優れたホーム シアターを使用すると、お気に入りの HD 映画、スポーツ チーム、またはストリーミング音楽を視聴するときに、最適な映画体験を楽しむことができます。ただし、不要なノイズはエクスペリエンスを大きく損なう可能性があります!
では、窓やドアなどから外部から伝わる騒音をどのように制御しますか?ホーム シアター ルームを防音する最も簡単で費用対効果の高い方法は、防音音響カーテンを設置することです。
この記事では、これらの防音カーテンがどのように機能するか、それらを使用する方法、およびホーム シアターの不要なノイズを低減し、ホーム シアターを防音するのに最適なカーテンについて説明します!
部屋のエコーを減らすためにそれらを使用する場合、それらのほとんどは機能します。ほとんどすべての防音カーテンは、部屋の騒音を減衰または減衰 (吸収) し、反響を防ぐ優れた方法です。
<強い>1.安価: 専門的な防音対策のほとんどは、非常に費用と時間がかかります。
<強い>2.ブラックアウトのメリット: ほとんどの防音カーテンは遮光カーテンでもあります。夏の間、これらのカーテンは日光を遮断して暗くする効果があり、部屋を涼しく保ち、素敵で落ち着いた薄暗い劇場の雰囲気を与えます.太陽が早く昇る春や夏の明るい朝を遮るのに最適です!
3.強化された雰囲気: 通常の派手なカーテンと同様に、ホームシアターの外観を向上させます。
<強い>4.賃貸住宅でできること: 防音カーテンは、あまり改造を必要としないため、レンタルを含め、ほとんどすべての家に取り付けることができます。賃貸住宅にその他の侵襲的な変更を加えることはできません。
同じように、音は特定の素材を通過する速度が遅くなります。音を大幅に遅くして本質的に音を遮断する素材もあります。防音カーテンはこのような素材でできています。 さらに、タイルや金属などの硬い表面は音を反射して音を伝え続け、カーペットやカーテンなどの柔らかい素材は音を吸収します。
<強い>1.重量/素材: 少なくとも 15 ポンドまたは約 7 kg の重量があります。これは、フェイクスエード、ウール、ツイル、キルトファイバーグラス、ベルベット、ロックウールなどの重い素材で作られているためです.ビニールでコーティングされている場合もあります。一般に、カーテンが重いほど、遮音性が高くなります。
<強い>2.しっかりと織られています: カーテンはしっかりと織られていなければなりません。裏地を追加すると、ノイズをより効果的に遮断できるため、レイヤード カーテンを探してください。
<強い>3.高さ、幅、シール: 窓を完全に覆うように、窓の周りのできるだけ多くの領域を覆う必要があります。つまり、天井から床まで十分に長く、両側の各窓を覆うのに十分な幅が必要です。また、カーテンを折りたたんで両側の窓を完全に密閉する必要があります。
<強い>4.長さ: 先ほど言ったように、カーテンは天井から床まで十分な長さでなければなりません。従来の 8 フィートの天井がある場合は、84 インチの長さのカーテンではなく、96 インチのカーテンを購入する必要があります。これを行うと、カーテンが天井から床まで伸びます.
<強い>5.厚さ: 騒音に対して十分なバリアを提供するために、防音カーテンは少なくとも 2 インチ (つまり、約 5 cm) の厚さが必要です。
<強い>6.スタイル: プリーツのある幅広のカーテンは、より多くの音を遮断します。カーテンの幅が広いほど、ギャザーが多くなり、カーテンの折り目がきつくなります.折り目は音波を反射するのに役立ち、プリーツはカーテンを厚くします.この組み合わせにより、音がカーテンを通り抜けにくくなります。
7. STC 評価: STC は音響透過クラスの略で、特定のタイプの素材がどれくらいの音を止める可能性があるかについてかなり大まかな考えを与える単一の数値評価です。これは、今日使用されている最も一般的な減音測定です。一般に、STC 評価が高いほど、素材の効果的な遮音性が高くなります。
前に述べたように、ホーム シアターに入るノイズのレベルを大幅に低減する防音カーテンを見つけることができます。
They are thermally insulated which means they not only block out sunlight, but they help keep the room warm during the winter and cool during the summer. This means they will help you save on those expensive electricity bills!
Design: These curtains are made of high-quality polyester fabric that is manufactured using triple weave technology.
Yet, the curtains are very elegant and rather soft which is surprising for blackout curtains. Moreover, they are available in several varieties, it’s easy to find one to fit the ambience of your home.
2. Beautyrest 11239042X095IV Chenille
Beautyrest darkening curtains are special blackout curtains which are rather subtle and elegant.
They are great for darkening rooms and therefore giving you a good night’s or even day’s sleep. Of course, they also help to block noise from the outside helping you to relax in the comfort of your home.
