初心者に最適なビデオ カメラ
初心者に最適なビデオ カメラを購入する際の考慮事項

必要に応じて、エントリー レベルのコンパクトをスキップして、トップ レベルのギアを選択することもできます。
基本的に、イメージ センサーの倍率が大きいほど、映像が良くなります。
フォーカス システムをいじる時間は十分にあると思いますか?答えは圧倒的にノーです。
安全を確保するには、非常に高速で正確な AF システムが必要です。
はい、多くは長持ちし、機能が満載です。ただし、Nikon、Canon、Fujifilm、Pentax など、適切に充電するブランドは他にもあります。

レコーディング セッションの開始から 20 ~ 30 分で充電が切れてしまうことは誰も望んでいません。
それにもかかわらず、より詳細な調査を行うことで (私たちはすでにあなたのためにそれを行っています)、適切に構築された安価な初心者用カメラを手に入れることができるはずです.
主なカメラの種類は、デジタル一眼レフ、ミラーレス システム、コンパクト カメラです。
前者の 2 つは、プロ級のパフォーマンス用に設計されたものです。実際、それらは以下のリストにある種類です。
そのため、Bluetooth、NFC、Wi-Fi などの共有接続、および HDMI などの共有ポートの存在を確認してください。
初心者に最適なビデオ カメラ

Nikon D3300 デジタル一眼レフ
一眼レフ カメラは、ミラーレス モデルに比べて最も使いやすいというのが、一般的な知恵です。
そのため、学習曲線が短い初心者に最適なビデオ カメラの 1 つは、Nikon D3300 デジタル SLR です。
約 300 ドルから 400 ドルで、このギアは高性能の Expeed 4 イメージ プロセッサで動作する 24.2MP を実現します。
ご想像のとおり、このようなプロセッサは、過熱の問題なしに動作し続ける数少ない主力製品の 1 つです。
ビデオ機能に関しては、D3300 は最大 1080p および 11 fps でしか撮影できません。旅行、結婚式、その他の野外活動に適しています。
しかし、楽しみのために持ち歩くものだけが必要な場合は、D3300 を試してみる価値があります。
- 24.2MP CMOS センサー
- 11fps での連続撮影モード
- ISO 範囲:100 ~ 12800 (25600 まで調整可能)
- 動画の最大解像度:1080p
- 3D トラッキング
- 11 のオートフォーカス ポイント
- 3 インチ LCD 画面
- 探検する複数の撮影モードがあります
- ブレのないショットのためにターゲットをロック
- 初心者向けの手頃な価格のエントリーレベルのカメラ
- コンパクトで軽量
- ISO 感度の高い環境でも問題なく動作
- プロ並みのビデオ機能がない
- LCD が傾かない
オリンパス OM-D E-M10 Mark IV カメラ
オリンパス OM-D E-M10 Mark IV は、美しくデザインされた手のひらサイズのカメラで、買って後悔することはありません。
これは、付属品がほとんどない初心者向けの最高の 4K ビデオ カメラの 1 つです。
カメラは、4K での撮影を可能にする強力な truepicVIII プロセッサで動作します。
オリンパス OM-D E-M10 Mark IV は、一瞬の瞬間を捉える非常に高速なパフォーマンスを備えています。
その上、画面を下に向けるとアクティブになる専用の自撮りモードがあります。全体として、これは手頃な価格の 4K カメラで、初心者でも非常に使いやすいと思います。
- 20MP Live MOS センサー
- 専用自撮りモード
- タッチ対応 LCD スクリーン
- 4K ビデオ
- truepicVIII プロセッサー
- 15 fps
- 光学ズーム乗数
- 16 のアート フィルター
- ボディ内 5 軸手ぶれ補正
- デジタル ズーム倍率
- Bluetooth と OI 接続
- 便利な高速連写モード
- 強力な手ぶれ補正
- コンパクトで軽量
- 動画や画像の簡単な転送と共有
- 詳細なメディアを撮影
- 大きな問題なし
ニコン D750
Nikon D750は、ビデオ録画に関しては負け犬ではありません。
Expeed 4 は DIGIC 8 と同じくらい素晴らしいので、長いセッションに出かけなければならない日にカメラが熱くなることはありません。
これは、24.3 MP CMOS エンジンで、色のグラデーションが非常に滑らかで、ノイズの問題がない非常に滑らかな画像を撮影します。
このレビューの多くのカメラと同様に、その ISO は許容範囲内です。
ビデオ録画に関しては、ニコン D750 は 1080p/60 で撮影します。
また、非圧縮ビデオやタイムラプス映像の記録もサポートしています。 LCD スクリーンが傾斜しているため、さまざまな角度から作業できます。
D750 のイメージング機能は、Olympus EM-1、Sony A7ii、A6000 などの著名なカメラと同等です。
さらに、その RGB センサーと 3D カラー マトリックス測光システムにより、多くの被写体やあらゆる照明条件での撮影に優れたフォーカスを提供します。
- 24.3 MP FX フォーマット センサー
