
過小負荷または過負荷とは正確には何ですか? また、スピーカーの音が歪むその他の理由として考えられるものは何ですか?最も重要なことは、これが起こらないようにするにはどうすればよいでしょうか?
優れたスピーカーは、ソース オーディオから可能な限り正確にすべての音または周波数を再現します。
これは通常、スピーカー ドライバーの非直線的な動きが原因です。
オーディオの歪みやポップ音には多くの原因がありますが、次の 4 つの状況にある可能性があります。
悪いソース オーディオ
どんなに良いスピーカーでも、入力音が悪ければスピーカーから出てくる音も悪くなります。 .mp3 と .flac の標準形式を使用しても、スピーカーからのサウンド出力は、オーディオ ファイル自体と同程度にしかなりません。
メーカーは、意図的にローファイ (耳が痛くならないようにする) など、意図的にそのようにする場合があります。
また、ソース オーディオが粗末になる別の原因もあり、それは圧縮です。ほとんどの場合、YouTube、Soundcloud、Facebook などのオーディオおよびビデオ共有プラットフォームからの 1 回の圧縮では、ファイルがわずかに圧縮されるだけです。
状況は次のとおりです。低ワットのスピーカーには少し多すぎるワット数を吐き出すアンプがあります。さらに悪いことに、この状況がクロスオーバー ネットワーク (スピーカーのネットワーク) で発生すると、信号漏れが発生する可能性があります。
このように考えてください。ツイーターは、クロスオーバー ネットワーク内で最も甘い高音域を提供するはずです。そして突然、低音のオーディオ信号が発生し、ツイーターを完全に圧倒します。大音量でスピーカーをポップさせることができます。
過負荷のもう 1 つの問題は、過負荷が過剰な電力を適切に処理できない可能性があることです。
スピーカーの過負荷は、音量を上げるたびにスピーカーからパチパチという音やポップ音が出る理由の 1 つです。より大きな音を出すには、より多くの電力が必要です。
それでも、多くの人は後付けとしてアンプを購入します。しかし、彼らは知らないうちに、高ワット スピーカーと低ワット アンプを使用することはあまり良い考えではありません。
スピーカーの音量を上げると、ドライバーはさらに速く伸びる必要があります。 With this, the speaker will need a lot more power to continue creating good sound quality.
Amplifier Clipping
This type of distortion does not occur due to the speaker’s limitations but comes from the amplifier’s limits.
It happens when an audio file amplifies to extreme highs and lows, wherein the sound required is beyond the amplifier’s capabilities. It can create a situation where speakers pop at high volume.
When amplifier clipping happens, the high and low frequencies beyond the amplifier’s capabilities will be clipped, which means these excess frequencies won’t make it to the speakers, even if the speakers can produce such high and lows.
Physical Damage
Underloading and overloading. When these situations happen too often at your speakers, they may cause permanent physical damage. And with this, your speakers may permanently produce distorted sound.
Physical damage is usually caused by heat (most associated with overloading).
When the speaker gets too hot, wires may melt, and adhesives used within the interiors of your speaker may not work. It can result in distorted sound or no sound at all.
How Do I Prevent Popping, Distortion, And Physical Damage To My Speakers?
Tone it down. Those are the three words that can solve most of your speaker-related problems. Tone it down.
Many may take this advice for granted but toning down your speakers enable your speakers not to require as much electricity as needed, thus reducing the risk of underloading.
Also, since speakers need to create vibrations to produce sound, toning down your speakers may also help reduce the amount of movement the speaker’s internals may suffer.
It will also help with internal component fatigue as less electricity means less heat produced around the system.
Storing your speakers in a cool, dry, and safe place is also crucial for speaker longevity and preventing any possible popping and distortion. Heat is usually the main reason speakers break all the time—also, water damage.
Also, buying quality material is vital when purchasing sound components. Not only can this ensure that your product will last longer, but this can also ensure better sound quality.
“Quality material” does not only refer to speakers, necessarily. In fact, buying the appropriate amplifier is also very crucial to prevent underloading and overloading. It brings me to my next point.
Buy power-matched equipment. Buying power-matched equipment not only helps with sound quality but also helps with the durability of your speakers.
It is because buying power-matched equipment (meaning buying the appropriate power of amplifier concerning the amount of energy your crossover network needs) is essential to prevent any complications within your speaker system.
Reasonably Sound Frequently Asked Questions About Speakers, and Distortion
Do I need to buy a whole set of speakers?
Honestly, no, but it depends on what demographic you reside. For example, suppose you want the best possible listening experience. In that case, you can buy a whole crossover network’s worth of speakers, but most often, you don’t need to.
If you want to have a high-quality listening experience without breaking the bank, a good speaker will do. A pair of budget earbuds or earphones will probably sound better than budget speakers, though.
If I have the best quality speakers, does this mean that I will have the best quality sound?
No. To have the best listening experience, you will need to have an acoustically tuned room, which means that any room with rigid walls and floors is a HARD no-no.
To acoustically tune your room, you may need to go with the basics and start applying sound-absorbing materials, as these disable unnecessary echoes. Also, a constant reminder, buying the appropriate amplifier is a must.
I have my speakers at a relatively low volume. So why is there still that horrible popping sound and distortion?
There are many reasons for that; most commonly, you may either have very damaged speakers or just a low-quality setup.