire the speakers in parallel, you can safely connect two 4-ohm subwoofers without putting speakers at risk. Please check out our guide on how to wire a monoblock amplifier to learn more.
3. Affordable
Monoblock amplifiers are much simpler than multi-channel amplifiers. Due to this, they are much cheaper as compared to buying a stereo amp to replace the factory amp. The cost is low, but you can use it as your sub’s dedicated power supply. It’s cleaner and richer sounding content at an affordable cost.
4. Useable in home audio apps and car
While monoblock amplifiers are popular for cars, people have the option to use these amplifiers in home audio apps and cars.
5. Excellent Performance
The fact that monoblock amps only handle a single channel means that you will not face the risk of multiple channels bleeding together.
Besides, they deliver an adequate amount of the required power. This way, the sound remains clear and doesn’t interfere with other channels.
Disadvantages of Monoblock amplifiers
1. Can Be More expensive
Each monoblock amp is a separate unit. So, to set up the sound system with the blocks, you have to spend a little more time and money.
Also, if you are replacing your factory amp and going for a stereo amp and a monoblock amp, that setup will be more expensive than the factory amp and the monoblock amp together.
If the cost of setting up the systems is your primary consideration when choosing an amplifier, then you should opt for multi-channel amps.
But multi-channel systems also take up a lot of space and presents wire-routing challenges. Check out our guide on how to properly wire a monoblock amp to learn more. This is a common problem that occurs since each amp has its power cord.
How to Power Monoblock Amplifier
A car’s alternator determines the amp’s power. How you power the amp depends on the number of amplifiers that an alternator can drive. If necessary, start the process by upgrading the alternator’s power output.
One way to improve power is to include a more powerful battery. However, the alternator should be able to power all the batteries efficiently.
All of the devices in your audio system require an adequate amount of power to work properly. As such, purchasing these devices that pull so much power may not serve you well.
If your car has efficient shock alternators, you have nothing to worry about. They are often able to power up at least a monoblock amp efficiently. In most cases, these amplifiers deliver as much as 800-100 Watts.
Is A Monoblock Amplifier Better?
In comparison to stereo amplifiers, most people aren’t sure which is better, and actually, it is hard to give a direct answer because at the end, it all depends on preference which varies between individuals.
In this kind of argument, monoblock amplifiers have been argued to be better in sound quality because of the fact that the transformer and power supply is dedicated to just one channel other than stereo amplifiers where it is shared between two channels.
Furthermore, most people even prefer to buy to monoblocks than a stereo.
Best Monoblock Amplifier
There are different brands of Monoblock Amplifiers and below is a list of some top rated monoblock amplifiers:
<強い>1. Rockford Fosgate R500X1D: This amplifier has a power handling of 500W RMS and has a frequency range of about 20Hz – 250Hz
<強い>2. BOSS Audio AR1500M: It has a power handling of 1500W max (not RMS) with a frequency range of 35Hz – 2200Hz
<強い>3. Planet Audio AC1500.1M: This has a power handling of 1500W max RMS and a frequency range of 15Hz – 20KHz.
4. Kicker 43CXA6001: It has a power handling of 600W RMS and a frequency range of 25Hz – 200Hz.
5. RIOT R1100M: This has a power handling of 1100W max and a frequency range of 9Hz -50,000Hz.
Monoblock Amplifier FAQs
What’s better mono amp or 2 channel?
A monobock amplifier is better for powering a subwoofer since they are powerful 1 channel or mono amplifiers. On the other hand, 2 channel amplifiers are best for powering door speakers and/or rear speakers. Check out our article on monoblock vs 2 channel amplifiers to learn more.
Is a monoblock amp 2 channel?
Monoblock amplifiers are not 2 channel amplifiers, they are one-channel amplifiers as their name suggests ‘mono’ or single channel. In addition, monoblock amplifiers cannot be bridged. The 2 outputs of a monoblock amplifier are there to easily connect multiple subwoofers and not 2 channels.
Is a monoblock amp better?
Monoblock amplifiers are the best amplifiers for driving subwoofers. They can also drive multiple subwoofers wired in series or even parallel depending on impedance considerations. An example of a good monoblock amplifier is a CLAS D Monoblock 1-ohm stable amp.
What is a monoblock amp used for?
Monoblock amplifiers are used to drive a subwoofer. They can also be used to drive multiple subwoofers.
Is a monoblock amp good for subs?
Monoblock amplifiers are the best amps for subwoofers and will drive the strongest bass response from your subwoofer. A monoblock amp meets the specific requirements of a subwoofer and can handle all the power without overheating.
How many speakers can a monoblock amp run?
Monoblock amplifiers have one channel and so will only give a single channel output. This means you will not get a left and right channel from a monoblock amplifier. These channels are merged into one. However, some monoblock amplifiers have 4 speaker output terminals. This means you can connect multiple speakers, but they will all play a single channel.
Can a monoblock amp run speakers?
You can connect a speaker to a monoblock amplifier, but the speaker needs to be a full range speaker which means it can play all range of frequencies.
What’s the difference between a monoblock amp and a regular amp?
The main difference between a mononbock amplifier and other amplifiers is the number of channels. A monoblock amplifier has 1 channel while a 2 channel amp has 2 channels and so on. In addition, monobock amplifiers are designed to handle all the power required by a subwoofer.
How do you adjust a monoblock amp?
To adjust a subwoofer, do the following:
Monoblock amplifiers are single channel amplifiers designed to drive subwoofers. You can pair monoblocks with several channel stereo amps for a balanced tone and refined sound.
We trust that this article has helped you to understand monoblock amplifiers and how you can use them as required to create your desired sound quality.