1. カメラ
  2. カーオーディオ&エレクトロニクス
  3. ホームオーディオ
  4. パーソナルオーディオ
  5. テレビ
  6. スマートホーム
  >> 電子技術オンライン >  >> カーオーディオ&エレクトロニクス >> カースピーカー&サブウーファー

地元の小売業者が提供する自動車強化サービス トップ 20

ほとんどの人と同じように、地元のカー ステレオ ショップはカスタム オーディオ システム、スピーカーの交換、および、彼らが自分自身をうまく売り込んでいるなら、リモートカースターターの設置。現実には、多くのモバイル拡張小売業者は、オーディオ システムの販売やサービスをはるかに超えたさまざまな自動車拡張サービスを提供しています。あまり話題に上らないサービス オプションのいくつかを見てみましょう。 (編集者注:これらのサービスのすべてがすべてのモバイル拡張小売業者で利用できるわけではありません。)




多くの新しい車やトラックが、高度な衝突回避技術を備えたディーラーから出荷されます。最も基本的なものは、車両の操縦中に物体や人の存在を警告できるリア ビジョン カメラ システムまたはパーキング センサー システムです。車両にバックアップ カメラやパーキング センサーがない場合は、システムを簡単に追加できます。


パーキング センサーと同様に、アフターマーケットの死角監視システムが車両の存在を警告します。またはあなたの横またはすぐ後ろのオブジェクト。物体がこのスペースに入ると、小さなインジケータが点灯して、死角に物体があることを警告します。方向指示器を作動させると、警告音が鳴り、誰かがそこにいることを知らせます。


あなたの車、トラック、または SUV にシートヒーターが付いていなくても心配はいりません。高品質のシート ヒーター エレメントをほとんどの車両に追加して、寒い時期の旅行をより快適にすることができます。背中が悪い場合は、少し暖かくすることで、ドライブがより快適になります。ほとんどのシート ヒーター キットには高低の設定がありますが、多くの場合、可変設定のシステムを選択できます。


古い車両をお持ちの場合、またはインテリアの外観の変更に興味がある場合は、お近くのモバイル エレクトロニクス専門店にお問い合わせください。完全なカスタムインテリアであなたを。 Katzkin、Leatherseats.com、Roadwire などの企業は、お好みの糸の色を含め、さまざまな色とパターンで車両固有のシート張りを提供しています。必要に応じて、家具製造販売業にロゴを刺繍することもできます.多くのショップでは、車両のカーペットをさまざまな色の新しいカスタム成形部品と交換して、変身を完成させることもできます.


手動クランク スタイルのウィンドウを備えた車両にパワー ウィンドウを追加できることをご存知ですか?このアップグレードを実現するには、2 つのオプションがあります。理想的には、お近くの販売店で、工場から直接取り付けられた電動ウィンドウ レギュレーター (リフト機構) に交換できます。このオプションは安くはありませんが、最高のパフォーマンスと寿命を提供します.工場システムのコストまたは可用性がそのオプションを除外する場合、SPAL などの企業は、制御スイッチを含むユニバーサル モータリゼーション キットを提供します。 Your shop can integrate your power windows (factory or aftermarket) into your remote starter, security system or keyless entry system to allow the windows (or even your sunroof) to be opened or closed remotely.

6. Fog and Auxiliary Lighting

Who better to install aftermarket lighting than someone who specializes in automotive electrical systems? From a set of OEM-style fog or driving lights to high-power bumper or roof-mounted light bars, your local mobile electronics specialist can install and wire the system so it’s secure and reliable.

7. Emergency and Signal Lighting

If you have a work truck, talk to your local mobile electronics specialist about installing high-output emergency lighting. From beacons and light bars to surface-mount lighting, strobes, sirens and scene lighting, an automotive electrical expert is adept at integrating these systems into your vehicle safely and reliably.

8. Cruise Control

A variety of new vehicles are still available without cruise control. Whether you have a classic car with a carburetor, a new vehicle with drive-by-wire throttle or something in between, aftermarket cruise control solutions are available to make your next long-distance trip a lot more comfortable.

9. Truck Accessories

Are you in the market for a set of side-steps, a new toolbox for the truck bed, a new tonneau cover or an off-road-ready grille guard? Drop by your local mobile enhancement retailer. In addition to being experts at automotive electrical systems, most shops have the tools and experience required to install a variety of truck accessories.