- EXPEED 4 イメージ プロセッサ
- インテリジェントなシーン認識
- 1229k ドットの大画面
- 内蔵のポップアップ フラッシュ
- ISO 感度:12800 (51200 まで拡張可能)
- 6.5 fps の連続撮影
- 内蔵 Wi-Fi
- 強力な画像処理機能
- 非圧縮動画の撮影が可能
- 高精度の信頼性の高いオートフォーカス システム
- 特殊効果を追加するためのカメラ内クリエイティブの強化
- 採用する複数のシーン モード
- 現代的な機能がない
Pentax K-70 耐候性 DSLR カメラ
50 年以上の経験を持ち、複数のカメラ リグをテストした写真家は、Pentax K-70 を「私の完璧なカメラに非常に近い」と説明しました。
それで、問題は残っています、それはビデオ録画でどれくらい良いですか?まず第一に、カメラがこのリストで最高のメガピクセルの 1 つを持っていることに気付くでしょう。
ペンタックス K-70 は、困難な状況に備えて耐候性があるだけではありません。さらに、感度の問題を解消するための最高のISOの1つを備えています.
多くのプラットフォームで大部分が 5 つ星の評価を受けており、初心者を混乱させる不要な機能はあまりありません。
ただし、予算が少し足りないと感じた場合は、弟分であるペンタックス K-30 をチェックしてください。
半額で、16MP センサー、6fps の連続撮影、11 点 AF システムを搭載しています。
私たち自身の経験では、Pentax K-30 ではなく Pentax K-50 を選ぶことをお勧めします。
考えてみてください。差額はわずか 100 ドル程度ですが、K-50 には、兄弟である K-70 のハイエンド技術がいくつか搭載されています。
- 24.2 フィルターレス CMOS センサー
- ISO 範囲:100 から 204800
- 手ぶれ補正技術
- バリアングル液晶モニター
- 内蔵 Wi-Fi
- 耐候性と防塵性
- 極端な使用にも耐えられる頑丈さ
- 超高感度撮影
- 悪天候での撮影にも幅広く対応
- コンパクトで軽量
- 手頃な価格
- 多くのサードパーティ製レンズやその他のアクセサリと統合
- その価格で、4K で撮影する必要があります
富士フイルム X-T30
これは、富士フイルム X-T30 が通常オンラインで引き付ける種類の注目です。
大胆で高解像度の 26MP センサーは、あらゆるコンテンツ クリエーターに確実にメリットをもたらします。
富士フイルム X-T30 の DCI 4K ビデオをキャプチャする機能は、ISO の増加と相まって、クリエイティブな初心者が自分の可能性の周辺を探ることができます。
オートフォーカス システムはほぼ完璧で高速で、フレーム全体をカバーします。
結局のところ、このカメラには最大 30 fps の驚くべき連続撮影モードがあります。簡単に言えば、写真家が思い出に残る瞬間を逃すことはほとんど不可能です。
X-T30 は、顔検出と瞳検出の両方を備えています。
When you tap on the screen and select someone’s face in a group i.e. “Face Select,” all emphasis is laid on that particular subject.
If all the awesomeness of this camera doesn’t thrill you, we truly don’t know what will.
Main features
- Mirrorless form factor
- Continuous shooting mode of up to 30fps
- Monochrome adjustment
- Sports viewfinder mode
- 4K video recording
- X-processor 4 that leans on Quad CPU
- 内蔵フラッシュ
- Supreme AF for capturing every opportunity
- Amazing sound quality
- Has both eye and face detection modes
- Industry-standard cinematic views
- Advanced video simulation modes
- Powerful enough to run for hours without overheating
- Compact body with better ergonomics
- There’s definitely a stiff learning curve for complete photography beginners
- Around $1000 can be pretty a lot for newbies on a budget
Canon EOS M50 Mark II
Canon too is making a shift into mirrorless cameras and one of their finest, most-abled choices is Canon EOS M50 Mark II.
