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あなたがカーオーディオ愛好家なら、最大の課題の 1 つは、大音量レベルでクリアで歪みのないサウンドを実現することであることをご存知でしょう。しかし、音量を上げるとスピーカーが音を歪ませるのはなぜでしょうか?調べてみましょう。







#6.スピーカーの機械的損傷 (または吹き飛ばされたスピーカー)






クリッピングは、サウンド システムで聞こえる最も一般的なタイプの歪みです。アンプがオーディオ信号の波形を正確に再現できない場合に発生します。



相互変調歪みは、2 つ以上の信号が結合して、最初は信号に存在しなかった新しい周波数を作成するときに発生します。

この種の歪みは、多くの場合、カー オーディオ システムの電気アース線の接続が不十分なために発生します。










スピーカーの歪みのもう 1 つの一般的な原因は、スピーカーが限界を超えてプッシュされた場合です。これは、LPF / HPF 設定が間違っている場合に特に顕著です。



最も一般的な理由の 1 つはスピーカーの品質です。



車のスピーカーが音を歪めるもう 1 つの理由は、取り付け方法にあります。



スピーカーに直接関係しないもう 1 つのよくある問題は、配線の問題です。








However, if you have a subwoofer or other type of speaker designed for low frequencies, it can distort the sound when the bass hits too hard, especially if there is a mismatch between the amplifier and speakers.

There are, however few other reasons for speakers to distort when the bass hits:

#1. Speakers are damaged

#2. Speakers are incorrectly connected

#3. Impedance does not match the amplifier

#4. Wattage mismatch between the amplifier and speakers

<強い>#5。 Amplifier settings (high pass filter and low pass filter) are incorrectly set up.

Can Car Speakers Distort at Low Volume?

When car speakers distort at lower volumes, it can be for several reasons. The most common causes are damaged speaker drivers or loose wiring connections, but this is not all.

A common cause of distorted speakers at low volume are wrong settings. Especially if you have a powerful amplifier, an issue at the low levels volume is often related to too high amp gain that pushes too much power to the speakers or the crossover distortion if you have component speakers.

To check the issue, you need to use the multimeter and check all the signal connections.

If you do not feel comfortable testing speakers by yourself, you can take the car to the audio service, and the technicians will be able quickly to find the cause.

How to Stop Distortions in Car Speakers?

If you’re experiencing a sound distortion in your car speakers, there are a few things you can do to try and fix the problem.

#1. Check the Amplifier:

If you’re noticing sound distortion, the first thing you should do is check your power source.

Make sure that it’s turned on and set to the correct input. If it’s turned on but not receiving any signal, that could cause the problem.

#2. Check the Stereo:

Stereos should be checked for signal quality. The best way to test it is to swap channels on the RCA channels coming to the amplifiers to eliminate the head unit problems or radio stations’ signal quality issues.

If, after swapping, you hear distorted sounds from different speakers, the cause for this is the radio.

If the same speaker sounds distorted after changing channels, there is clearly an issue with this speaker or its connection.

#3. Check Speaker Wires:

Next, check your speaker wires to make sure they’re correctly connected. If they’re loose or damaged, that could be causing the sound distortion.

#4. Check Speakers:

If everything looks good with your amplifier, stereo and speaker wires, then the problem is likely with your speakers. Check if they’re mounted correctly and for any internal or external damage.

Although external damages like cracks in the cones are easy to spot, for internal damages, you need to use a voltmeter and check internal impedance between both terminals.

If after checking, the impedance is high or zero, the suspicious speakers are damaged, you should replace them with new speakers.


Distorted sounds coming from car speakers can be annoying, and in some cases, they can cause permanent damage to the speakers. If you’re experiencing sound distortion, there are a few things you can do to try and fix the problem.

#1. Check your amplifier, stereo and speaker wires to make sure they’re properly connected. If everything looks good with those, then the problem is likely with your speakers.

#2. Check to see if speakers are mounted properly and check for any internal or external damage.

If you can’t fix the problem yourself, or if you’re unsure what’s causing the sound distortion, take your car to an audio service to check the installation.