SafeLink TracFone の交換方法

2015 年、Consumer Reports National Research Center は、前年中に 210 万人のアメリカ人が携帯電話を盗まれたことを発見しました。 SafeLink Wireless の顧客は、LifeLine と呼ばれる政府が後援するサービスを利用できます。資格のあるメンバーは、電話、SIM カード、およびサービスを無料で利用できます。結局のところ、このプログラムは SafeLink という適切な名前が付けられています。これは、携帯電話を交換する必要があるという不幸な出来事にも対応できるためです。 スマートフォンを腕の届くところに置くことにますます依存する世界のライフライン.
SafeLink と TracFone の明確化
このちょっとした混乱をすぐに切り抜けましょう。 「SafeLink」と「TracFone」が同じ意味で使用されることは珍しくありませんが、混同は理解できます。簡単に言えば、TracFone は SafeLink の親会社であり、SafeLink 自体は TracFone Wireless, Inc. が提供するサービスです。LifeLine については、Medicaid または Medi-Cal、WIC、SNAP、TANF、Supplemental Security Income、Veterans Pension から支援を受けている人福利厚生またはその他の同様のプログラムがサービスの対象となります。そのため、SafeLink 電話は技術的には「TracFone」ではありませんが、ブランディングは時々少し混乱します. Pepsi を「Coke」と呼ぶのと同じ考え方ですが、SafeLink と TracFone の場合、ブランド自体はそれほど離れていません.
SafeLink の交換ポリシー
あなたが人間であれば、サインアップ時に SafeLink の利用規約をスクロールして、何も考えずに [同意する] をクリックした可能性がかなりあります。そこに恥はない。トロントのヨーク大学のコミュニケーション学教授であるジョナサン・オバーとコネチカット大学のアン・エルドルフ・ヒルシュによる 2017 年の調査によると、私たちの約 4 分の 1 しか細かい活字を読むことを気にしませんでした。
幸運なことに、それが私たちの仕事です。 SafeLink Wireless 利用規約のセクション 13 には、同社の電話の紛失または盗難に関するポリシーが明確に記載されています。基本的に、SafeLink は顧客ごとに 1 つの交換用電話を提供します。これは、電話が紛失または盗難にあった場合に限ります。申し訳ありませんが、電話をトイレに落としたり、車でひっくり返したりすると、無料で交換してもらえません。
SafeLink は再生品の電話のみを交換品として提供するため、提供される電話も新品ではありません。残念ながら、携帯電話の泥棒が忍び込んだ時間の一部も失われる可能性があります。 SafeLink は、交換用の電話を入手したときに失われた 10 分間の通信時間をわずか 10 分だけ補います。
同様に、TracFone のポリシー、ひいては SafeLink のポリシーでもありますが、輸送中に携帯電話が紛失または盗難にあった場合に、1 回限りのサービスとして交換用の携帯電話と通話時間を提供することです。恐ろしい命題。
SafeLink の利用規約には、欠陥のあるデバイスを受け取った場合も補償されると記載されています。保証ポリシーによると、新しいまたは再調整された SafeLink ワイヤレス電話で通常の使用中に製品に障害が発生した場合 (迷惑電話に対する不満から電話を捨てても、新しいデバイスが得られるわけではありません)、1 日以内に修理または交換する権利があります。電話の購入日の年。この保証は元の所有者のみに適用され、譲渡することはできません。
To ensure that your SafeLink Wireless warranty service is active, give tech support a call at 800-378-1684. This is also the number you call when you need to take advantage of the warranty if there's a tech defect. Once you've been given a ticket number by a technician, you'll include that number with the phone, which you can send to a SafeLink Wireless Service Center for either repair or replacement (at SafeLink's discretion). The technician will fill you in on the shipping details, which may vary on a case-by-case basis.
In the case of a replacement, you'll receive a refurbished phone of the same model as your current phone, or a comparable model. Though the warranty covers all of the phone's hardware, be warned that you may lose any personal information – including passwords, contacts, photos, videos, music or apps – stored on the old phone. Now may be a good time to get started on those cloud backups you've been meaning to get around to.
Contact Customer Support
When your phone is lost or stolen, contacting SafeLink should be at the top of your list (right after filing a police report, in the latter case). SafeLink's technical support department handles these requests, and you can reach them at 800-378-1684, seven days a week between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m., EST. Keep in mind that calls to customer support still count as airtime.
Before you call, make sure you have your basic account info on hand. On their website, just hit the "Account" tab at the top of the page. You'll likely need your SafeLink Wireless serial number and your current SafeLink phone number to expedite the process.
