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どうですか あいまいさのために?

除湿機は、スタンドアロン ユニットであろうと「家全体」のシステムであろうと、湿度管理の最初の選択肢になることもあれば、最後の選択肢になることもあります。それはすべて以下に依存します:

  • 快適な室内の目標
  • 建物の外皮の漏れやすさ
  • 快適性向上のための予算




  • 乾燥した室内環境は、カビのリスクを排除します。 相対湿度レベルを 65% 以下に維持するのに苦労している場合、家にカビが生える危険性があります。
  • 湿った空気より乾燥した空気の方が快適です。 夏は湿度が高く、普段以上に暑く感じます。室内の空気から湿気を取り除くことで、より快適に過ごせます。ほとんどの人にとって、40% から 50% の相対湿度が理想的です。




最も可能性の高い原因は、あなたのクロール スペースと屋根裏部屋ですが、確実にわかるのはエネルギー監査だけです。


  • 湿度が高いのは、多くの場合、建物の外皮が不十分である、または「漏れやすい」ことが原因です。
  • エンベロープの大きな隙間やひび割れを密閉することで、湿気の多い空気が家に入るのを防ぐことができます。
  • 通常、ドアや窓を密閉するだけでは十分ではありません。大きな隙間や亀裂は、封筒の上部 (屋根裏) と下部 (クロール スペース) にある可能性があります。



ウィリス・キャリアは 1902 年にエアコンを発明しましたが、彼は人々が暑い時期に涼しく過ごせるようにすることを目的としていませんでした。彼は実際に印刷施設内の空気を除湿して、インクの完全性を維持しようとしていました.エアコンは、Carrier の努力の結果、意図せず、しかし非常に高く評価されました!

エアコンは除湿機でもあります。 But unless you use a thermostat that senses humidity, your AC will only respond to your temperature settings, not the relative humidity of your indoor space. It dehumidifies the air inside your home whenever it runs, but it only runs when the indoor temperature would otherwise be too high.

If your home has a properly-sized air conditioner, preferably a variable speed compressor that runs more frequently that older, single-speed units, dehumidification from supply air is often sufficient to keep relative humidity below 55%. Unfortunately, many HVAC contractors install air conditioners that are way too big:

  • When your air conditioner is too big, it cools your home too quickly. Since the AC is powerful, it doesn't take very long to cool a large space. As a result, it never runs long enough to reduce humidity levels.
  • If you have an oversized AC, you need to lower the thermostat to reduce humidity. By lowering the temperature on your thermostat to reduce humidity, you end up with higher energy bills.

What does all of this mean with respect to dehumidifiers? If you think you need a dehumidifier, you might just have an oversized air conditioner, a really leaky home, or both.

When SHOULD you use a dehumidifier?

Good question! Dehumidifiers are useful in the following situations:

1. Your AC is too big, but you're not ready to replace it.

Maybe your oversized air conditioner is only a few years old and you don't have the budget or the desire to replace it right now. How will you reduce relative humidity indoors without setting your thermostat to the low 70s?

Installing a whole house dehumidifier inside your existing HVAC system is often the answer. It's less expensive than installing a variable speed AC, and it solves the humidity problem. As a result, you can adjust your thermostat to a higher temperature.

2. You want to improve indoor air quality.

A lot of homeowners ask us whether energy recovery ventilators (ERVs) are the best choice for improving indoor air quality. While an ERV will improve indoor air quality, it won't help you reduce humidity. And since many indoor air quality problems stem from excessive humidity inside the home, an ERV isn't always the best choice.

What is the best solution? A whole house dehumidifier with a fresh air system! The fresh air system brings in (and filters) outdoor air, which is dehumidified before it enters your living space. The result is low humidity and cleaner indoor air.

3. You have an encapsulated crawl space.

Code for "closed" or "encapsulated" crawl spaces requires a drying mechanism, and a dehumidifier is the most effective solution for keeping relative humidity at a healthy level.

However - and we mention this because we've seen it many times - avoid running a dehumidifier in a vented crawl space or in a basement that is connected to a vented crawl space! You're basically trying to dehumidify the outdoors, which is a battle you're guaranteed to lose.

It's kind of like rolling down all the windows in your car and blasting the AC. It just doesn't work.

4. You've already made the requisite energy improvements.

Air sealed your home? Installed a properly-sized, variable speed air conditioner? If you still have high humidity, you might need a dehumidifier. A whole house dehumidifier or standalone unit will work.

Not sure whether you need a dehumidifier? That's why we do audits!

If you're ready to eliminate high indoor humidity, PV's whole home energy audit will reveal how humid air gets into your home, why it's lingering, and what you can do to reduce it.

We'll also show you the best opportunities to tighten your home envelope and improve indoor comfort. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!