そうは言っても、朝の冷たいシャワーに頼らずにお湯のコストを削減する方法はたくさんあります。この Canstar Blue ガイドでは、さまざまな給湯システムの概要と、年間の運用コストと、給湯料金を節約する方法について説明します。
- オーストラリアの給湯システムの種類
- お湯の平均コストは?
- どうすればお湯のコストを削減できますか?
- 安価な天然ガス プラン
- 我が家にぴったりの給湯システムは?
家庭で使用できる給湯器には 2 つの基本的なタイプがあります。ストレージおよび瞬間(連続)フローシステム。貯蔵システムは、名前が示すように、温水を加熱し、必要に応じて使用できるように貯蔵します。ただし、瞬間的なフローシステムは、必要なときにのみ水を加熱します。通常、ストレージ システムは事前に購入する方が安くなりますが、消費者は即時システムを使用することで長期的に節約できる場合があります。
- 電気
- 天然ガス
- LPガス
- ソーラー
- ヒートポンプ
貯湯式給湯システムは、上記の電力方式のいずれかを使用できます。ただし、瞬間的なシステムは通常、電気、天然ガス、または LPG を使用して電力を供給されます。
一般的なガイドとして、Sustainability Victoria はさまざまなタイプの給湯システムの推定ランニング コストの例を提供しています。これらの数値は、ビクトリア州の 3 人世帯で 1 日 120L を使用した場合の計算に基づいています。この情報は一般的な情報としてのみ扱う必要があることに注意してください。ランニング コストは、世帯規模、州、準州、オーストラリア全土の流通ネットワークによって異なる場合があります。
給湯器の種類 | エネルギー スター評価 | 年間エネルギー コスト | |
ガス | |||
天然ガス – 貯蔵 | 5.3 | $245 | |
4 | $280 | ||
天然ガス – インスタント | 7 | $210 | |
6 | $225 | ||
LPG – ストレージ | 5.3 | $580 | |
4 | $660 | ||
LPG – インスタント | 7 | $470 | |
6 | $515 | ||
電気 | |||
ピーク料金 – ストレージ | なし | $765 | |
ピーク料金 - 即時 | なし | $645 | |
オフピーク料金 - ストレージ | なし | $605 | |
ソーラー | |||
天然ガスブースト | 高効率 | $50 | |
標準 | $65 | ||
LPG ブースト | 高効率 | $95 | |
標準 | $130 | ||
電動ブースト - ピーク料金 | 高効率 | $215 | |
標準 | $305 | ||
電動ブースト - オフピーク料金 | 高効率 | $165 | |
標準 | $230 | ||
ヒート ポンプ | |||
ピーク料金 | 高効率 | $200 | |
標準 | $320 | ||
Off-peak tariff | High efficiency | $135 | |
Standard | $215 |
Annual costs based on Melbourne household with average daily hot water use. For gas instantaneous and gas boosted solar water heaters, running costs take electricity use into account. Electricity tariffs based on general usage rate of 26.16 c/kWh, and off-peak rate of 17.93 c/kWh. Natural gas tariffs based on typical declining block structure for house with gas heating, water heating and cooking. Natural gas tariffs used for gas storage and instantaneous water heaters:1.68 c/MJ; 1.65 c/MJ. For solar-natural gas boost, tariff of 1.74 c/MJ has been used. LPG tariff based on bulk supply (210kg cylinder) in Melbourne area:$1 per litre or 4.0 c/MJ. Energy tariffs do not include pay on time discounts or the annual supply charge or cylinder rental fee.
Solar and heat pump water heaters efficiency levels are based on the following STC allocations in Zone 4 (southern Victoria):solar gas boosted – standard (29), high efficiency (33); electric boosted solar – standard (27), high efficiency (31); heat pump – standard (28), high efficiency (35).
How can I reduce hot water costs?
Perhaps the reason many of us overlook our water heating costs is because it seems rather difficult to manage – after all, you can’t just switch off the hot water system when you’re not using it. That’s not to say there isn’t still room to save. Below we’ve shared five easy things you can do to save on your hot water bill.
Find ways to use less hot water
Seems an obvious answer but the fact remains – if you’re looking to reduce your hot water bill, it will probably help to reduce your hot water usage. Now this doesn’t mean you have to go cold turkey. Some quick ways to cut down on usage could be:
- Running your washing machine with cold water.
- Cutting back your shower time.
- Reducing the water used while hand washing dishes.
- Running the dishwasher on an eco or economy setting.
You might also be interested in:
- Average water bill in Australia
- Gas hot water system prices and usage costs
- How much does it cost to run a washing machine?
Ensure you have the right sized system
If you have a storage hot water system that always seem to run out of hot water, then it’s probably time to upsize. Not just because running out of hot water is a tragedy that no one should have to endure, but also because the more your hot water system has to fill and heat a tank of water, the more energy it will consume. With that said, you shouldn’t get a water heater that’s larger than necessary either, as it will take more energy to heat the larger volume of water despite you not even using it.
It might also be worth considering a more energy-efficient model too, if you are the market for a new system. Although, keep in mind, this may cost you more upfront.
Consider if you are on the right electricity tariff
Ensuring you’re not spending more than necessary for hot water requires an understanding of your energy tariff.
- If you own a storage hot water system … A time of use tariff might be a cheaper option, assuming your system is set to refill and heat during off-peak and shoulder periods.
