DSLR レンズのレビュー:どのレンズを購入するか?
適切な DSLR レンズがなければ、可能な限り最高の写真を撮ることはできず、写真家としての可能性を最大限に発揮することもできません。これまでで最も鮮明で、最も鮮明な写真を撮りたいですか?毎回最高の写真を撮るには、本当に高品質のレンズを使用する必要があります。

このデジタル一眼レフ レンズ レビューのリストでは、最高のデジタル一眼レフ レンズに関する多数の推奨事項を取得するだけでなく、これらのレンズが高く評価されている理由を正確に理解することもできます。 Canon と Nikon は最も人気のあるブランドであるため、このリストではそれぞれの最も推奨されるブランドを取り上げます。また、Canon と Nikon に匹敵する他のレンズ ブランドも見つけることができます。
Canon は、市場に出回っている 2 つの主要なレンズ ブランドの 1 つです。幅広いプロの写真家にとって頼りになるレンズです 写真愛好家だけでなく。 Canon は高品質のブランドであるため、そのレンズの多くは高価な側にある傾向がありますが、より手頃な価格でお得なレンズもいくつかあります.
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 望遠ズーム レンズ、Canon SLR カメラ用
このレンズは、結婚式の写真など、ポートレートをたくさん撮影する必要がある場合に最適なレンズです。趣味でスポーツシーンを撮るだけでも、頼りになるレンズです。用途の広い焦点距離を特徴としており、被写体に近づき、個人的に撮影したい写真家に最適です。 7ポンド 、ほとんどのレンズよりも著しく重いレンズです。小売価格は 2000 ドルを超えますが、ちょっと!払った分だけ手に入るということを忘れないでください。

Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II カメラ レンズ
あなたがギグの多いプロの写真家でない限り、これらのDSLRレンズレビューで最高のものであっても、レンズに腕と脚を支払うべきではありません.このモデルは、約 $100 と非常に手頃な価格であるため、この条件に完全に適合します。 、そしてその光学品質は価格に対して非常に印象的です!あなたが極端なクローズアップのファンなら、ポートレートの素数撮影に問題がない限り、これはあなたのためのレンズです.わずか 1 ポンドと非常に軽量で、フィールドに持ち出すのに非常に便利です。

Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM 望遠ズーム レンズ、Canon SLR カメラ用
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 望遠ズームレンズよりもはるかに安価なレンズで、それでもかなりのシャープネスが必要な場合は、このレンズが最適です。数百ドル安くなるだけでなく、わずか 3 ポンドと非常に軽量です。

また、効率的で静かなオートフォーカスのためのインナーフォーカスシステムと超音波モニターも備えています。 4 フィート弱の最短焦点距離を備えたこのレンズは、かなりタイトなショットを確実に提供します。

Canon EF 85mm f1.2L II USM レンズ、Canon DSLR カメラ用
ポートレート写真家は、これが最も人気のあるキヤノンレンズの1つであることをすでに知っています.円形絞りと高速 AF、中望遠レンズ、リング型 UltraSonic モニター、111mm の焦点距離により、ポートレート写真家はこのレンズで最も魅力的でリアルな写真を撮ることができます。 その高品質の性能により、このキャノン モデルはほぼ 2000 ドルかかりますが、優れた被写界深度を提供します。 背景をぼかしながら、写真の被写体への視聴者の注意を高めます。これが、このレンズが結婚式やポートレートに最適な理由です。

Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 マクロ USM レンズ、Canon SLR カメラ用
One of the best macro lenses you’ll find anywhere, this Canon model has a lot of benefits to provide photographers. It comes with a diagonal angle of view of 24 degrees, a 100mm focal length, an inner focusing system with an UltraSonic monitor and a focusing distance that can get as close as 1 foot. Its best feature, though, is probably its silent-wave motor. The focal length is absolutely delightful for shooting subjects that stand still (read:buildings, landscapes, etc.). So if you don’t have a requirement to shoot insects or fast-moving athletes, this should be perfect for you.

The Most Recommended Nikon Lenses
Nikon is the other big lens brand on the block, and its lenses have a reputation for great contrast, sharpness and color rendition. Some of its models even feature vibration reduction, which is great if you’re fond of shooting from moving vehicles. Nikon lenses tend to be pricier, too.
Nikon 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR II AF-S Nikkor Zoom Lens for Nikon Digital SLR
Value and spectacular quality meet to offer one of the best Nikon lenses on the market right now. There are many factors to take into consideration when evaluating this model:Its widely praised zoom range, its relatively low price point (for what you get), and its brilliant optical quality. This is the lens you want with you when you’re on vacation or even just photowalking in your own neck of the woods. If there’s a minus here, it’s a minor one:This model can be somewhat slow to focus, given the bigger focal range.

Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Zoom Nikkor Lens for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras
The attractive aspect of this model is that it has a great reputation for being a high-quality lens, with many photographers giving it rave reviews. Some of its standout features include its relatively quick speed, vibration reduction and how it lends itself very well to being used for weddings, portraits and sports shots. Vibration reduction is especially sweet if you have a knack for taking a lot of pictures from moving cars, boats or even planes! One small note, though:It’s relatively expensive, so be prepared to shell out at least a couple of grand for this baby.

Nikon 105mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor Lens
Canon had its entry into the macro-photography genre above, and now Nikon contributes its own macro-photography lens in this list of DSLR lens reviews.

