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室内の空気の質を改善する春の大掃除の 4 つのヒント




  • アレルギー 3月下旬に動き出す傾向にあります。これは、松の花粉が特徴的な黄色い粉の毛布で屋外を包み込む時期ですが、その頃にはすでにくしゃみをしているでしょう。
  • エアコン 数か月の休眠期間を経て、活動を再開します。あと 1 か月かそこらで、AC をたくさん実行することになります。 、したがって、すべてがきれいであることを確認することをお勧めします(ほこり、汚れ、ネバネバでコーティングされていないことを考えてください)。そうすれば、きれいな空気を吸っていることがわかります。さらに、適切に整備されたエアコンは、最も必要なときに故障する可能性がはるかに低くなります。
  • 湿度 暖かい空気がより多くの水分を保持するため、増加します。湿度がさらに高くなると、クロール スペースの状態が変化します。 ますます、うーん…いやらしくなってきました。ダクトに漏れがある場合は、おそらくそこで成長しているすべてのものを呼吸しています.

これらのアイデアを念頭に置いて、春の室内空気質に関する 4 つのヒントを検討してください。



汚れたエアフィルターは大きな問題です。汚染物質がフィルターに蓄積すると、空気は最も抵抗の少ない経路を通ってエアコンに移動し始めます。場合によっては、周りを移動することを意味します フィルターを完全にバイパスします。または、より多くの空気がダクト内の漏れを介して HVAC システムに入り、屋根裏やクロール スペースの空気内に汚染物質が持ち込まれます。



毎年春にこれを行う必要はありません。ただし、ダクトを密閉していない場合は、 これ を作成してください


  • 質の低いクロールスペースや屋根裏の空気が生活空間に侵入するのを防ぐ
  • 微生物やイエダニが繁殖できないように室内の湿度レベルを下げる
  • ダクト内にほこりや汚れが溜まらないようにする

ダクト システムがよりタイトで密閉されているほど、不快な空気が HVAC システムや肺に入る可能性が低くなります。 Air from your attic or crawlspace (you know, where your air ducts run) is likely full of humidity, microbial growth, insect or rodent droppings, and even fiberglass particulates. You don't want to breathe that stuff.

Of course, duct sealing also lowers your utility bills by keeping more conditioned air inside your home. It's a double win for air quality and your wallet.

3. Consider duct cleaning

Not everybody needsduct cleaning, but some people definitely do.

Dirty air ducts contain contaminants that may aggravate allergies, circulate bad smells, and make your HVAC system work harder to condition your home. They cost you money and have health and comfort repercussions.

Like duct sealing, this is something you'll probably only have to do once - especially if you have the ducts sealed at the same time. Sealing ducts helps prevent them from getting dirty again.

You may only need multiple duct cleanings if you have floor vents and pets. Those ducts tend to get dirtier, faster.

You'll know you need duct cleaning when your return ductwork and your air conditioner's blower wheel are caked in a thick layer of grime. If you just have a thin layer of dust inside your ducts, they probably don't need to be cleaned.

4. Have your AC serviced

Spring is a great time to clean your AC's evaporator coil and blower wheel. If you wait until summer, you may spend another couple of months breathing the relatively low-quality produced by these dirty components.

Why clean the evaporator coil? Because a dirty evaporator coil is a magnet for microbial growth.

After all, the coil stays wet for most of the spring and summer, creating an ideal environment for bacteria. When there's a lot of dust and dirt on it, the bacteria have plenty to feed on. Unless you have aUV light inside your indoor AC unit, the bacteria proliferate. And your AC blower sends them right into your home.

Speaking of, why clean the AC blower wheel?

Because all the issues with the evaporator coil still apply (the blower wheel isn't as wet, but it lives in a moist environment). And you can bet that a lot of the gunk that accumulated on the wheel is also being blown into your home!

Let's not forget that a dirty blower wheel also reduces airflow, which can cause cooling problems. It can also shorten the lifespan of the blower.

So, what's the best, most economical way to get those things done? Have an HVAC technician take care of it.

An HVAC service agreement , in particular, is an inexpensive way to make sure both of these tasks are completed every spring.

Service agreements include indoor and outdoor coil cleaning, blower wheel cleaning, , drain line flushing, and various tests to ensure all components are working as they should. We'll even replace your air filter.

So keep clean, and don't forget about the air you breathe.

Even an uncluttered home isn't comfortable when you're sneezing and fighting a headache all the time. By replacing your filter, sealing and cleaning your ducts, and ensuring your air conditioning system is clean and in working order, you can breathe cleaner air all throughout the spring and summer.

And since these tips make your HVAC equipment runmore efficiently, you'll probably save money on utilities, too.