車のスピーカーのフォーム リングが損傷する理由とその修復方法
少し前まで、新しいドア スピーカーを車に取り付けた直後に、1 つ取り出してフォーム リングを修理しなければなりませんでした。
以下の記事では、壊れた車のスピーカーのフォーム リングを修理して、後でお気に入りの音楽をより長く楽しむことができるようにする方法を紹介します。
スピーカー フォーム サラウンド リングとは何ですか?
フォーム リングは、コーンとスパイダーの完全なパッケージとして機能するスピーカーのサスペンションの一部です。サラウンドとスピーカー下部のスパイダーの両方がコーンを中央の位置に保ち、マグネット ギャップ内でのボイス コイルの自由な動きを保証します。
ボイス コイルは、横方向の動きがなく、上下方向にのみ動く必要があります。そのため、コーンをまっすぐに保つことが重要です。

片側の周囲への損傷は、特にそれが単なるパンクよりも大きい場合、コーンが強い側に向かって少しオフセットします.効果として、スピーカーのボイス コイルが磁石の内側と平行でなくなるため、片側が磁石に近づきすぎて動き始め、ブーンという音が聞こえます。
破れたスピーカー サラウンドを修正する方法
スピーカー コーンが損傷しているだけでなく、スピーカーが裂け始めたり、エッジの薄いゴムに何かが突き刺さったりすることがよくあります。
スピーカーのサラウンドは、損傷が小さい場合 (エッジが破れたり、フォームやゴムに穴が開いている場合など) は数分で修復できます。大きな休憩の場合は、サラウンド全体を交換する必要があるかもしれません.
破損したスピーカー フォームまたはラバー リングを修正するには、特別なツールは必要ありません。ブレードナイフ、メス、またははさみを使用してください。接着剤として、私は最近パーツ エクスプレス スピーカー修理用接着剤を使用しましたが、密閉性は良好でした。
作業が終わったら、スピーカーを換気の良い場所に一晩放置して、完全に乾かします。使用する接着剤によっては、乾燥に時間がかかる場合があります。まれに、48 時間待つ必要がある場合があります。
#1. コーンの端からリングを切り取ります。コーンを傷つけないように、やさしく行ってください。
#2. エッジからフォームを取り除き、周囲の領域が接着されるすべての破片をきれいにします。
#3. 新しい周囲のリングを取り、内側の部分を接着剤の層で覆います。コーンと周囲の間の接続はしっかりしていて完全に密閉されている必要があるため、接着剤の量が少なすぎないようにしてください。また、リングの内側と外側を同時に接着しないでください。そうすることで、ボイス コイルが中心から外れて、スピーカーが機能しなくなる危険性があります。
#4. 周囲をひっくり返して、接着した部分をコーンの端に貼り付けます。 Make sure the surrounding is centred over the cone. For better sticking to the cone, apply some pressure on the glued edges, you can gently tap it all around with a finger.
#5 . This step is the most important in the whole replacement. You will have to glue the ring to the speaker surrounding making sure that the cone is centred against the magnet.
The video below shows the great and fast way how to centre the voice coil and test a speaker at the same time.
Another way to centre the voice coil is to remove a dust cap and use shims. This method, however, may not work in all car speakers due to their size.
#6. When the voice coil is centred, you can connect the foam ring to the speaker basket. Apply glue over the whole area and gently push a speaker ring down until it touches the basket. Rub fingers over the all surround, making sure it will stick to the basket with no gaps in between.
#7. After gluing, it is good to keep both parts together. You can use plastic clips and leave the speaker overnight. The next day when the glue is dry, push a cone a few times down, and if you do not feel any rubbing, the speaker is ready to be installed in the car.
How to Protect Speaker Foam Ring From Damages?
For mechanical damages, try to cover speakers with grills, and if not possible, try not to place any heavy sharp object in front of the speakers.
To prevent tears on the foam or rubber rings, do not keep speakers in a high humid condensation. It may be difficult during rainy days, but when you often use AC in a car, the air should dry the speakers’ surface quickly.
Also, sunlight is a killer for soft foam. Especially, when you have speakers in the dashboard or in the rear deck, they are exposed to the sunlight for the whole day, and that does not increase their lifetime at all. Tinted windows may help but not on the dashboard.