- If you own an instantaneous system … A time of use tariff may be the more expensive option if you shower in the morning and night. Flat rates or block flat rate tariffs might be the better option.
Another option for those with electric hot water systems is to have it put on a ‘controlled load’. This refers to a tariff where your hot water is metered and charged at a lower rate to the rest of your home energy usage. Controlled loads won’t be available in all areas, or with certain models of water heaters, but it can be a great choice if you have access to it.
Cheap Single Rate Electricity Plans in Australia
- SA
Here are some of the cheapest published deals from the retailers on our database that include a link to the retailer’s website for further details. These are products from referral partners†. These costs are based on the Ausgrid network in Sydney but prices may vary depending on your circumstances. This comparison assumes general energy usage of 3900kWh/year for a residential customer on a single rate tariff. Please use our comparison tool for a specific comparison in your area. Our database may not cover all deals in your area. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision.
Here are some of the cheapest published deals from the retailers on our database that include a link to the retailer’s website for further details. These are products from referral partners†. These costs are based on the Citipower network in Melbourne but prices may vary depending on your circumstances. This comparison assumes general energy usage of 4000kWh/year for a residential customer on a single rate tariff. Please use our comparison tool for a specific comparison in your area. Our database may not cover all deals in your area. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision.
Here are some of the cheapest published deals from the retailers on our database that include a link to the retailer’s website for further details. These are products from referral partners†. These costs are based on the Energex network in Brisbane but prices may vary depending on your circumstances. This comparison assumes general energy usage of 4600kWh/year for a residential customer on a single rate tariff. Please use our comparison tool for a specific comparison in your area. Our database may not cover all deals in your area. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision.
Here are some of the cheapest published deals from the retailers on our database that include a link to the retailer’s website for further details. These are products from referral partners†. These costs are based on the SA Power network in Adelaide but prices may vary depending on your circumstances. This comparison assumes general energy usage of 4000kWh/year for a residential customer on a single rate tariff. Please use our comparison tool for a specific comparison in your area. Our database may not cover all deals in your area. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision.
Insulate the pipes and heater
It might also help reduce costs if you insulate the pipes running off your hot water system. This can help to keep the water at maximum heat as it makes its way to you. Most insulation jobs can be done fairly cheap and easy as a DIY, but if in doubt, it may be best to reach out to a handyman for assistance. For more information on insulating your hot water system pipes, check out Energy.gov’s guide.
Keep your system well maintained
Hot water systems might be sturdy, but they still need maintenance. In storage models for example, if the sacrificial anode (which attracts rust inducing minerals) inside the hot water tank is not replaced, the system will rust from the inside. At first, your hot water system will have to consume more energy to produce the same amount of hot water, but left too long and your hot water system may blow out completely. This task requires a qualified technician, but you should only have to get it checked once every five years.
Cheap Natural Gas Plans
- WA
- SA
Gas Plans Compared in VIC
Here are some of the cheapest gas deals on our database for VIC. These estimated annual costs are based on the Australian Gas Network in Melbourne and yearly gas usage of 29,830MJ, but prices will vary depending on your circumstances. We show one product per retailer, listed in order of lowest estimated cost. This table includes products from referral partners†. Our database may not cover all deals in your area, and please check retailer websites for up to date information.
Gas Plans Compared in NSW
Here are some of the cheapest gas deals on our database for NSW. These estimated annual costs are based on the Jemena Gas Network in Sydney and yearly gas usage of 18,542MJ, but prices will vary depending on your circumstances. We show one product per retailer, listed in order of lowest estimated cost. This table includes products from referral partners†. Our database may not cover all deals in your area, and please check retailer websites for up to date information.
Gas Plans Compared in WA
Here are some of the cheapest gas deals on our database for WA. These estimated annual costs are based on the ATCO Network in Perth and yearly gas usage of 27,620 (units), but prices may vary depending on your circumstances. We show one product per retailer, listed in order of lowest estimated cost. This table includes products from referral partners†. Our database may not cover all deals in your area, and please check retailer websites for up to date information.
Gas Plans Compared in SA
Here are some of the cheapest gas deals on our database for SA. These estimated annual costs are based on the Australian Gas Network in Adelaide and yearly gas usage of 11,875MJ, but prices will vary depending on your circumstances. We show one product per retailer, listed in order of lowest estimated cost. This table includes products from referral partners†. Our database may not cover all deals in your area, and please check retailer websites for up to date information.
Gas Plans Compared in QLD
Here are some of the cheapest gas deals on our database for QLD. These estimated annual costs are based on the Australian Gas Network in Brisbane and yearly gas usage of 6,842MJ, but prices will vary depending on your circumstances. We show one product per retailer, listed in order of lowest estimated cost. This table includes products from referral partners†. Our database may not cover all deals in your area, and please check retailer websites for up to date information.
Which hot water system is right for my home?
Like many things, the hot water system that’s right for you will depend on a number of factors – there’s no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution. If it comes time to buy a new system though, it might be worth considering an energy efficient model. It may end up costing you more upfront but hopefully with time, you’ll start to see some noticeable savings on your next hot water bill.
If you’re spoilt for choice when it comes to hot water system brands and models though, be sure to check out our annual ratings of hot water systems. Here we list the brands everyday Aussies have rated best in the biz across a range of categories – from reliability to effectiveness, value for money and overall satisfaction. Just click the link below to find out more.