It sports the most recent updates such as an indefatigable, Digic 8 processor and a monumental 24MP sensor.
The camera’s other noteworthy feature is the number of phase-detection points. You get plenty of them and some are automatically selectable.
The autofocus, as you certainly expect, is crazy fast and reliable.
There’s certainly a lot to explore about Canon EOS M50 Mark II.
Talk of 4K quality outputs, vertical video recording, eye tracking, and the ability to stream clips online.
Outstanding, right? Of course.
However, with many features comes a steep learning curve.
But we can all agree that this rig is worth having if you want professional-grade results that don’t label anyone as a beginner.
Main features
- Mirrorless camera with a Digic 8 processor
- 24.1 MP CMOS sensor
- ISO range:100-25600
- Dual Pixel AF system with 3975 phase-detection points
- 143 automatically selectable points
- 0.39-type OLED EVF
- 内蔵フラッシュ
- Touch-sensitive vari-angle screen
- Max resolution:up to 4K
- Continuous shooting mode:10fps
- The quality of images and videos is stunning
- Can seamlessly stream clips online
- An extremely good AF system
- Intuitive touch control
- Powerful processor that is ideal for long working hours
- Crops video in 4K mode
Sony RX100 VII Premium Compact Camera
One of Sony’s top-performing prosumer cameras is Sony RX100 VII. It is amongst a few products on this list with the revolutionary stacked sensor technology.
To expound a little bit, a stacked sensor is one with multiple layers of back-illuminated pixels.
Therefore, cameras with such tech have the fastest readout and lower chances of no blackouts.
The camera offers amazing resolution for shooting clear footage with realistic-looking textures.
You also get a broad zoom range, convenient real-time eye tracking, and an electric fast autofocus system.
Sony RX100 VII’s internal stabilization will come in handy if you have to follow your subjects.
Even in 4K mode, you still get smooth outputs. So if you want a camera that leaves nothing to chance, this one here is worth a try.
Main features
- Stacked CMOS sensor-multiple layers of back-illuminated pixels
- 内蔵フラッシュ
- Bionz X image processor
- 315 phase-detection points
- an ultra-fast hybrid system AF system
- 20.1MP stacked CMOS sensor
- 20fps continuous shooting
- Zeiss vario Sonnar zoom lens
- Interval shooting
- Can shoot in vertical mode
- Real-time eye-tracking
- Electric-fast autofocus system
- Leverages intelligent technology for lie tracking
- Comes with active shake reduction even in 4k mode
- Performs well even in low light
- Compact enough to fit your pocket
- Could be a tad costly for beginners
Sony Alpha a6000 Mirrorless Digital Camera 24.3MP SLR
Sony Alpha a6000’s strength lies mostly in speed and performance.
Those who toil tirelessly in the field will appreciate the camera’s latest BIONZ X image processor.
You can forget about your camera lagging or overheating.
Not exactly the best but at 11fps, this camera puts up a decent fight in ensuring every memory is recorded.
Every footage that is captured is well-detailed- even in dim light courtesy of the illuminated image sensor.
Do you find it troublesome to track objects clearly and record them just the way you like? We got news for you.
Sony Alpha a6000 has a fast, hybrid autofocus system with generous phase detector points. The ISO range is sweet plus it’s expandable, should you want more room to play with.
Fundamentally, this camera packs a good punch in a small body.
There are two dials too should you want to toggle settings on the fly. Not a mirrorless fan?
No problem, there is a DSLR version of Sony a6000 with the same exact features.
Main features
- 24.3 MP illuminated image sensor
- ISO range:100-25600 (expandable to 51200)
- BIONZ X Image processor
- 179 phase-detect points
- 25 contrast detect points
- Continuous shooting mode:11 fps
- Tilting LCD screen with 921,000 dots
- EVF viewfinder
- Two operational dials
- Max resolution:1080p
- 内蔵フラッシュ
- NFC and Wi-Fi sharing
- A very powerful processor
- Decently priced
- Compact and intuitive to operate
- Richly-detailed footage
- Wider-autofocusing area
- Dependable low-light performance
- No serious flow to report
Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Camera
If there is one camera that is talked so much about among photography prosumers is Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Camera.