To protect your surroundings from tearing too fast, you can cover them with lubricate, like INTERIOR RESTORER CREAM from ArmorAll.
The extra coating will prevent foam from drying too quickly and can add a few more years to your speakers’ lifetime. For the best effect, try to cover both sides of the surrounding.
It may not always be possible to access this area in the smallest speakers, but you can use thin ear sticks with a little cream at the end and rub it gently.
It is essential to check the speakers from time to time. If you notice any signs of damage to the surroundings, try to repair them as soon as you can. This way, you can prevent more complicated repairs in the future.
I am checking my speakers twice per year before and after winter, and so far, they are in good condition. I am going to keep it that way also for the new speakers.
How to Fix a Torn Speaker Surround?
The most common type of damage to speaker surrounds is tearing. This can be caused by the speaker’s age, sun exposure, or simply when using the speaker too much.
There are two ways to fix this problem:you can either replace the surround or repair it.
If the tear is small, you may be able to repair it with glue. The best type of glue to use is a cyanoacrylate adhesive, also known as super glue.
This will bond the surround material with the speaker basket and the cone and make it strong enough to last for a long time.
If the tear is large, you will need to replace the surround. This is not a difficult task, but it does require some patience.
You will need to remove the old surround and install the new one. Make sure that you use the same type of glue that you used to repair the small tear.
How to Replace Speaker Surround?
Replacing the speaker surround is more complicated than repairing it because the cone will be free after removal.
Hence, keeping the cone in the speaker’s centre while installing a new surround is critical. Otherwise, the speaker will not work correctly.
#1. Remove the old surround:Use a razor blade or sharp knife to cut around the edge of the old surround. Be careful not to damage the cone.
#2. Install the new surround:Apply a thin layer of glue around the edge of the cone. Then, align the new surround with the edge of the cone and press it into place.
#3. Let the glue dry:Once the glue has dried, your speaker will be as good as new!
#4. Test the speaker:Make sure the speaker is working correctly before using it.
What Kind of Glue Is Used for Speaker Surrounds?
The best type of glue to use is a cyanoacrylate adhesive, also known as super glue.
This will bond the surrounding material together and make it strong enough to last for a long time. Super glue is also great because it dries quickly, so you won’t have to wait long for your speaker to be ready to use.
What Does It Mean Refoam a Speaker?
Refoaming speakers involve replacing the foam surround attached to the speaker cone.
The foam surround helps keep the cone in place and absorbs any vibrations. However, over time, the foam surround can degrade and cause the speaker to sound distorted, especially in the car speakers used in harsh conditions.
To keep the speaker in good condition, the surrounding should be replaced.
How Much Does It Cost to Have a Speaker Refoamed?
The cost of having a speaker refoamed will depend on the speaker itself and the surrounding type you use.
Generally speaking, it will cost between $40 and $100 per speaker, it is therefore not recommended for cheaper speakers.
How to Repair Torn Speaker Foam?
If your speaker foam is torn in a large area, then it needs to be replaced.
You can replace the foam yourself, but it is best to leave it to a professional, especially when you do not have experience with repairing speakers.
How to Repair Subwoofer Foam Surround?
Repairing foam surround on a subwoofer is not much different from fixing a speaker’s surround, but the materials used have to be much stronger.
To repair the subwoofer’s foam surround, follow the steps below:
#1. Remove the subwoofer from the enclosure. This will give you better access to the foam surround.
#2. Use a sharp knife to trim away any loose or damaged bits of foam surround.
#3. Apply a generous amount of glue to the new foam surround.
#4. Place the new foam surround onto the subwoofer cone.
<強い>#5。 Use a clamp or heavy object to hold the new foam surround in place while the glue dries.
#6. Once the glue has dried, reassemble the subwoofer and place it back into the enclosure.
The above steps work in case of minor damages, but when the subwoofer’s surrounding is bad over a larger than two inches area, the subwoofer’s surrounding has to be replaced.
Can I Replace the Foam Surrounding With a Rubber?
Many people prefer to replace the foam surround with a rubber surround. This is because rubber surrounds last longer than foam, producing a better bass response.