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夏に犬を涼しく保つには? – 友達とリラックスするための 15 のヒント








犬の快適さには多くの要因が影響しますが、夏に犬を涼しく保つのは簡単ではありません。さらに、温度が華氏 100 度まで上昇すると、非常に困難になる可能性があります。犬の体内温度は、平均して約 100 から 103 F です。外でリラックスしているだけで、何の活動もしていない場合でも、犬の体温を超えると問題が発生する可能性があります。

ただし、外気温が華氏 70 度前後の場合は、犬を外に連れ出すことは避けてください。これは、舗装の温度が高くなり、フット パッドのやけどを引き起こす可能性があるためです。湿度の高い地域では気温が低いほど暑く感じることがあるため、屋外の湿度レベルも確認する必要があります。





  • 過度のあえぎ
  • 過度のよだれ
  • 歯ぐきの赤み
  • 嘔吐
  • 下痢
  • 意識の喪失
  • まとまりのない動き
  • 折りたたむ



夏に犬を涼しく保つための 15 のヒント

夏は毎年暑くなっているため、犬を涼しく保つのは難しく、要求が厳しいものになっています。しかし、心配しないでください!犬と一緒に天気を楽しみ、最大限に活用するための 15 の最良の方法のリストを作成しました。


夏に犬を涼しく保つ最善の方法は、窓を開けた状態、またはエアコンを作動させた状態で犬を室内に保つことです。後者は、ダクトレス空調用の Cielo Breez スマート AC コントローラーまたはダクト付き空調用のスマート サーモスタットによって提供されるグローバル制御機能を介して簡単に行うことができます。これらのデバイスを使用すると、エアコンをリモートで制御し、自動温度を設定できるため、家にいなくても犬を涼しく保つことができます。


犬が普段屋外にいる場合、夏に犬を涼しく保つ最善の方法の 1 つは、犬小屋のエアコンを使用することです。これらのデバイスは、あなたが近くにいなくても、小さなスペースで犬を涼しく保つことができる最新のソリューションです.また、犬小屋のエアコンを Cielo Breez Plus に接続し、快適モードまたは毎週のスケジュールを設定して、エネルギーを節約しながら夏の暑さの中で犬を快適に保つこともできます。








夏に犬を涼しく保つために設計された多くの製品があります。犬も人間と同じように、寝ている間は涼しく過ごす必要があるため、冷却ベッドは最適なオプションです。また、冷却マットとベストを使用して、室内でも屋外でも犬を快適に保つことができます。 In addition, you can give your furry companion a frozen toy.

7. Exercise in the Evening

You cannot keep your dog stuck inside your home throughout the summer season. You just have to be cautious. It is important for your furry friends to get out for their daily exercises. When going out on a walk or to the park, choose a time of day when the sun is not high in the sky. This will ensure that your dog is not too hot and make it less likely for him to overheat.

8. Always Keep Cold Fresh Water Available

Your dog needs plenty of water in a normal daily routine, particularly if used to a dry kibble diet. This need is amplified in the summer to keep your dog cool. Keep lots of cold water or ice water out for your dog to drink, preferably in ceramic bowls. You can use portable bowls when out on adventures with your pet.

9. Availability of Cooling Spots

It is important to have cool-down spots for your dog during your outdoor adventures when it becomes a little too hot. You can find areas with a lot of shade or wind for your dogs to rest in when they appear tired.

10. Spray Dog With Water Often

Besides finding areas to unwind and cool down, you can also spray your dog with a hose to bring their body temperature down. Aiming the spray at their chest and armpit area is the fastest way to keep your dog cool.

11. Regular Grooming

Regularly grooming is an essential part when exploring how to keep your dog cool in the summer. Brushing your pet’s fur on a daily basis ensures that loose hair does not restrict the airflow. Regular baths are also great to keep your dog refreshed and cool during the peak of summer.

12. Avoid Walks on Hot Pavements/Roads

The intense heat of the summer means that roads and pavements would become much hotter than the temperature outside. Consequently, it can burn your dog’s skin, foot pads or cause blistering. Therefore, it is best to avoid going out when the temperature goes above 70F since the pavements can be up to 40 to 60 degrees hotter. It will get too hot for your dog to handle. You could focus on grassy areas for a walk and even style your small friend in the cutest dog footwear to protect their feet.

13. Add Sun Protection For Your Dog

It is important to keep your dog safe from sunburn, just like humans. The naked skin on top of their nose and inside their ears is very likely to get burnt in the intense sun. You can use FDA-approved doggie sunscreen that will provide prolonged protection to your dog from the sun rays.

14. Never Leave Your Dog in a Car

When you are out and about with your dog, ensure that you never leave them in the car without supervision. Even with the windows cracked, the temperature in cars rises a lot faster than it does otherwise. This could be extremely dangerous, especially in the summer heat.

15. Maintain a Consistent Weight

Keeping your dog at an ideal weight for their breed by measuring their food intake will also help them to stay cool in the heat. Overweight dogs have a much harder time cooling down their body. This is a risk particularly for breeds such as bulldogs, pugs, frenchies, etc., who find it harder to breathe in warm weather.

To Shave or Not to Shave Your Dog in Summer?

While it is commonly known that dogs’ fur is essential for insulation during winters, believe it or not, it also helps to keep dogs cool in the summer. The fur prevents your dog from the risk of sunburn, which is why shaving your dog is not advisable, especially in the case of double-coated dogs like huskys, corgis, etc.

You can, however, trim the fur to be lighter with the help of a clipper either by yourself or by a professional groomer. It is also recommended that you regularly brush your dog. This avoids matting, increasing the chances of heat being trapped and allowing proper airflow in the fur.

Now that you have all the information you need to keep your dog cool in the summer, it’s time to have fun. We hope the tips mentioned above cover all the things you need to do to ensure that your dog remains comfortable as the temperatures rise. However, if your dog displays signs of heatstroke or exhaustion due to the heat, it is best to take them to the veterinarian, who can provide medical care.