It outshines its closest siblings in many ways which is why it is not only highly recommended but also positively rated on many online platforms.
Wondering what’s so special about this camera? First, it’s a mirrorless rig, shoots at 4K quality, and has outstanding 425-phase contrast detection points.
Yes, we typed that right-a whopping 425 points. We are talking about unlimited ways to enhance your subjects.
Sony Alpha a6400 is also notable for having one of the fastest, 0.02 sec AF systems with real-time AF capability.
Its image sensor is robust and you are guaranteed crisp-clear footage.
Given that it stands a few inches from being a high-end camera, it offers multiple movie functions-including quick and slow-motion videos.
Main features
- 24.2 MP Exmor CMOS sensor
- ISO range:100-32000
- Real-time AF
- Focus peaking
- Tiltable LCD screen that makes vlogging easier
- Continuous shooting at 11 fps
- Wi-Fi, NFC, and Bluetooth connection
- Unlimited phase-contrast detection points
- Extremely fast autofocusing with AI for real-time eye focus
- Incredible image quality
- Generous video features to explore
- Little to no heating issues
- ボディ内手ぶれ補正なし
- Complete beginners may need time to learn it
Panasonic Lumix G7 4K Digital Camera
With 4K devices taking over the electronic world, it’s becoming common for consumers to demand 4K pictures and videos.
The one camera that can help you achieve that without burning a hole in your pocket is Panasonic Lumix G7 4K Digital Camera.
The camera can accurately and effectively capture split-second moments. It operates at a max of 30 fps in 4k mode.
In case you choose to, there’s an option to extract images from 4K videos.
As a mirrorless model, Panasonic Lumix G7 4K Digital Camera is lighter and compact. That’s something to pay attention to if you intend to work long hours.
It further boasts creative controls, ample connection ports, outstanding autofocus, and intelligent exposure and tracking.
As such, you’ll find it a tad better than many traditional DSLRs.
If weather-sealing, a rugged body, and plenty of focusing points matter, you can check out its elder sibling- Panasonic LUMIX GH4.
Main features
- 16 MP next-generation image sensor
- Starlight AF that lets you use the moon’s light
- Depth-from-focus (DFD) technology
- Focus peaking
- Built-in flash
- Interchangeable lens camera
- Touch-enabled swiveling OLED screen
- Captures top-quality true-to-life images
- Lighter and compact design
- Intelligent autofocus technology
- Integrates seamlessly with many accessories
- Ultra-visible viewfinder
- Shoots fast and quietly
- Fairly sluggish autofocus
GoPro HERO 9
If you are going to shoot supercharged live-action outdoor videos, you should probably try out GoPro HERO 9.
The GoPro series have been known to be the tiniest, most convenient camera in the world for live streaming and webcam.
Bagging a 23.6MP sensor, this live-action camera shoots supremely detailed photos and videos.
Some of the few amazing video features that put it at the top of its contenders include live previewing, 8x slo-mo, hindsight, and time-lapse scenes.
When the adventure gets too supercharged, the cam’s Hypersooth 3 stabilization technology kicks in ensuring your footage is smooth.
Furthermore, there’s in-camera horizon leveling which does impress many video makers.
Tough as nails with waterproof capability, we find GoPro HERO 9 to be a truly worthy companion in extreme weather.
The dazzling quality aside, it has both front and rear display that makes live previewing and framing much more intuitive.
Note that GoPro Hero 9 is purely for personal adventure photography. Its video capabilities are not advanced enough for professional purposes.
If you want something as compact and lightweight as the GoPro series but with more video juice, then check out the next beast on this list.
Main features
- 23.6 MP sensor
- Zoom magnification
- Up to 5K resolution
- Bluetooth connectivity
- Continuous shooting at 60fps
- Hypersmooth 3 image stabilization
- Responsive touch controls
- Reliable even in low light
- Better stabilization than its predecessors
- Front and rear touchscreen displays
- A large, long-lasting battery
- Not equipped for professional video shooting
Sony DSC-RX0
Now, if you want something super compact like the GoPro models but far punchier for professional video shooting, check out Sony’s DSC-RX0.
You might not know it yet but the many quirks and eccentricities it has will easily make it a staple in your backpack.
Check this out; the camera packs a 1-inch sensor that shoots pictures up to 15MP. That is the same type of sensor that Sony puts in their high-end Sony RX 100 line.
