春が近づき、天候の変化に伴い、窓を開けて春の大掃除をします。確かに、私たちのほとんどは、新鮮な空気を家に戻すことを楽しみにしています。しかし、その新鮮な空気に恐怖を感じる人もいます。あなたがアレルギーに苦しむ多くの人々の 1 人である場合、春はおそらく世界で最大の喜びではありません.
それらの開いた窓は花粉を屋内に漂わせ、春の大掃除はすべてほこりやふけを蹴ります.花粉、ダニ、ペットのフケ、カビなどの一般的なアレルゲンは、人口の 30% もの人に不快な症状を引き起こします。これらのアレルゲンが鼻腔に入ると、体はヒスタミンと呼ばれる化学物質を生成します。
アレルギーに苦しんでいる場合は、ロボット掃除機が自宅でできることを検討してください。徹底的かつ頻繁な洗浄により、アレルギー症状が悪化する理由が少なくなります. HEPA フィルターを搭載したロボット掃除機は、床と空気もきれいにできます。
1 年の特定の時期に窓を閉めておく、定期的にシーツや毛布をお湯で洗うなどの簡単なことで、大きな効果が得られます。ほこりがたまりやすい不要な小物を取り除き、家が高温多湿にならないようにしましょう。ペット、特に犬は定期的に入浴し、寝室には入れないようにしてください。
まず、掃除機をかけるのが好きな人は多くありません。アレルゲンに先んじて蓄積する前に除去するには、多くの時間と労力が必要です。 The lack of interest also commonly leads to an insufficient job, which leaves allergens. This is especially an issue when vacuuming multiple surfaces and in hard-to-clean areas such as under furniture and in tight corners.
Another issue is frequency. A common average of vacuuming is weekly. However, for most people, especially those with allergies, it’s important to vacuum more often, even multiple times per day. Even if you don’t mind vacuuming that frequency is difficult to maintain especially with other obligations.
Technology brings us an easy answer. You’ve probably heard of robot vacuums already, but perhaps you’ve never really considered their unique ability to help fight allergic rhinitis. These gadgets offer a thorough clean throughout the home including all those hard to reach places. Robot vacuums can be used daily with ease and even multiple times per day with the use of scheduled cleaning as well as the ability to control the unit remotely.
How Robot Vacuums Help
Allergy sufferers are beginning to see the positive effect that robot vacuums can have on their quality of life, and they are not being quiet about this discovery. Many are sharing their findings in hopes of helping fellow sufferers . From robot vacuum reviews to personal stories, the online community of people with allergies wants the world to know what these machines have done for them.
The most important thing to remember is that it’s crucial to vacuum frequently. To start, vacuum daily and if your symptoms persist run the vacuum multiple times per day. This may seem like quite the burden if you have to push the vacuum around every few hours, but robot vacuums make it easy. They are scheduled to run automatically even when you’re not home. The machine keeps your home clean and allergy free, especially during the trying springtime.
Although vacuuming removes allergens, it can also cause dust and dander to float around in the air. This can make allergy symptoms worse until the allergens settle once more. While regular manual vacuuming will help by limiting the amount of allergens to begin with, the best way to avoid this issue is to not be in the house while the vacuuming is in progress. Robot vacuums can be programmed to clean at a certain time each day or even turned on with the use of an app. This means that you don’t have to be present to breathe in those airborne allergens.
In addition, For example, they can also go where you can’t easily reach, which removes even the peskiest allergens.
These fabulous machines are equipped with laser mapping technology, meaning that they are thorough and never leave a spot untouched. Robot vacuums are smaller than traditional vacuums and can fit in spaces that other vacuums can’t, reaching those unreachable places with ease.
What to Look For In A Robot Vacuum
Ensure that the vacuum of your choice has powerful suction to lift away as many allergens as possible. This is especially true for carpeted surfaces where allergens can be ground in deeply. You want a model with a HEPA filter, which helps keep allergens out of the air while vacuuming.
Also look for a robot vacuum with a low profile, so that it can fit underneath furniture and in hard to reach spaces. A thorough clean is critical. Look for a robot vacuum with good suction and solid programming which allows the robot vacuum to map the space correctly, ensuring that every inch of the floor is cleaned.
Another must is the vacuum’s ability to run while you’re not there. This should be made possible by scheduling the vacuum to run at a specific time or turning it on remotely. This will allow the dust to settle before you come home.
The Roborock S5
While there are many robot vacuums on the market that could help control allergens, the Roborock S5 meets and exceeds anything an individual might look for in an automated vacuum cleaner. Using the all-important filter requirement as an example, the Roborock S5 has an E11 filter shown to capture 99.2% of dust and allergens as small as 0.3 microns. This will easily capture dust, dander, mold spores, and pollens.
The Roborock S5 has a low profile to easily fit into areas that a regular vacuum could never reach. It can also be controlled remotely through an app. It allows for scheduled cleanings even multiple times per day.
The Roborock S5 uses accurate, laser-guided route mapping to make sure that not a spot is missed. The high precision Lasers scan the room creating a map. The unit then plans an efficient route. It begins with the outer edge of the room and then cleans the rest of the room with a z-shaped pattern.
This robot vacuum is equipped with some pretty powerful suction too. With 2000Pa of suction and pressurization mode, your carpets will be spotless. The dual brushes make sure every bit of hair, dust, pollen, and dirt is picked up. The cleaning this machine does is more thorough than a person could achieve.
The dirt and debris that get picked up are deposited into the dustbin, which can easily be emptied into the garbage and put back in the machine. Unlike many other vacuums, a full dustbin doesn’t diminish the Roborock S5’s suction power. With its advanced airflow design, the Roborock S5 ensures maximum suction power at all times.
Even with all of these features, the Roborock S5 doesn’t stop there. It comes with a mopping function to clean away even more dust, dander, and pollen. Once the vacuuming is complete, this machine can go one step further and scrub away any remaining traces of allergens with the mop attachment. The uniform water seepage allows the Roborock S5 to accomplish an even more thorough clean without leaving water trails behind.
The Roborock S5 is the best robot vacuum for those looking for some allergy relief. Pick one up before spring and don’t let your allergies spoil this season for you.