10. Vehicle Tracking Systems

If you want to know where your vehicle or fleet of vehicles is at all times, a GPS-based tracking system is a perfect solution. These products can monitor a single vehicle and send you an alert when it moves, or they can log the location of dozens or hundreds of trucks, all at the same time. GPS tracking systems have been proven to cut down on wasted time and reduce the potential for accidents by altering driving behavior. Tracking systems are also available for powersports vehicles and construction equipment.

11. Power Trunk Release

Almost any car stereo shop can add an actuator to a cable-operated power trunk to integrate it into a keyless entry, remote start or security system. They can even add a switch to your dash, center console or glove box to pop the truck easily from inside the vehicle. Why stop with the trunk? How about a power fuel-filler door release?

12. Electrical Repairs

Do you have a power window that won’t roll down, a door that doesn’t lock when you press the button on your remote, or an intermittent instrument cluster? The advanced troubleshooting experience that most mobile electronics technicians possess far exceeds that of some dealership service centers. If there is something electrical or electronic not working on your vehicle, drop by and see if they can help.

13. Custom Fabrication Products

Not every fabrication project needs to be about an audio system. If you need a mobile office complete with 120 VAC outlets and mobile Internet in your SUV or van, that’s an easy task. What about building custom door panels and a center console for a custom or classic car restoration? Many mobile electronics shops around the country specialize in custom interior fabrication.

14. Radar Detector and Laser Countermeasure Systems

If you live in a state or province that allows the use of radar detectors, the team at your local car stereo shop is far and away the best choice to integrate a premium system into your vehicle. Custom installed radar detectors and laser defense systems provide early warning against police radar and can delay laser measurement devices from obtaining a speed reading.

15. Detailing and Paint Protection

Are there scratches or swirl marks in your paint finish? Having your vehicle professionally detailed can make it genuinely look better than new. There are several premium paint protection products available that can help maintain the finish of your vehicle. Ceramic coatings and paint protection film will help keep your car, truck or SUV looking like new.

16. Window Tinting

Having the windows of your vehicle tinted does a lot more than simply change the style of your vehicle. Window films block almost all of the ultraviolet energy from the sun to protect the occupants from accelerated skin aging. Premium films offer infrared rejection properties that help to keep the interior of your vehicle cooler. Window tint can also make your vehicle safer. If you get into an accident, the resulting tiny pieces of glass will remain adhered to the film rather than flying across the vehicle. Finally, window tint can help to reduce crimes of opportunity. If someone can’t see the contents of your vehicle, there is less reason for them to break in.

17. Wheel and Tire Upgrades

Many mobile enhancement retailers offer a variety of wheel and tire packages for cars, trucks and SUVs. In many cases, you can have the products you choose installed in a day or two. Nothing changes the styling of a vehicle more than a new set of wheels. Tires are the No. 1 safety item on your vehicle — they are the only thing keeping you connected to the road.

18. Premium Floor Mats

Many retailers offer automotive accessories like floor mats. One of the most popular brands in this category is WeatherTech. Their premium Floor Liner solution features a high-quality protective mat that is molded to the floor of your vehicle. The mat extends up the firewall and the center console to protect your carpet from damage, dirt and salt stains. WeatherTech also offers side window deflectors, mud flaps, bug deflectors and much more. Even if your local retailer doesn’t carry the WeatherTech brand, they should be able to source a solution to keep your vehicle looking great.

19. Boat, Motorcycle and Powersport Vehicle Audio Upgrades

Just because it’s called a car stereo shop doesn’t mean that its technicians aren’t adept at working on all sorts of mobile audio systems. Marine audio upgrades are a great way to make your time on the water even more enjoyable. Cruiser-class motorcycles are even more fun when you have an audio system that sounds great. If you want music on your side-by-side, ATV or even a snowmobile, they should be able to handle that as well.

20. Performance Parts

Are you looking for a set of lowering springs, a computer programmer or maybe a supercharger or turbo kit? Many mobile electronics retailers have technicians available to enhance the performance of your vehicle. A bolt-on exhaust, cold-air intake, high-flow air filter or throttle body spacer can provide your vehicle with a little extra power and may improve your gas mileage at the same time.