There’s more; to its front lies a heart-warming, Zeiss 24mm prime lens for capturing distortion-free, high-resolution images.
Its video capability is stunning. You get to shoot in 1080p, expandable to detail-rich 4K footage.
There is also an option to generate 10-bit uncompressed 4K media through its HDMI port to an external storage.
Design-wise, it is engineered to be shockproof, dustproof, and waterproof up to 33 feet underwater.
As you can see, there will be no need for additional weatherproof casing while shooting outdoors.
The outside casing is metal and not plastic and therefore robustly crafted.
In short, Sony DSC-RX0 may look too compact and unprofessional but let that not fool you.
Inside this miniaturized gear is a whole lot of settings and features that make it as reliable as DSLRs for shooting videos.
Main features
- Exmor RS CMOS sensor (stacked)
- Two microphones
- 24mm Zeiss lens
- Continuous shooting of up to 16fps
- Back-illuminated technology
- Wrist attachment point
- Shockproof body
- Tiltable non-touch display screen
- Micro-HDMI, miciroSD, and micro-USB ports
- Wi-Fi connection
- Extremely well-built to withstand harsh use
- Better image quality
- Waterproof and dustproof body
- Excessively compact to carry anywhere
- Reliable noise reduction even at higher ISO ranges
- Has overheating problems when connected to a software
- The battery capacity feels a little limiting
Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera 4K
If you run church services and other events, a beginner cinema camera that outshines many DSLRs is Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera.
It appears at the bottom of this list for several reasons.
First, it is a very powerful rig that shoots extremely detailed videos. It has so many codecs that you can utilize to create richly dynamic shots.
Since it works at 60fps continuous shooting, no memory will go unrecorded.
On its own, Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera costs somewhere around $1000. That’s a steal considering it comes with Davinci Resolve studio.
The problem is, you can’t use it straight out of the box. You have to pair it with a micro 4/3 mount lens and other accessories.
In total, you could spend close to $2000 to get it working to your expectations. However, considering its smashing performance, it’s totally worth a shot.
Main features
- HDR sensor
- 5-inch touchscreen display
- Micro 4/3 lens mount
- Dual native ISO
- 4K max resolution
- 60fps continuous shooting mode
- Comes with highly adored Davinci Resolve studio
- No unnecessary controls to bother with
- Multiple video codecs to work with
- Lightning-fast burst mode
- Advanced ISO
- Compact and lightweight pocket camera
- You need plenty of accessories and that could be a costly affair for beginners
- Weak battery capacity
Now, the last two products on this list are going to be camcorders.
So if you want fine shutter control and better cinema-quality sensors without spending an arm and a leg, then keep reading.
Panasonic Full HD Video Camera Camcorder
Planning to shoot an event or news? You could benefit greatly from Panasonic Full HD Video Camera Camcorder.
The sheer number of positive reviews on numerous online platforms means there will be no regrets in choosing it.
Check this; with 50x and 90x optical zoom, you really don’t need to be even closer to your subjects.
And thanks to the back-illuminated, 2.20M-pixeled sensor, your shoots still come out clear and free from noise-even in dim conditions.
There are so many creative controls to explore on this camera like silent movie, lapse recording, miniature effects, etc.
It only captures up to 1080p and the footage comes out in iFrame, MP4, and AVCHD.
Panasonic Full HD Video Camera Camcorder understands that you’ll be running up and down while following live events.
So, yes, it has reliable powerful image stabilization. No matter what zoom you employ, the 2-channel zoom mic will adjust itself to ensure the audio remains clear.
Main features
- Advanced BSI sensor
- Multiple creative filter effects
- 2.7-inch LCD screen
- 28mm wide-angle
- 5-axis hand-shake detection
- 50x and 90x intelligent zooms
- Intelligent zoom that saves time focusing
- A wide lens that fits many subjects into focus
- Amazing low-light performance
- Superior handheld stability
- The screen is relatively smaller compared DSLRs
Sony – HDRCX405 HD Video Recording Handycam Camcorder
Sony – HDRCX405 Handycam is one of the top-rated camcorders online. In fact, it works nearly as perfectly as some of the top dogs like the Sony a6000.
To begin with, it runs on a powerful 9.2MP Exmor R sensor that creates full HD videos and still images.
The camcorder’s sensor is back-illuminated for drastically reduced grain in low-light conditions.