Once you report your phone as stolen, SafeLink immediately and permanently deactivates the device. From there, the technician on the line with you will guide you through the replacement process, provided you qualify.
Upgrade Your Phone
Losing your phone or having it stolen are never fun, but there's one way to replace your SafeLink phone that's a whole lot more enjoyable:Getting a shiny new device upgrade.
If you're still rocking the flip phone or the brick phone as an active SafeLink recipient, you're eligible to upgrade to a new smart phone while retaining your account and all of your LifeLine benefits. As of 2019, the cost to upgrade to a smart phone starts at $39.
Be aware, though, that when you replace your SafeLink phone via upgrading, you're buying from a third-party cellphone merchant. Even when you use SafeLink's very own site, the SafeLink Phone Store simply acts as a venue to connect you to a cellphone merchant. That means that any problems with the sale will have to be worked out between you and the merchant in question.
Get an Unlocked Replacement
In addition to replacing stolen, lost or defective phones and offering upgrades, SafeLink also provides a slightly more obscure phone replacement policy. As of May 1, 2016, the company has agreed to provide all SafeLink customers with an unlocked replacement phone (meaning a phone that isn't tied to a specific carrier contract) under certain conditions.
To qualify, you must request unlocking from SafeLink and you must be the original service subscriber. Your current device must be a locked phone that's been in service for at least 12 months and, of course, your SafeLink service must be currently active. Your current locked phone must also be in working condition, since you'll need to turn it in to SafeLink. You can redeem this perk only once every 12 months.
To get the process started, give SafeLink a call and submit an unlocking request at 888-442-5102.
SafeLink Smart Phone Options
Whether your SafeLink smart phone was lost or stolen, there's at least one silver lining to losing it – getting a new one (or at least a refurbished one). Think of it as hitting the reset button on all those screen scratches.
Based on the 2019 outlook in central Los Angeles, SafeLink offers 74 different Android and iOS smart phone models from popular manufacturers. This provides a good idea of what to expect when you upgrade to a smart phone at SafeLink, too. These include, but aren't limited to:
- Cameox
- Revvl
- Tetra
- iPhone 6
- iPhone 6S
- iPhone 6S Plus
- iPhone 7
- iPhone 7 Plus
- iPhone 8
- iPhone 8 Plus
- iPhone SE
- iPhone X
- iPhone XR
- iPhone XS
- iPhone XS Max
- Grand XL
- S1
- Studio J8
- Studio M5
- Studio M6
- Vivo GO
- Vivo One
- Vivo One Plus
- Vivo S
- Vivo XL+
- Pixel 2
- Pixel 3
- Pixel 3 XL
- Fiesta 2
- G4
- G6
- K20 Plus
- Phoenix 3 5.0
- Q6
- Rebel 3
- V30 Plus
- E4
- E4 Plus
- E5 Play
- E5 Plus
- G6
- G6 Play
- X4
- Z3 Play
- Nokia 2
- Nokia 3.1
- Nokia 6
- Galaxy Alpha
- Galaxy Express Prime 3
- Galaxy J2
- Galaxy J2 Pro
- Galaxy J4
- Galaxy J6
- Galaxy J7 Prime
- Galaxy J7 Star
- Galaxy J8
- Galaxy Mega 2
- Galaxy Note 5
- Galaxy Note 8
- Galaxy Note 9
- Galaxy S4
- Galaxy S5
- Galaxy S6 Edge
- Galaxy S6
- Galaxy S7 Edge
- Galaxy S7
- Galaxy S8
- Galaxy S8+
- Galaxy S9
- Galaxy S9+
A Crucial Lost-Phone Tip
While it's comforting to know that, within some reasonable limits, SafeLink has your back in terms of replacing a lost or stolen phone, the ideal situation is to avoid losing your device in the first place. In 2018, tech solutions company Asurion found that making one simple change to your phone can actually triple your chances of getting it back when it's lost, making it among the most effective casual insurance policies around.
That change? Adding an emergency contact number to your phone's lock screen. Think about it – the vast majority of us (71 percent, according to Asurion) keep our phones locked behind a password, fingerprint scan or facial recognition. If a good Samaritan can't get past those safeguards, how do they know who to contact? And yet the catch-22 is that you don't want just anybody rifling through your info. This tip addresses both concerns.
To make the change on iOS, enable the "Find My iPhone" feature as follows:
<オール>Android users can get in on the additional protection, too: