カー アンプのヒューズが切れ続けるのはなぜですか?
次の 3 つの理由のいずれかで、カーアンプのヒューズが切れ続けます:
ヒント: インライン ヒューズの場合は、専用のヒューズ ボックスを使用してください。これにより、ヒューズが損傷したり、湿気やほこりによる接続を防ぐことができます.
多くのヒューズ ホルダーのタイプとバリエーションがありますが、私は InstallGear ブレード ヒューズと見つかった スティンガー ガラスヒューズに最適であること (Amazon へのリンク)
アンプがヒューズを飛ばすもう 1 つの理由は、電源線と接地線が近すぎる場合です。
それらが近くにあると、いわゆる「グランド ループ」が発生し、アンプが過熱し、最終的にヒューズが飛ぶ可能性があります。
これは、電源ワイヤが細すぎて (AWG が大きすぎて) シールドが不十分な場合に特に顕著です。
#1. ヒューズホルダーからヒューズを取り外します
#2. 光にかざして
#3. 中のワイヤーが溶けていないかチェック
ヒューズ ホルダーを開く前に、熱すぎないかどうかを確認してください。これは、より大きな問題を示している可能性があります。
ヒューズが飛んでいる可能性は見られないが、それでも問題の原因である可能性があると思われる場合は、マルチメーター を使用できます (Amazon へのリンク) で、正しく機能しているかどうかを確認してください。これを行うには:
#1. アンプを電源から外します
#2. マルチメータを導通モードに設定
#3. マルチメータの 1 つのリード線をヒューズの一端に接続します
#4. マルチメーターのもう一方のリードをヒューズのもう一方の端に接続します
これは、チャンネルごとにあまりにも多くのスピーカーを使用している場合、またはスピーカーが一致していない場合に発生する可能性があります (つまり、1 つの定格が 100 ワットで、もう 1 つの定格が 50 ワットしかなく、並列に接続されている)。
Ensure the amp is mounted in a well-ventilated spot and that nothing is blocking the airflow around it. If the problem persists, you may need an amplifier with larger cooling fans.
How to Prevent Car Amplifier From Blowing Fuses?
There are a few things you can do to prevent your amplifier from blowing fuses:
#1. Make sure the power and ground wires are of the correct size and properly connected.
#2. Keep the power and ground wires as far apart as possible.
#3. Use high-quality, thicker gauge wire for the power and ground connections.
#4. Make sure the amplifier is adequately ventilated.
<強い>#5。 Use a higher quality fuse placed in the temperature and water-resistant fuse box.
If you follow these tips, you’ll be much less likely to blow a fuse in your car amplifier. However, if it does happen, now you know how to check and replace the fuse.
The Symptoms of a Blown Car Amp Fuse.
If your car amplifier fuse has blown, you will notice a loss of the music as the amplifier stops working. In most cases, the sound is completely cut out, but if you have more than one amplifier, some speakers may still work.
If you suspect that the fuse has blown, the first thing you should do is check it with a multimeter. If there is no continuity, then the fuse needs to be replaced.
Once you’ve replaced the fuse, if the amplifier still isn’t working correctly, there may be another problem that needs to be taken care of.
In this case, you may need to reset the amplifier, but if it still does not work correctly after checking the installation, it’s best to take it to a professional for diagnosis and repair.
Can a Blown Car Amp Fuse Be Dangerous?
A blown car amp fuse is not dangerous, but this indicates something wrong is happening in the car audio installation.
If the fuse blows repeatedly, there may be a short circuit somewhere in the system, and this can be dangerous as it may cause a fire.
It is crucial to find and fix the problem as soon as possible to avoid any further damage. If you’re not confident in your abilities, you should take it to a professional for a detailed investigation.
How to Replace a Blown Car Amp Fuse?
If your car amplifier fuse has blown, you will need to replace it with a new one. To do this, you’ll need a few tools:
– A screwdriver
– A multimeter
– A replacement fuse of the same rating as the original one
#1. Use the screwdriver to remove the fuse from the holder. Then, use the multimeter (link to Amazon) to check the continuity between the two leads on the fuse. If there is no continuity, then the fuse needs to be replaced.
#2. Take the replacement fuse and insert it into the fuse holder in the same orientation as the original fuse. Once it’s in place, screw the holder back on.
#3. Now, turn on the car amplifier and test it to see if it’s working correctly. If not, there may be another problem that needs to be addressed.
After replacing the fuse, remember to put all rubber seals back in the fuse block so that moisture and dirt will not enter and cause problems.
The Best Way to Avoid Blowing Car Amp Fuse
The best way to avoid blowing a car amplifier fuse is by following these tips:
#1. Make sure the power and ground wires are of the correct size and properly connected.
#2. Keep the power and ground wires as far apart from each other as possible.
#3. Use high-quality, thicker gauge wire for the power and ground connections.
#4. Make sure the amplifier is adequately ventilated.
<強い>#5。 Use a higher quality fuse placed in the temperature and water-resistant fuse box.
Common Mistakes That Can Cause a Car Amp Fuse to Blow
There are several installation mistakes that can cause an amplifier to blow fuses:
#1. Installing the amplifier near sources of heat:
If your amp is installed near the engine or in a hot and humid environment, the excessive heat can damage the internal components and cause the fuse to blow.
#2. Incorrectly wiring the amplifier:
If the amplifier is not wired correctly, it can cause a short circuit that will blow a fuse. Consult the manufacturer’s instructions or have a professional do the installation to avoid this mistake.
#3. Not using an external capacitor:
A capacitor helps to stabilize the voltage coming from the car’s electrical system and prevents spikes that can damage the amplifier. If you don’t use a capacitor, your amplifier is more likely to blow its fuse.
#4. Using a fuse of the wrong amperage:
If you use a fuse that is too small for your amplifier, it will blow more easily. Be sure to use the correct size fuse as specified by the manufacturer.
If your car amp fuse keeps blowing, it can be frustrating and costly. In addition, you may not know what’s causing the fuse to blow, making it difficult to fix.
However, by understanding some of the common reasons for blown car amp fuses, you can take steps to prevent this from happening in the future.