To the front lies a Carl Zeiss lens, wide-angled to ensure your shots pack a lot of content.
Since Sony – HDRCX405 HD Video camcorder is for active live action, it includes built-in shake reduction.
Plus, you get electronic roll stability that further smoothens video outputs.
By the way, cameras with digital zoom leverage electronic cropping to move closer to subjects.
結果? Uninteresting unsharp images. Don’t expect that to happen with this camera.
Wondering why? Well, its optical zoom runs on Clear Image Zoom, a robust processor that creates new pixels as patterns change thus restoring the image’s original clarity.
Despite being somewhat of a budget video camera for beginners, it still has a few intelligent features.
For example, its face detection differentiates the faces of kids from those of adults.
It then goes further to adjust white balance, flash, exposure, and focus thereby delivering extremely crisp images.
So as you can see, Sony – HDRCX405 HD Video Recording Handycam Camcorder might just be as reliable-possibly far better than some DSLRs in this review.
So if camcorders are your favorite cup of coffee, you can check this one out too. Just don’t expect too many video features as it’s meant to simply get you rolling.
Main features
- 26.8mm wide-angle lens from Zeiss
- 2.7 inches Clear Photo display screen
- Intelligent autofocus
- Face detection
- 7 video effects
- 60x Clear image zoom
- Optical SteadyShot IS
- Video format:MP4 and AVCHD
- USB cable port
- Shoots clearly detailed HD videos
- Intelligent face detection
- Wide-angled to capture wide scenes
- Creates videos in MP4 format that is easy to share
- Comes with a highly effective shake reduction technology
- No external mic input
Frequently Asked Questions
What video camera should a beginner buy?
Sony ZV-E10 and Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark III are among the best video cameras for beginner bloggers.
Panasonic Lumix G100 is a great choice for those who want a 4K DSLR camera.
For travel videos, Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mk IV is merely one of the many outstanding choices out there.
What is the best video camera for beginner YouTubers?
Some of the popular video cameras for YouTubers include Sony Alpha 6000, Sony ZV-1, Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark III, Panasonic Lumix GH6, Canon EOS R5, and GoPro Hero10 Black.
How much does a good-quality video camera cost?
A good quality video camera costs around $500. The bigger the number gets, the more advanced the camera becomes.
The opposite is also true; the smaller the price tag the less magnificent the camera is.
Which is the best camera for both videography and photography for beginners?
There are a few reliable cameras for beginners that are ideal for both stills and motion-picture.
Examples include Canon EOS 5D Mark III, Panasonic Lumix G7, and Nikon D3500.
Which is the best video camera brand for beginners?
The camera brands that are the easiest to use are Nikon and Canon.
These are the first ever companies to dabble in the DSLR world, and as you know, digital SLRs have the shortest learning curve compared to Sony’s mirrorless cameras.
Mirrorless vs DSLR, which is better for beginners?
Mirrorless cameras are the latest invention and pack many features in a compact body.
However, they are a bit pricey, with a fairly steep learning curve.
DSLRs, on the other hand, are simple to use and affordable as well. But in the end, it’s up to the buyer’s preference.
Renewed vs. refurbished, which is better?
Beginner photographers on a tight budget but with a strong desire for better features can buy renewed or refurbished cameras.
The terms are often used interchangeably to mean the products have been used but faulty parts have been replaced.
Final Thoughts
As you have seen from the list above, there are many best video cameras for beginners worth exploring.
But to narrow it down to your favorite choice, you may need to ask yourself a couple of questions.
For instance, how much are you willing to spend?
If your budget is below $500, then you can settle for Sony’s DSC-RX0, Nikon D3300, Pentax K-50, Pentax K-30, GoPro HERO 9, and many others.
If your heart is aching for 4K quality and you are not afraid to spend around $1000, then try out Sony RX100 or Fujifilm X-T30.
These two cameras have generous video features, multiple phase-detection points, and other unlimited possibilities. The learning curve might be steeper though.
There are also those cameras that cost between $500 and $1000. Most of them are prosumer-grade.
Meaning, that they are not steeply priced yet bag a good number of features that you see in high-end models. A stellar example is Canon EOS M50 Mark II.
By the way, you can take advantage of renewed or refurbished cameras as well. If you are lucky, you can land on a very powerful system at an insanely low cost.
Happy camera hunting!