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カメラ レンズ:凸面または凹面の説明

写真レンズは、被写体の像を像面 (つまり、カメラの背面にあるイメージ センサーまたは写真フィルム) に焦点を合わせる光学魔法を生み出すものです。光線を屈折させ、凝縮させ、焦点を合わせます。写真レンズは、カメラ内で起こるすべての魔法を担っています。

70-300 mm L のポイントは何ですか...70-300 mm レンズのポイントとは何ですか?


望遠レンズやズームレンズの機能だけでなく、収差の低減など、さまざまな理由から写真レンズの製造には凸レンズ要素と凹レンズ要素の両方が使用されます。最も単純な形では、写真レンズは 1 つの凸レンズで作られます。

写真レンズ (私たちが見慣れているチューブ) を構成する重要なコンポーネントの 1 つは、光を屈折させ、それを収束または発散させて像面に像を形成する実際のレンズ要素です。凸レンズは収束し、凹レンズは光線を発散させます。


人間の目とカメラの間には重要な関係が 1 つあります。どちらも凸レンズを使用して対象物に焦点を合わせます。そして、写真レンズが凸レンズを使用するか凹レンズを使用するかにかかわらず、それが今日の私たちの議論のトピックです。


しかし、そこに飛び込む前に、何かを理解する必要があります。それは、光線が常に直進するとは限らないということです。空気のようなある媒体を出て、水やガラスのような別の媒体に入ると曲がります。これは光の屈折として知られています .これが、最も単純な設計の写真レンズに非常に多くの問題があり、それらの問題を修正する必要がある理由です.


レンズは、凸レンズと凹レンズの 2 つの大きなグループに分けることができます。それぞれに特性があります。どちらも写真レンズの機能に役立ちます。




凸レンズのもう 1 つの用途は、遠視を矯正する度付き眼鏡の製造です。これは、被験者が近くにある物体を見ることができるという問題です。凸レンズは、目の網膜上に像を形成するのに役立ちます。













とにかく、これは写真で修正する必要があります。そうしないと、画像が奇妙に見えます。この問題を修正するために、非球面レンズ エレメントが使用されています。


望遠レンズは、複数の凸面と凹面の典型的な例です。 レンズは光学レンズの製造に使用されます。望遠レンズでは、凹面要素が前面に配置されます。このレンズの役割は、レンズを通ってきた光を屈折させることです。この凹レンズの後には凸レンズが続きます。凸レンズは光線を平行にします。 In effect, the object is magnified.

Finally, there is yet another concave lens element at the back. This lens element condenses the light rays that were magnified by the first two lens elements. What you have in your hand is a simple telephoto lens.

The same principle is used in manufacturing telescopes. Originally, this simple design was used by Galileo to manufacture the Galilean telescope.

The above is an example of a fixed focal length telephoto lens. But if you add another set of convex and concave lenses along with a contraption that will allow the distance between the different pairs of concave and convex lenses to move back and forth within the barrel you will have in your hand a telephoto zoom lens.

Because the manufacturing process is more complicated telephoto zoom lenses cost so much もっと。 Engineers not only have to keep an eye out for precise movement but also the optical quality.

On the other hand, prime telephoto lenses don’t have any moving mechanism inside them, so engineers can focus on only one aspect and that is optical sharpness. Therefore, prime lenses cost less than zoom lenses.

To correct chromatic aberrations

The use of convex and concave lenses is predominant in the correction of chromatic aberrations. But before we try and understand how chromatic aberrations are corrected let’s first get an idea of what these aberrations are.

Chromatic aberrations happen because of the inherent inability of glass elements to not be able to precisely pinpoint all the wavelengths of light onto the same focal point.

Light is composed of many different wavelengths (colors). When light passes through a glass element like a convex lens the glass is unable to make many different wavelengths of light converge at the same point. Meaning some wavelengths (colors) gets converged in front of the image plane while others converge behind the image plane.

For example, red light, which has a longer wavelength, converges at the back of the focal point. On the other hand, blue light, which has a shorter wavelength, converges at the front of the focal point.

The image plane here refers to the sensor or the photographic film on which the light is supposed to converge and form an image.

In the photographic world, this phenomenon is known by many names including color-shifting, and color bleeding, but primarily as chromatic aberrations.

To solve this problem convex and concave lens of different refractive indices are used. This cancels out the issue (the whole process is known as Aberration Correction) and all the light waves are converged on to the same image plane and on to the same point for a sharp image with no image bleeding.

Spherical aberrations

Just like to solve chromatic aberrations convex and concave lenses are joined together, to solve the problem of spherical aberrations, a combination of concave and convex lens are used. It seems that concave and convex lenses work together in a wide variety of situations in the construction of a photography lens.

Below is a good video on how lenses function:


Concave and convex lenses have different sets of properties. Yet they are both used in the manufacturing of photographic lenses. In some lenses, you have convex and concave elements paired together to correct different types of aberrations and for enabling a lens to zoom in on objects that are very far away.

Therefore it is difficult to pick any one kind of lens and be able to say with confidence that this is the only type that is used in the construction of photographic lenses. Both are important in the construction of photographic lenses and are frequently used as such.

To learn more about the various kinds of lenses there are and how to choose a camera lens for yourself read this detailed guide to choosing camera lenses .