If you’re a fan of snapping shots of tiny insects, the delicate dew on flowers in the morning, and any object up close and personal, then you need this lens. This Nikon model is exemplary because it has vibration reduction , which means that its quick aperture is going to be even that much more useful to you out in the field.

Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II AF-S Nikkor Zoom Lens For Nikon Digital SLR Cameras
Calling all portrait photographers! This is your go-to Nikon lens when you have to shoot weddings—you won’t be left disappointed. Its defining feature is that it provides super-sharp results through much of the focal range…what more could you ask for? Some portrait photographers may indeed like shorter focal length primes when taking portrait shots, but you’ve got to go with what works for you. Some of its best features include the silent-wave motor, vibration reduction, image stabilization and amazing sharpness and color correction, thanks to extra-low dispersion elements.

Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8G ED AF-S Nikkor Wide Angle Zoom Lens
If you’re looking for a fairly priced, easy-to-use and enjoyable lens, look no farther than this particular Nikon model. On Amazon.com, it currently enjoys a fairly high rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars, meaning that customer satisfaction is extremely high. Out of more than 230 reviews so far, the lens has nearly 200 5-star reviews. A zoom lens with a fair focal range, it impresses photographers with its fast-focusing abilities, sharp picture-taking results and comfort of use. All this boils down to a lens that’s ideal for everyday photography , people shots and landscapes.

The Most Recommended Non-Canon/Non-Nikon Lenses
Sometimes, cheaper and lesser-known lenses are all you need! Unless you’re a professional photographer or someone who’s fond of showing off your brand-name lenses, you can do just fine with third-party lenses. While they’re not up to par, quality-wise, with Canon or Nikon, there are some gems to be found in this category.
Tamron AP 28-75mm f/2.8 XR ZL Di LD Aspherical Lens:Canon Version, Nikon Version, Pentax Version, Sony Version
Tamron may be a lesser-known lens brand, but you’d never know that from the sheer quality of this model. It’s gotten rave reviews from photographers who appreciate its various strengths, very affordable price tag and sharp quality. Costing just $500, this lens focuses very quickly, offers sharp picture quality and can even be used as an excellent macro lens as a bonus. It is capable of focusing to within half a foot of any given subject! If you don’t mind purchasing a third-party lens, you can get a nice alternative to the much pricier Canon and Nikon lenses.

Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC HSM Lens:Canon Version, Nikon Version
An enjoyable wide angle lens to have around when you take your camera bag and hit the town, this Sigma model features a hyper sonic motor. This means you get high-speed and silent autofocus, as well as full-time manual focus. For a third-party lens brand, it also possesses quite an impressive close-focusing distance of just 9.4 inches. At 3.2 inches in length and 3.3 inches in diameter, this is a compact lens that you should be easily able to take with you just about anywhere, which is a sizeable part of its appeal.

Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 Lens:Canon Version, Nikon Version, Sony Version
It’s not too often that you come upon a wide-angle lens that is the epitome of affordability and great quality. This Tokina model fits the bill on both counts:Its sophisticated optics and quick aperture put it in a league of its own, at least as far as its competitors in this same price point are concerned.

For added durability, all the moving parts of the lens are coated with an extraordinary lubricant. This Tokina lens can fit Canon, Nikon and Sony cameras. This brand has a reputation for clean and really sharp images —you’ll see why when you use this lens.

SMC Pentax FA 50mm f/1.4
Photographers always on the go who value lightness and compact lenses will be impressed with this lens from Pentax. At just under 8 ounces and only 1.5 inches, it’s a lens that’s meant to be as non-intrusive as possible. Featuring a completely automatic diaphragm and a fixed, 50-mm focal length, you can’t ask for much more at a price point of under $400. A small reminder:Even though this lens works fine with all Pentax SLR cameras, you can only use the AF system specifically with Pentax AF cameras.

Sigma 50-500mm Lens:Canon Version, Nikon Version, Sony Version
Fair warning:This is the only lens on this list of DSLR lens reviews that doesn’t feature stunning optics. It’s still on this list because it offers adequately sharp, but not breathtakingly sharp, images. Besides, it possesses a comfortable focal range and an effective autofocus. The reason this baby’s on this list, though, is because it opens up opportunities for thousands and thousands of photographers who otherwise wouldn’t be able to buy a real telephoto lens for wildlife and sporting shots! Usually, lenses for sports and wildlife photography will run you approximately $6000, but this Sigma model is available starting at $1500.

What’s the Best Lens for You?
It all depends! This authoritative list has taken you through a myriad of DSLR lenses that are perfect for photographers of all shapes and sizes. Are you a high-end photographer who needs to take wedding portraits for your job? You may want to strongly consider the Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM Telephoto Zoom Lens. However, if you’re a budget photographer who doesn’t have the means to spend an arm and a leg for the latest equipment, you can still be happy with the quality of the Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II Camera Lens.
There are even additional considerations beyond these. If you’re open to third-party lens manufacturers and don’t need to show off your Canon or Nikon equipment, then think about choosing a Tamron, Sigma, Pentax or Tokina lens. They’re cheaper than the Canon and Nikon lenses and still offer really good quality. Of course, if you have a passion for specialized and very refined photography that has you snapping shots from moving vehicles, you may want to splurge and get the Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Zoom Nikkor Lens.
You and you alone decide on which lens works best for your priorities. The sooner you incorporate this philosophy, the faster you’ll find the perfect lens.
What are YOUR favorite DSLR lenses? Do you have any memorable or positive experiences with specific lenses? Then, tell us all about them in the comments section! And, as always, feel free to share this post so more peeps can learn about photography.