Design: These are made of 100% polyester textured chenille fabric and are quite elegant and of high quality.
Additional accessories such as rods (sold separately) may be added which make the curtains even more pleasing to the eyes. Moreover, they are can be easily washed and dried which means they are very durable.
3. Moondream Soundproof Curtains
The Moondream Soundproof Curtains are all about noise reduction. They are designed with three layers to improve noise reduction. Moondream claims that these curtains can achieve noise reduction of up to 7 decibels.
The curtains also do a great job of blocking out sunlight and keeping an even temperature within the room.
Design: These curtains are special because they are made of Moondream’s patented 3-in-1 layer technology. These layers combine 100% of polyester on the first layer, with 99.99% of polyester as well as 0.01% aluminium on the second layer and 100% genuine cotton as its third layer.
4. Best Home Fashion Thermally Insulated Blackout Curtains
If you have trouble sleeping, then these blackout curtains are ideal for you. The Best Home Fashion Thermally Insulated Blackout Curtains are high quality blackout curtains which create the ideal sleeping environment for your or your kids.
Not only that, but they will help to ease they effects of loud noises from outside as well as maintaining an even temperature within the room.
Design: These curtains are made of 100% polyester and are fully machine washable. Even though the fabric is insulated and thick, it is soft to the touch. These curtains are available in a variety of colors.
5. Eclipse Suede Energy-Efficient Curtains
If you are seeking curtains that block out a tremendous amount of light then, the Eclipse Suede Energy-Efficient Curtains is an excellent choice. These curtains are made of suede and look very classy, as if they could be placed on a theatre stage, yet they aren’t very expensive.
For maximum light blocking, you should double up on the number of panels for your window width.
Do not skimp on the length! By just following the directions, you should be able to achieve about 99% sunlight blocking with these curtains.
In fact, you should also achieve about three to five times the noise reduction over normal sound reduction curtains.
Acoustic Curtains For Garage Bands And Recording Artiste
Many musicians use their home theater as a makeshift studio for recordings because it’s supposed to be somewhat soundproof.
If you are a musician or recording artiste looking to start a small recording studio in your home, then you will face two problems if your home theater room is not soundproof:
1. Noisy neighbors. Yep, they will get especially noisy when you’re ready to record your music!
2. Annoying, crazy echoes from the bare walls.
In order to properly drown out noise from outside, you will need sound absorption sheets, sound blankets and soundproof windows.
However, you will also need good soundproof curtains to drown out the crazy echoes so you can clearly hear your instruments and hear yourself!
If you fail to do this, you will spend hours listening to endless echoes and will have to do rehearsal after rehearsal. It will quickly kill your enthusiasm for producing quality music. It will be crazy!
If for no other reason, you need to soundproof the home theater so that you won’t give your neighbors headaches. Surely, some consider your music to be nothing but noise. Remember, being neighborly goes both ways.
How To Get The Best Sound Reduction From Your Curtains
So now that you have purchased your new, shiny soundproof curtain, should you just go home and put it up and expect complete bliss? No, there are a few rules of thumb that you should follow to ensure maximum effectiveness:
Use Ceiling Brackets: Using ceiling brackets instead of the regular wall brackets to hang your curtain rod will, of course, bring your curtain closer to the ceiling; which will block more sound. This is why it’s important for soundproof curtains to be long and not short.
Use 4X Panels: Most people will purchase two panels for each window. However, to achieve maximum effectiveness, you should use four panels at each window. Using four panels for each window increases the density and therefore blocks more sound.
Position: Who would’ve thought that the position of the curtains also helps with noise reduction? Well, it does. Researchers have found that the ideal position to place your sound reduction curtains is about 15 to 20cm from the window or wall to allow them to absorb up to five times as much sound as a regular curtain.
Other Home Theater Soundproofing Methods
When most people think of soundproofing a room, they think of installing multiple layers of sound absorption sheets and sound blankets, and that’s for good reason.
While soundproof curtains offer a number of advantages, (they are easy to install, inexpensive and they look great), there are other methods you can go about soundproofing your home theater as well:
Now, we’ll pull the curtains down on this article…
By now, it should be clear that quality soundproof curtains are important to dampen noise in your home theater. While they may not give as much soundproofing as other soundproofing options such as soundproofing windows and other more professional methods, they offer more than enough noise reduction quality for most people, allowing them to enjoy their home theater without too much unwanted noise.
Your choice of soundproof curtains will depend on many things, including the amount of noise experienced in your house. Use a decibel meter app to measure the decibel levels in your house. Check out one of our decibel level chats to get an idea of the level of danger of the noise in your house.
Bottom line, there are many ways you can soundproof your home, but none are perhaps as convenient and cost-effective as soundproof curtains.
It is our hope that you have found the best option for your home theater room and will enjoy your home theater even more. All the best!